
Chapter 14

If you want to read up to 21 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Unedited version, will update once it's edited.


I stared at the bloody corpse of Tarok, seeing how his blood and innards decorated the scenery with a grim undertone, that quaked in gore, "Well, time to regroup," with no enemies left to fight, I had to let Tobirama sensei know, what had happened, perhaps he would know what the Kinkaku force was, and why they seemed to know we were coming.

All of the sudden, a pair of massive chakra signatures landed with a loud boom behind me, the fact I was able to sense them, having no sensory skills, was a statement to the sheer amount of chakra they had, "What in the world?" I muttered, jumping back.

"Kinkaku, the brat the Raikage wants its here, and he killed Tarok," Amongst the debris their landing had caused, one of the two shadows that had landed behind me laughed, kicking the corpse of their fallen ally, or what little remained.

"I see that Ginkaku," the other shadow chuckled at this.

One thought invaded my mind, a single but simple thought, I had to run, fear was the one constant of my state, fear like never before, my body knew I was outmatched and was screaming at me to run. Whoever those two were, were beyond my capabilities to take on.

Kicking the tree beneath my feet, I blasted off, but faster than I could react one of the two shadows, blurred past me, kicking me in the head, the impact was painful and effective.

"Hey brat, where do you think you are going?" A silvered haired Shinobi cackled, and there it hit me, escape was not an option, I had to fight or submit, at this, a duality came to me, my mind wanted to fight, but my body wanted to submit, fear was pushing me to one side, and my will to another. The question was, what was stronger, fear… or will. [Ginkaku LV 39]

"Ginkaku, be gentle… the kid will break if we play too rough," A blonde, similar-looking shinobi chuckled, the difference between them was minimal, beyond hair colour, and overall height, they looked the same. [Kinkaku LV 41]

Fear or will, living like a coward, or dying on my own terms, the old me would've taken the chance to survive at any cost, I suppose I am no longer that person, "F-fuck y-you!" I shivered, as I crouched down, I kicked at the ground as hard as I could. Soon enough, my body danced into the air and flipped upside down. For a brief moment, I held my arms to my chest, and then as quick as I could, I shot them out to both sides, as twenty flashes of light scattered in eight directions.

Thk! Thk! Thk! The sound echoed all around the area as I landed. The sharp blades covered in explosive tags that I had launched, pierced the trees, in every conceivable direction, "Release!" releasing the chakra hold I had forced upon them, the tags exploded, creating a big cloud of debris, my intention to buy as much time as possible, only Tobirama sensei, or Hiruzen could fight these two, my hopes for this battle, were to survive.

"Neat little parlour trick!" Ginkaku flickered behind me, slamming my head into the ground.

Blood spilling out of my mouth, I summoned my Fel Guard and mentally ordered my demon to attack Ginkaku, as I healed my wounds, they were faster than me, stronger than me, meaning I only had one option, outsmarting them, if I was lucky… I would be smarter than them.

Using Blink, I teleported a few meters away from Ginkaku, as my Fel Guard entertained him, while I kept my eyes on Kinkaku, who was sitting on a tree, idly watching everything, as if it was a mere form of entertainment. They were underestimating me, I had to take advantage of that.

The question was how, how could I take advantage of this situation, as things were I was pushing my body to move through pure determination, fear shackled my soul, binding me to an everlasting state of fright, and even though I was fighting it… even though I was pushing myself to act through this fear, I was still afraid.

"This creature is fun," Ginkaku cackled, clashing with my Fel Guard, in a playful manner, if he wanted, he could kill my summon with ease, but he was enjoying this, for him… all of this was giving me a false sense of hope, he most surely wanted to crush, to add extra despair into my very soul.

"Shadow clone technique," I muttered under my breath, creating four clones, I had to test a few things before I formulated a plan, for one… did these two monsters have, sensory skills? If so, what type? Chakra sensing? Smell? Or summon? Then, after knowing this, I would figure out how to play one step ahead, of them, pulling a bunch of smoke bombs out of my poach. Me and every single one of my clones threw them into the ground, creating a massive cloud of dust, in the process, I marked Kinkaku with my hunter's mark, something within me, knew I had to keep an eye on him, at all times.

"Ginkaku, the kid will escape ya, and you know the rules… if you can't play with your toy, I will…" Ginkaku grinned.

Taking a deep breath, I ordered my clones to scattered, as I hid a top of a tree, if they had sensing chakra sensing abilities, they would notice I was above them immediately, any other sensing would take a bit more, and taking into considering they are playing with me, like a cat with a mouse, if they found me, they would not kill me, they had no reason to… not yet, I was no threat to them, and they knew that.

"Hell no!" Ginkaku shouted, cutting my Fel Guard in two with his weird looking blade, "He's my toy! Don't barge in! Not yet!"

"Sure, but hurry…" Kinkaku sighed, as the cloud of smoke dissipated.

"He scattered in four different directions, which means... " Ginkaku hummed for a moment, but then… his face was adorned with a wicked smile, "Fuck it, I will destroy the entire forest, the kid resurrects people, he will probably live..." right here, I realized why my body was urging me to run, why my body was trembling in fear, the reason behind all of this, was the red cloak of chakra that now covered the silver-haired shinobi. The chakra was repulsive, full of hate… and utter madness, it was terrifying. It reminded me of Naruto when he fought Sasuke or Orochimaru.

"Hahaha! YEAH!" Kinkaku laughed, jumping out of the way, as Ginkaku created a small, but powerful ball of chakra that slowly formed close to his mouth.

"DIE BRAT!" With a battle cry filled with delight and madness, Ginkaku shot the ball into the horizon, and deep down I knew, that even though the attack was shot far away from me, I would be caught in the explosion, but before the attack hit something, a blur of blue appeared and disappeared, taking the ball with it.

"The fuck was that?" Ginkaku growled.

For a moment, I felt as if my heart had stopped beating, and soon after a massive explosion was heard, a few miles away from where I was, the explosion was massive, and terrifying, cementing the fact, I would've died if that attack had hit where it was intended to hit.

"Water Release: Water Colliding Wave!" That voice, it was… sensei!

"Ginkaku! Look out!" Kinkaku shouted, as a massive tsunami of water swallowed everything in its wake towards him.

"Let's go," Tobirama whispered, grabbing my arm. I had no idea how he had appeared behind me, but I didn't care, for the first time since these two monsters had appeared, I had hope.