
Naruto: Yūki clan

an otaku unfortunately or fortunately dies and gets reincarnated in Naruto the warring states era he is born 30 years before hashirama and Madara our lucky fella came through with a system [strongest family system] to be exact. as you may know not a lot is known about the warring states so some clans will be made to fill the void in the world a lot of original characters from myself and the show will be included in this novel

TheprimordialGod · 其他
41 Chs

Kurenai no Ōgonshō!

[kekkei genkai obtained

Name: Kurenai no Ōgonshō (紅の黄金瞳)

Description: The Kurenai no Ōgonshō, or Crimson Golden Eye, is a powerful new dojutsu never before seen in Naruto like dojutsu in Naruto it increases the vision of users by a large margin with plentiful of other uses and abilities

Appearance: The Kurenai no Ōgonshō manifests as a pair of dual pupil with eerie red pupils , each with a brilliant golden iris that shimmers with inner fire. The pupils are elliptical in shape, resembling the slitted eyes of a predatory beast. When activated fuinjutsu seals will manifest around the dual pupils


1. Future sight: Users possess the ability to perceive fluctuations in the temporal fabric, allowing them to anticipate future events and predict their opponents' movements with uncanny accuracy. This heightened perception grants them a significant advantage in combat, enabling them to stay one step ahead of their enemies, Users can detect the presence of chakra, illusions, and spiritual entities, as well as sense disruptions in the flow of nature.

2. Seal Mastery: Users possess the ability to manipulate and dispel seals, barriers with ease. They can analyze and decipher complex seal patterns, allowing them to unlock hidden abilities, deactivate traps, or neutralize enemy techniques.

3. Projection: By focusing their chakra through the Ōgonshō, users can project illusions and visual distortions onto their opponents' perception, creating dazzling displays of light and shadow that disorient and confuse enemies. This ability can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes, creating openings for attacks or masking the user's movements.

4. Temporal Distortion: Users can manipulate the flow of time in a localized area, either speeding it up or slowing it down.

5. Sealing: the Ōgonshō is capable of sealing objects and chakra within the eye making it easier to summon in battle at unsuspecting times.

The Kurenai no Ōgonshō is a legendary dojutsu that embodies the mysteriousness of seals and fuinjutsu and time. Its users possess profound insight into all chakra natures including nature chakra, wielding powers that transcend mortal understanding.]

Before he even had a thought to comprehend what he just got the system came in again interrupting all his new cool dialogue he just thought of

[kekkei genkai acquired… list refreshed…


•Demon seal

•Kurenai no Ōgonshō

Pick traits:



Looking at the refreshed list the soul couldn't help but smile then frown he didn't have the option to make another kekkei genkai these things were hard to come by especially an original one as it was extremely hard to get most came from genetic mutation while extremely ancient ones have connections with kaguya and hogoromo the reason they got theyre abilities just thinking about the Ōtsutsuki gives him a headache and he hasn't even reincarnated yet not even this cool dojutsu he just made can even the playing field everything the Ōgonshō can do they do better with more abilities "damn if only I would of got a second or a third kekkei genkai" said the little soul with a bitter voice he had always been a fan of conquering and strategy games before he could even bring his ambitions into the Naruto world they were crushed by the thought of the Ōtsutsuki still being better than him

After a moment of none sense the little soul finally got out his defeated faze "what am I thinking Naruto's ass won against them multiple times and he has the IQ of a frog the plot armor is insanely strong but I don't see my self being dumber then him plus I know the story with a 50 year head start and I still got 3 trait points" said the soul as the smile on his face grew more and more as he talked eventually turning into a menacing smirk that would haunt all Ōtsutsuki in the future, after stroking his fragile ego that was about to burst he looked up from the system screen to his body nothing changed the cool fuinjutsu was still on his body very mysterious looking he couldn't make out its function he might only be able to with his new eyes once he reincarnates speaking of eyes they gave him chills as he stared into them the dual pupils look like 2 slitted crimson snake eyes enclosed in a ring of brilliant gold the closest to the pupils the redder it gets so much so that it looks like a sea of magma surrounding the vicinity of the pupils the most eerie part of the eye was that it was in active stage with one striking pitch black fuinjutsu seal on the top of each pupil he couldn't even begin to know what it did all he knew was that it looked cool

"Damn I'm going to be a real lady killer sadly I barely know anyone in my time period uh maybe mito if I'm born in the right time stealing hashiramas wife sounds interesting" said the soul out loud as he looked at his body up and down if it wasn't for the trait selection screen he would of probably already started touching himself 'sadly there's a pressing matter of the system' thought the soul as he looked back at the trait selection screen he didn't know if there was a time limit and he didn't want to find out so he got to picking

[genius: increased intelligence and understanding people with this trait will stand shoulder to shoulder with the all time greats of theyre field.

Super vitality: increases vitality by an immense amount (the increased vitality will also increase chakra reserves and strengh) users will on average be stronger than theyre opponents, more difficult to kill and have stronger and more Chakra (similar to uzumaki clan)

Chakra affinity: increases the affinity of all chakra natures including nature chakra this does not mean users will have extreme affinity only above average affinity ofcourse certain individuals will have a chakra nature thats higher then the rest maybe 2 or more]

Choosing these 3 traits everything went blank.