
Chapter 421

After having lunch with Adolfo, Cedric and his assistants bid goodbye to Ian and Miguel. At first Miguel wanted to stay and babysit Emilio, but Ian reminded him that he still had to visit several patients in the afternoon. 

Eventually, Miguel reluctantly placed Emilio down and returned him to his father.

As they were walking out Miguel suddenly gripped Adolfo by the arm, taking the young man by surprise.

"Tell me if you have an update." Miguel said with a serious look in his eyes.

"You're lucky I didn't try to defend myself." Adolfo said as he shook Miguel's hand off his arm. "I'll give you regular updates." Adolfo said with a nod.

Miguel relaxed and sighed. "Thanks." He said to Adolfo with a smile, it seemed like it was a different person speaking earlier.

"We'll see you around." Ian told Cedric as he pulled Miguel out of the private room.