
Chapter 303

"Mom, calm down." Cedric said in a gentle tone, signifying that he had no bad blood and he refused to make a scene.

"My daughter is happily married, Patricia, don't try to put someone in between." Gracia warned her sister-in-law.

"Tony is a much better man than Cedric." Patricia told Gracia.

"Mom, let it go." Adrianna gently told her mom as she held her hand.

Gracia closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before finally calming down.

"Thanks mom." Cedric said with a smile. His thanks was meant for two things, he thanked her for not making a scene and he thanked her for finally defending him. He knew that things had changed since the days when Gracia hated him for marrying Adrianna, he knew that now his mother-in-law truly cared.

"Aiden, why don't you tell Amanda about your adventures in Germany and Italy and Spain." Ivan Lobo happily encouraged the young man.