

**Chapter 1005: The Arrival of the Buddhist Clan, Dragon-Borne Altar**

A massive altar stood erected in the starry sky. Starting from a thousand meters away, cultivators of the human race surrounded it on all sides.

The closest to the altar were God Kings.

Behind them were True Gods and Super Gods, arranged in order of cultivation level.

The time for the Buddhist lecture was still three days away, but Lin Moyu and Ren Qiang had already chosen a spot to observe from afar.

Ren Qiang looked around curiously, as he had simply come to witness the commotion.

Lin Moyu searched for information on the Buddhist clan with his level three permissions.

With higher permissions, he could access much more information.

Some of it described the Buddhist clan's affairs.

The Buddhist clan was indeed a unique race among the myriad races of the vast world. Not only did they form their own clan, but they also accepted members from all races, known as "converts."

As long as one converted to the Buddhist clan, they would become a member and receive the clan's protection.

No matter their past crimes or evil deeds, the Buddhist clan would shelter them once they converted.

Within the Buddhist clan, a common saying was: "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot."

The Buddhist clan accepted converts from almost every race, rarely rejecting anyone.

Unlike the human race, which consisted solely of humans, or the demon race of only demons, the Buddhist clan was a diverse mix.

Humans, demons, stone races, ox-head races, and more could all be found within the Buddhist clan.

Most races in the vast world had representatives in the Buddhist clan.

In fact, after a long time, even the Buddhist clan members themselves were unsure of their original racial origins.

All who joined simply called themselves Buddhists, regardless of their original race.

The Buddhist clan's cultivation levels were also divided differently from other races.

The Super God realm was called "Vajra" in their terms.

True God and God King were respectively "Arhat" and "Bodhisattva."

The God Lord realm was called "Buddha."

It was said that the strongest in the Buddhist clan were called "Patriarchs," even more powerful than the God Lord realm.

Lin Moyu compared the Buddhist clan to the Buddhism of his previous world and found many similarities. It seemed the Buddhist clan's teachings had spread far and wide, even influencing the small worlds and forming the religion of Buddhism.

The Buddhist clan constantly propagated their theories of equality, non-violence, and peace to the outside world. They would periodically visit various races to preach the Buddhist Dharma, which was the origin of these "Buddhist lectures."

Countless years had passed, and the Buddhist clan had visited innumerable times. Sometimes they would come every few decades, other times it would be over a thousand years between visits.

This time, it had been over three hundred years since their last visit.

The longer the interval, the grander the scale of the Buddhist lecture.

Ren Qiang whispered, "I've heard that this time, the Buddhist clan will traverse all four star domains, visiting over a hundred star systems and holding over a hundred Buddhist lectures, lasting for ten years."

Lin Moyu let out a soft sigh and continued reading about the Buddhist clan.

This race piqued his interest.

Ren Qiang continued, "I wonder how many people will be swayed by the Buddhist clan this time."


Lin Moyu looked at him, not understanding.

Ren Qiang explained, "I heard this from the elders of my family. Every time the Buddhist clan comes to give a lecture, they take away a group of people. These people leave the human race and join the Buddhist clan, becoming Buddhists."

Lin Moyu frowned slightly, "Don't the higher-ups of the human race manage this?"

For the Buddhist clan to so blatantly take people from the human race, did the human race's leadership not intervene?

Moreover, they were taking cultivators, which made Lin Moyu doubt the human race would simply allow it.

There must be a deeper reason that he was not yet aware of.

Ren Qiang shook his head, "It seems they don't intervene. In fact, every time the Buddhist clan comes to lecture, those in power agree to it."

Lin Moyu pondered, realizing that the human race's lack of response was not the only peculiarity. Other races also showed no reaction to the Buddhist clan taking their people.

"It seems there are some mysteries within."

Lin Moyu continued reading the information on the Buddhist clan.

However, there were not many records, mostly just descriptions. Lin Moyu quickly finished reading but could not find the answers.

He could only see the basic information with his level three permissions. To obtain deeper knowledge, he would need higher permissions.

There was still some time before the Buddhist lecture, so Lin Moyu decided to read other information instead.

He enjoyed reading and could gain a better understanding of the human race and the vast world through the available data.

The more information he read, the deeper his comprehension of the vast world became.

Time passed unknowingly.

Ren Qiang's voice sounded in his ear, "The Buddhists are here!"

Lin Moyu retracted his attention and looked in the direction Ren Qiang pointed.

A golden light flew towards them from afar, its speed deceptively slow yet incredibly fast.

The roar of a dragon echoed in his soul.

Lin Moyu's pupils contracted slightly as he saw a dragon made entirely of golden light soaring through the starry sky.

On its back was a resplendent golden Buddhist altar.

A dragon as a mount!

Lin Moyu was taken aback.

The dragon was the highest existence in the dragon race. Yet the Buddhist clan used a divine dragon as a mount, carrying their altar through the starry sky.

If the dragon race knew about this...

He immediately realized his thought was incorrect.

For the Buddhist clan to so brazenly use a divine dragon as a mount and carry their altar, the dragon race must have already known and permitted it.

This meant the dragon race was among the "Eight Divisions" he had just read about, with dragons being one of the divisions within the Buddhist clan.

Lin Moyu asked in a low voice, "Did the Buddhist clan also take divine dragons from the dragon race?"

Ren Qiang was unsure, "Perhaps, the elders in my family did say that the Buddhist clan has representatives from almost every race. Only one race is an exception."

"Which race?"

"The insect race."

Lin Moyu was startled. The Buddhist clan had representatives from myriad races, except for the insect race.

Was it because the insect race was special?

Ren Qiang added, "I heard recently that the dragon race and the insect race have started fighting."

"Why are they fighting?"

"Apparently, the insect race was using the corpses of the dragon race as puppets, and the dragon race found out. This is considered the greatest insult to the dragon race, so they started fighting."

Ren Qiang's words made Lin Moyu recall the deep space in the small world, where the insect race had occupied the corpses of dragons.

Although they were only giant dragons, the giant dragon still felt greatly insulted.

Later, he had told Antares about this, and Antares was equally enraged.

Lin Moyu guessed that perhaps Antares had passed this information back to the dragon race.

He did not doubt Antares' ability to do so.

If this was the case, then the Buddhist clan was even more formidable in his eyes.

The dragon race was willing to fight the insect race over corpses, but they permitted the Buddhist clan to take their divine dragons, which was an even greater insult.

His sense of vigilance towards the Buddhist clan immediately heightened.

The dragon's roar sounded again as the divine dragon carrying the altar arrived at the altar platform.