
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · 漫画同人
127 Chs

Chapter 015

The solution had been for Naruto to create Kage Bushin and have them henge into regular people. They would go and find a job to earn money and he could continue his physical exercise. So far he only had two of them that found a job. A female clone with long black hair and brown eyes he had named Akira, and a male clone that looked like an older version of him except with brown hair and gray eyes (neither of them had whiskers) called Kian. Akira had managed to get a job working as a waitress for one of the Akamichi owned barbeque restaurants, surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly the girl was a hit. Of course Naruto had learned from Anko that sex appeal goes a long way towards being popular (with guys at least), and since Akira was basically just his Oiroke No Jutsu with some minor altercations (Different colored hair, eyes and wore clothes), she was very, very popular. His other clone had gotten a job working as a clerk for a grocery store.

Of course he knew there would be a problem with the two clones later on. Eventually Naruto would be forced to leave Konoha for missions. When that happened he would not be able to make his clones to do their jobs. But he was trying to work on a solution for that, and had even already thought of a possible answer. But it would have to wait until he got better at fuiinjutsu.

Looking up at the sun as he finished his daily routine, Naruto realized it was time to get back home. Today was his last day to exercise before getting his jonin sensei assigned. Tomorrow was Sunday and he had decided to get some rest, after all, the body, even his body needed rest in order to keep from burning out.

Naruto ordered his clones to dispel in groups before heading back to his apartment.

(The Next Day…)

The next morning Naruto got up and started getting ready for the day. After getting showered and dressed Naruto moved into the kitchen where one of his Kage Bushin was making, trying to make, breakfast. Naruto had decided to change his diet to a more healthy food then just ramen, having read that he needed to have more balanced and nutritious meals if he wanted to get taller, something he was desperate to do, even desperate enough that he would stop eating just ramen to do it.

His clones had only recently started cooking, so nothing they made tasted all that good. But at least they hadn't burned the house down yet, so Naruto was counting his blessings.

After eating his meal Naruto left the house, locking the door before leaving.

Hopping onto the roof of his building, the blond made his way towards the Hokage tower where he would get his ninja registration and photo ID.

Naruto smiled as he made his way towards the academy so he could present his photo and registration to the Hokage. Walking in the door where he the old man was Naruto greeted him in the way that only Naruto could.

He slammed the door open and shouted, "yo Ojisan! I've got my registration!"

Sarutobi smiled as he looked up, "ah, Naruto… how…" Sarutobi trailed off as he looked over at Naruto. He blinked as he took in the change of clothes that the blond was wearing. The orange jumpsuit the blond had one was gone, in fact, Sarutobi could not see anything other than the large cloak that the boy was wearing since it went all the way down to his ankles. He had only managed to catch a small glimpse before Naruto had moved his hand away from the door, but what he had seen was infinitely better than that orange jumpsuit he use to wear. The boy actually looked like a real shinobi with that outfit. It was surprising actually.

He had not seen Naruto since the incident; in fact no one seemed to have seen him since then. It had actually caused a bit of commotion among the villagers who had feared some kind of grand prank from the 'Prankster King'.

Sarutobi himself had been concerned that the boy may have had some trouble coping with the new knowledge that he held the Kyuubi. However, it seemed as if he had been worried over nothing.

Shaking himself from his thoughts Sarutobi offered the boy he thought of as his grandson a smile. "Well this is certainly a surprise Naruto-kun, though I am glad you took my advice. I like the new look, you look like a true shinobi."

Naruto blushed a bit in embarrassment, "you think so? Well, I thought if I was going to be a real ninja, I should change into something that made me look a little more um… ninja-ish."

Sarutobi chuckled a bit, "indeed, I take it you are here to give me your registration?"

Naruto nodded as he gave the old man a grin, "Yep!" Walking up he handed Sarutobi his ninja ID and registration. Naruto moved over to one of the seats and waited for Sarutobi to approve it.

After a few moments of studying the information and picture Sarutobi nodded. "The picture looks good. I can see you have matured greatly." Naruto beamed at the old Hokage's praise. "To be honest I expected you to do something like paint your face, or some other childish act."

"Hey!" Naruto shouted indignantly, standing up and pointing at Sarutobi. "I've grown up since then! I'm not some brat who would do something like that anymore! I'm an adult now!"

Sarutobi just gave the boy an amused expression. "Yes that is true, you do seem to have grown exponentially this week. I was merely talking about what you would have done before."

Naruto calmed down slightly at that and gained a sheepish expression, he probably would have done something like that before. "Well… I suppose your right."






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