
Chapter 169

"I've been next to you this whole time? How could I have caused any problems?" Eric asked.

"It's not you. Someone managed to get a list of all the people you have dated in the past and published it online." Ram told Eric.

"I'm a human being, of course I date." Eric said as he treated the news like it was not a bother to him.

"The last person on the list is Calathea Carpio, and according to the post you guys are dating. Someone managed to snap photos of you and her today." Ram said, shaking his head.

"Easily deniable, what else is out there." Eric refused to give into the gossip.

"Well, another post came out saying that you were in love with Calathea when Katerina Sebastian got in between the two of you. It also said that you and Calathea are currently trying to rekindle your love but Katerina is stopping it." Ram told Eric as he passed his phone over to show his friend the news.