
Chapter 390

Cedric was now fully intrigued by Miguel's words, what could be so shocking that hearing about it wouldn't be enough.

'Your Uncle Miguel's child survived. This is all I can tell you, but know that your cousin is doing well and is loved.'

"That's it?" Cedric asked as he flipped the paper. "How do you even know that this is true? It could be a hoax, the Chan family is quite well known and the story of your Uncle Miguel is no deep dark secret. People could have heard about it."

"We feel it's true because the person isn't asking for anything." Miguel said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"And this is all this thing says?" Cedric asked as he handed the piece of paper back to Miguel.

"Yes, we brought it to a forensics lab after you went back to the office, they tested it for any hidden messages, there weren't any." Eric said with a shrug.

"You want to look for this cousin, don't you?" Cedric asked as he glared at the brothers.