
Natasha's Revenge

"You know what?" Natasha asked. "It doesn't matter, whether you kill me or not, whether I die or live, I will find my way back back to take my revenge, no matter what it takes". Natasha said with gritted teeth. "Even if I have to exchange thousands of lives just to return and have my revenge, I will do it". "Take these words back to him and tell him that he will not live happily whether I live or die. "I will crawl my way out of hell if I have to just to get to him". Natasha said with a sadistic smile on her lips. Her blue eyes burned like flames. ****** Natasha a young woman who was hurt by her husband seeks revenge for the brutal murder of her family by her groom on their wedding night got the help of the Grim Reaper. They had an agreement that if he was willing to spare her and help her get that revenge that she sort she would give the lives of others in exchange for hers. The deal was made and Natasha began her quest for vengeance, killing all those who aided her husband in murdering her family... For more please read the novel. ***** WARNING! This book will contain mature content as the story progresses. Whoever cannot take a scare or stand a gory scene should refrain from reading. This is the only warning for this book. **** Join my discord server to chat with other readers https://discord.gg/gGBShbS3

Blessing_O · 奇幻言情
137 Chs

Kill him

Natasha agreed to the challenge and immediately, the bartender passed her a glass of wine and also gave one to Nate they both gulp down the liquid in the glass and placed it down for more. The taste was bitter and made her cough a bit but she did not mind and asked the bartender who had stopped midway after seeing her cough to go on ahead. "I can do it."

"Are you sure darling?" Nate asked and Natasha nodded without the slightest hesitation. "Okay, beautiful, if you say so."

Pouring more wine into the glasses, he stood up straight and waited to pour in more. Natasha and Nate each took a glass and gulped down the wine once again. The taste was not as bad as it was the first time but it was still pretty bad against her throat. Forcing herself to swallow, she placed the glass again for another.

Natasha did not realize when she had gotten drunk but she kept on drinking while Nate watched her, her side profile was alluring. She was flushed due to too much intake of alcohol. She looked inviting. "You can stop now, princess, you have proven your point."

Natasha turned and looked at him with her reddened cheeks he could not take his eyes off of her and when her rosy lips moved as she spoke, his eyes zeroed in on her lips and he swallowed the lump in his throat. "Have I proven myself now?" She asked, the look in her eyes was drowsy.

Nate looked around and still did not find anyone who seemed to have come with her. Ever since he approached her, he had been looking around to see if there was anyone who had accompanied her, or maybe even a chaperone as she looked like a princess who had never experienced the dark side of life before.

"Yes, you have, princess." He said with a sweet smile that was a little too sweet to be genuine. But Natasha failed to catch that little detail as she was too drunk to notice.

"I know." She said and took another shot before placing that glass back on the bar. She jumped down from the stool on which she was seated. Staggering a little, she tried to get her footing. "I am leaving." She said and Nate hurriedly stepped down and rushed over to where she was.

"Allow me to send you back." He said pulling out a cigarette and placing between his teeth and lighting it with a lighter.

Natasha shook her head but accidentally slipped in her footing and swayed to the side. Nate caught her, placing his hand on her sides to help her balance herself. "No. I came with a friend, he will take me back."

Nate frowned when he heard her but since he had not seen anyone around her he did not believe her. Who would bring a clueless girl like this to a club and leave her alone anyway? He believes Natasha must have snuck out of the house and into the club without an escort.

"Let me help you find him then," he said and offered her his hand which she took without thinking and looking up trying hard at him. "What does your friend look like, darling?

"He is handsome." She said and Nate did not know how to react to her answer. That could be anyone! Nate thought to himself.

"He may not be here anymore," He said and Natasha's head snapped to look at him." He may have gone to the bathroom for a release."

They started to make their way toward the bathroom and Natasha had forgotten that Reaper was not like every other man and followed him without thinking.

On their way to the bathroom, Natasha spotted a trail of blood that led to the right and far end of the club. A man was lying in a pool of his blood while those around him acted like they have not seen him lying there. Her eyes were strained on him even as she continued walking further guided by Nate whose hands were around her waist and on her arm. Her senses started returning to her after seeing that as goose bumps crawled up to her skin.

She was focused on the body of the dying man lying on the ground she did not know when they arrived at the restroom. Only realizing where they were after being backed against the wall.

If the was still any drowsiness left in her, then it was completely gone now.

He had caged her between his arms trapping her between the wall behind her and his body, a sick smile was playing on his face. His eyes had darkened with lust in them as he stared at her face. Licking his lips when his eyes met with her lips befor trailing his eyes down her body.

Natasha was scared. She had never been in such a situation before and for a moment she did not know what to do. Seeing his face approaching hers, closing the distance between them, she screamed at the top of her voice.

"Help." Only to have her mouth covered by his hand and her voice drowned by the loud music in the background.

"Do you think anyone can hear you, princess? Ha." He scuffs. "Nobody is coming to save you. Today, you are mine." He said licking his lips lustfully. He forcefully pinned her hands atop her head and against the wall.

His mouth latched onto hers in a rough kiss while she struggles to break free from his hold. She regretted her decision to come to a club. If she had not come then she would not have been harassed and abused this way.

Remembering that she did not come alone, she got the courage to fight back. She bit on his lower lip hard enough to draw blood. He pulled away and slapped her hard across the face and landed a punch to her abdomen.

Natasha squirmed in pain and coiled her body to the floor and coughed out blood. "A b*tchy princess." He said and pulled her by the hair and raised her to her feet. "I can play rough too, just the way you like it." He said and held her neck in a tight grip.

Natasha struggled to breathe and speak. Finding it difficult to speak, Natasha only managed to say one word... "Reaper!" She said in a whisper and prayed he heard her.

Nate paused for payment and looked at the girl under his hold like she was some idiot. Of all the things that she could have said it was... Reaper? How ridiculous! He thought to himself. He pressed her against the wall again but before he could do anything, he felt a strong grip around his neck and was lifted off the ground.

Nate's eyes went wide the moment they came in contact with golden orbs that were staring at him. He struggled against him but all of his efforts were in vain as the hand that held him felt like an iron grip. It wouldn't budge no matter how hard he tried to pry the fingers off his neck. Rather it seems to get stronger the more he struggles.

Natasha who was now free was squatting behind Reaper and trying to take in as much air as needed. After her breathing had stabilized, she stood up and came to stand beside him and watched as he tossed Nate to the ground like a weightless object.

Just when she was about to say thank you, she heard him say, "Kill him." And handed her a dagger that just appeared on his palm.

Natasha hesitated before taking the dagger from him and looked at Nate who was scared to death. "Kill him," Reaper repeated.