
Chapter 10: Heavenly Nirvana Flame

After, nearly 4-5 hours of endless Pain all over my body I got awakened by the voice of Akane that I have integrated one of the necessary condition required to use one of the things which were granted to me by god before coming to this World and that was the Heavenly Nirvana Flame which was a very Powerful Flame and it was very Helpful in doing alchemy whose Manuals Touma(God King's son) gifted me for Saving his Life. After integrating with it I will be able to do alchemy very easily and it will also give me a Pure Flame which was Just Like Amaterasu which cannot be extinguished by anyone and once attacked by it the user will dissipate like ash and before extinguishing they will burn for seven days and nights.

Then I asked Akane why was the Process of integration so Painful and why did it take so much time to fully integrate with it then Akane answered me that there was something which she couldn't think happen while the Process of the Flame was integrating with my that It changed so much within me that even Akane said If I practiced hard then there will be a chance that I will someday be comparable to one of the most Powerful Gods that reside in the God's Realm and I was asking Akane that what Happened which will make her so Shocked because even when I awakened my all other Powers she shrugged me off that I will have to work my ass off to reach the Powers of Lowest Gods of God's Realm.

Then Akane showed me my stats:

Name: Senju Itsuki

Health: Perfect

Age: 6 Year, 3 Months(1000 Years)

Sex: Male

HP: 2500/2500 || STAMINA: 1800/3000

Attack: 600 || Defence: 1000 || Agility: 500

Strength:1800 || Detrexity: 3000

Wisdom: 100K || Intelligence: 100K

Charm: 100 || Luck: 50

Chakra: 400k/500k || Chakra Control: Mid-Jounnin(High-Chunnin regressed because of the Sudden Powerup)

[ Bloodline ]: Chinoki Clan(100%), Senju Clan(100%), Uzumaki Clan(100%)

[ Kekkai Genkai ](Talent): Magnet Release, Wood Release, Illusionist(Can make people see Illusions which they will feel very real and make practice of Genjutsu 200% more Fast), Eyes of Yin-Yang(Can make people see Illusions with just a Glance and can seal all of their movements with just a Glance ), Adapting Body(Can Adapt to the Changes made to Body and Make Taijutsu and Ninjutsu Training 100% Faster)

[ Elemental Affinity]: Wind(Peak Grade),Fire(Peak Grade),Earth(Peak Grade),Water(Peak Grade),Space(Peak Grade), Yin(Peak Grade), Yang(Peak Grade), Time(Mid Grade)

[Abilities]: Inventory(Can use anytime with just a thought and cannot use Objects inside till sufficient Power Level), Taekwondo Martial Art(High Mastery), Karate and Kung Fu(High Mastery), Hiten Mitsurugi(Sword Style)(Mid Mastery)

[Special Powers]: Heavenly Nirvana Flame

[NinJutsus]: Basic Shurikenjutsu (Full Mastery)

Advanced Sword style (Full Mastery)

Basic Fist Arts (Fire Fist Style, Monkey Fist Style, Tiger Claw Style, Ten thousand Bee Style, Strong Fist Style, Shadow Fist Style, Elegant Butterfly Style, Swaying Grass Style) (Full Mastery)

Body Flicker Jutsu (Full Mastery)

Transformation Jutsu (Full Mastery)

Substitution Jutsu (Full Mastery)

Medical Jutsu: Chakra Scalpel(Full Mastery)

Mystical Hand Jutsu (Full Mastery)

Healing Hands Major/Minor(Full Mastery)

Elemental Ninjutsu: Wind Release: Wind Sickle(Full Mastery)

Wind Release: Breakthrough(Full Mastery)

Wind Release: Vacuum Blade

Wind Release: Vacuum Gale: Single

Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere

Wind Release: Great Breakthrough(Full Mastery)

Water Release: Water Bullet(Full Mastery)

Water Release: Water Wall(Full Mastery)

Water Release: Great Water Fall(Full Mastery)

Water Release: Water Dragon(Full Mastery)

Water Release: Water Prison(Full Mastery)

Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet (Full Mastery)

Earth Release: Earth Flow River (Full Mastery)

Earth Release: Earth Dome(Full Mastery)

Earth Release: Earth Escaping (Full Mastery)

Earth Release: Mud Wall(Full Mastery)

[Kekkai Genkai Ninjustsu]: (Magnet Release)

Iron Sand Drizzle(Full Mastery)

Iron Sand Gathering Assault(Full Mastery)

Iron Sand Marking(Full Mastery)

Iron Sand Wall(Full Mastery)

Iron Sand Wave (Full Mastery)

Iron Sand: Black Iron Wings(Full Mastery)

[Special Ninjutsu]: Flying Thunder God(High Mastery), Shadow Clone(Full Mastery), Multi Shadow Clone(Full Mastery)

[Genjutsu]: Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique

Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique

Demonic Illusion: Flying Shadow

Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique

Itsuki: "What are the Eyes of Yin-Yang Akane and what are the Powers of it can you explain them??"

Akane: "Yes, Master, I can explain you all the Powers but first you should see your Eyes yourself and then I will explain you all the Powers".

Then I took a Mirror and I awakened them and my eyes were Half-black and Half-white and they have two Golden Rings in the Middle of my Pupils and they both were Glowing very Radiantly and they were very beautiful to look at as they have a Mesmerising felling to them.


1st Ring: It gives you the Power to see chakra, giving it color in order to distinguish it by its composition and source. Though not as capable in this regard as the Byakugan, it can see chakra through some (but not all) obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's chakra flow, such as those caused by Genjutsu influence and Great Percieving Power just like Uchihas which will give you great Eyesight and you can Copy the Justus of others. It also gives you Powers to cast to a Powerful Genjutsu on your Opponent only after just making Eye contact and Even the Sharingan(Three Tomoe) could not differentiate it from Reality(It will also grow as you become more Powerful and use your Technique as much so that you will become more Proficient in Genjutsu).

2nd Ring: It gives you the power which will help you seal anyone and anything with for a Fixed amount of time(As you will become Powerful in the future and Unlock the Later Stages of your Eyes you will be able to use it for a long time but now you can only use it for 2 seconds) as it is also Known as Eyes of Sealing but It will also take a Huge toll on your body So use this very wisely and as less and only when you need It desperately. After getting both of these Abilities you can Learn all the Sealing Techniques of the Uzumaki Clan easily.

I was also shocked after Knowing the Powers of My eyes and then Akane told me that After today I should Practise with my First Ring Open so that I will become more Adaptable with using the Abilities of My eyes when needed to Fight.

After 5 days Itsuki was Practicing his Abilities with the B rank Monsters in Forest of Death after only using it for 5 days Itsuki adapted to his eyes and Akane also made him Practise the Alchemy Manuals and that He would have to Practise the Manuals for At least 4 hours a Day so that He could make the Pills very Fast after some time as the Recipe for the Pills only contain the Healing Pill and the Food Pill for the 9-7 Stage and from 6-4 Stage Bloodline Purification Pill and Rebirth Pill(which can also make even the Limbs which are severed from the Body to Regrow)for 3-1 Stage Life Pill(which will save a Person even if he has only one breath left) and Berserk Pill(which will make you four times Powerful but at the cost that you will not be able to get out of bed for 2 Days after using it) as the Cauldron was given to me By God I only need the Herbs which were Arranged for me By my Parents as Akimichi Clan has all the Herbs which you need.

Today was the start of My Academy and Sensei knew that I was more than Qualified to be a Jounnin but he wanted me to Enjoy some of my Childhood Years so he said that I should attend Academy and at the Entrance I met one of the most loved Characters of Naruto........................