
Naruto x Boruto: Multiuniverse

While fighting Urashiki, young Naruto and young Boruto are transported to another dimension

Damin_Typie · 武侠
2 Chs

#1 Trening Time

"Kuchyose no Jutsu!" Jiraiya summoned some toad

"Oh Jiraiya it's good you summoned me, we have bad news"

"What happened?"

"The Akatsuki have begun to act"

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes hearing this "Faster than I expected, tell Fukusaku that I will be with my student soon"

"Hai" the toad disappeared in the smoke

Jiraiya returned to the apartment "Hey Naruto, where's Boruto?"

"He came out, said he had some errands to run"

"Gee get ready we're leaving"

Naruto raised an eyebrow "Where are you?"

"Mount Myouboku, it's time for me to teach you senjutsu"

"Senjutsu?" asked Naruto tilting his head to the side

Jiraiya explained to his student what senjutsu is, hearing this Naruto became excited.

"Alright then let's go"

Jiraiya left a letter on the table for Boruto, and he and Naruto moved to Mount Myouboku

"Wow what is this place?" Naruto was impressed with the place he and Jiraiya had moved to

"This is Mount Myouboku, come with me, I'll introduce you to someone"

Jiraiya led Naruto to a toad

"Oh Jiraya-chan, it's been a long time since you last visited us"

"Hello Fukasaku, I brought my apprentice to teach him senjutsu," said the sannin

Fukusaku explained to Naruto what the senjutsu training would be, Naruto nodded and his training began

This time in Toneri's palace

"Who would have thought that Yashiki Otsutsuki is still alive, I must warn Boruto and take care of his training" thought Toneri looking through the glass ball

In the meantime, Boruto returned to his apartment, not finding anyone inside, only after a while the blond noticed the letter left by Jiraya

"So they went to training"

At that moment, Toneri appeared in the apartment "Hello Boruto"

"Who are you... wait, I remember you I saw you once in my dream"

"My name is Toneri Otsutsuki"

"Otsutsuki? What does Otsutsuki want from me?"

"Relax, I've come to offer you training"


"You see you possess a powerful doujutsu called Jougan, but you are not fully aware of it"


"You ever woken up that eye, tell me did you see anything strange?"

Boruto flashed back to his academy days and the incident with Sumire and Nue "Yes, I remember something like that"

"Jougan was dormant for a while, come with me, I'll teach you how to use him"

Boruto thought about Toneri's proposal for a while, then agreed and the two moved into Toneri's palace.