

Chapter 939: Sea of Laws, Let's Give It a Try

The Human Emperor Training Ground was crowded with people, with powerful auras spreading in all directions, forming a massive pressure. Lin

Lin Moyu could barely stand in the starry sky, his body swaying for a few seconds before he managed to stabilize himself.

The Human Emperor Training Ground is special because there are only five of them in total.

The four major star regions each have one Human Emperor Training Ground.

The other one belongs to the Central Divine City.

Because of this, many cultivators from the Vermilion Bird Star Region come here to train.

Many people do not hide their basic information, and you can see their names and levels. Looking around, there are God Kings everywhere.

True Gods are at the bottom here, and they are at the seventh or eighth tier of True God. Those below the fifth tier of True God are very rare.

As for Super Gods, they are even rarer.

As for someone at the third tier of Super God coming here... it seemed like he was the only one. Lin Moyu realized that he might become the center of attention again.

Fortunately, what he feared did not happen.

Here, most people were focused on training.

They either stood or sat, each one still in the starry sky.

Their eyes were slightly closed, and they were enveloped in a faint glow.

Lin Moyu knew they must have entered a training state.

This is the Human Emperor Network, not the real world.

Everything is not as complicated as in the real world, and all the rules can be freely decided by the Human Emperor Network.

Lin Moyu moved away from the crowd and flew forward for a while, finally seeing the real Human Emperor Training Ground. The Human Emperor Training Ground formed an independent star system, with countless stars within it. Each star emitted a different law aura.

This star system is very special, and its existence completely defies reality.

In the star system, most of the stars are stationary, with only a few stars in motion.

There are dozens of stars alone, each emitting different light.

There are blue stars, deep red stars, and bright yellow stars.

Different colored stars represent different laws.

Different stars also represent different laws.

Lin Moyu seemed to understand the purpose of the Human Emperor Training Ground.

After reaching the Super God level, the most important aspects of training are the soul and the laws.

Here, the laws are almost tangible, greatly accelerating the training process.

"It should be more than that."

Lin Moyu thought to himself.

He communicated with the Human Emperor Network and applied to use the training ground.

[Your level is Super God Third Tier, with level three permissions.]

[You can choose a time flow rate of up to 10 times, with a daily fee of 100 points.]

Hearing the information from the Human Emperor Network, Lin Moyu was startled.

A 10 times time flow rate...

This means that training here for one day is equivalent to training for ten days in the outside world.

The time flow rate here is accelerated, so ten days here is equivalent to only one day in the real world.

The daily fee is 100 points, so training here for ten days would cost 1000 points, equivalent to one day in the real world.

Spending one day and 1000 points to gain ten days of training results.

It's hard to say whether this deal is profitable or not.

If the training effect is very good, it might be worth it.

If the training effect is average, 1000 points is not cheap.

Especially for Super Gods, this is even more so.

That's why there are very few Super Gods here.

Those who come here as Super Gods either have exceptional abilities or have family support and enough points.

This way, they can have more time than others.

But these are not the things that shocked Lin Moyu.

What really shocked him was that the Human Emperor Training Ground actually possessed the Law of Time.

In his understanding, only the Law of Time can change the flow of time.

Lin Moyu couldn't imagine the level of the Human Emperor Network.

An existence that can freely manipulate the Law of Time is incredibly powerful.

Imagining it is useless; he had to experience it himself.

Lin Moyu paid 1000 points.

1000 points allowed him to train in the Human Emperor Training Ground for one day.

One day here is equivalent to 2.4 hours in the real world, 144 minutes.

Whether it's worth it depends on the effect.

A faint light appeared out of thin air, enveloping Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu felt all the sounds disappear, and the previously crowded crowd vanished without a trace.

In front of him was only the starry sky and a special star system.

It was as if a clear stream descended from the sky, passing through his soul.

His soul shivered, and his attention became extremely focused, with all distracting thoughts disappearing.

[Welcome to the Human Emperor Training Ground. This training ground has the following functions and precautions.]

[1. Clear the soul and remove distractions.]

[2. Change the flow of time. The higher the permission, the greater the range of time flow changes, and the more points it costs.]

[3. If you want to stop training, you can choose to stop in your consciousness.]

[4. You can choose continuous training. Once selected, points will be automatically deducted until they are exhausted.]

The Human Emperor Training Ground thoughtfully explained the functions of the training ground and some precautions.

Basically, it was a user manual, and there was no need to ask others; just reading it once made everything clear.

Lin Moyu spent a few minutes reading the instructions and fully understood the situation of the training ground.

Next, he officially began training.

The star system of the training ground is called the Sea of Laws.

Each star representing different laws is like a drop of water in the sea.

According to the instructions, one only needs to focus their consciousness on the Sea of Laws, and it will automatically display the laws suitable for their training.

If one wants to comprehend other laws, they can also choose independently.

Some people, after reaching a certain level of training, find it difficult to make further progress and often gain insights from related fields.

Laws cannot be taught through words; they can only be comprehended by oneself.

Even the same law can be understood differently by different people.

Especially after mastering a law, one's will is added to it, further increasing the differences.

The Sea of Laws contains most of the laws in the great world.

However, most of them are third-tier laws, with some second-tier laws.

As for first-tier laws, there are none.

Lin Moyu looked at the Sea of Laws, and it immediately expanded before his eyes.

Countless stars shone brightly and then disappeared.

The stars that disappeared represented laws that were not suitable for him.

In the end, only four stars remained.

The gray Death Law, the pure white Life Law, the blazing Fire Law, and the flickering Lightning Law.

These were the four laws that the Sea of Laws selected for Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu glanced at them and found that none of them were the laws he needed.

The Death Law and Life Law were indeed similar to the life and death aspects of his Undying Law, but their essence was different.

The Lightning Law was understandable, as he had often dealt with it for a period of time.

As for why the Fire Law appeared, Lin Moyu was unsure.

"Let's give it a try."
