This is a story in which a guy reincarnates as Uchiha Mikaboshi, the same age as Kakashi. Hn. The story is in many PoVs except the protagonist himself. Crackfic
"Hey Angel-chan, give me a job."
Konan felt pain in her head. Bob Uchiha who recently joined, has been hanging around the base as he pleases.
Nagato is scared of him, and rightfully so. According to him, Nagato's Rinnegan isn't originally his, but Madara's. And Bob could kill Nagato anytime he wanted.
"Angel-chan! How do you feel that your emo friend is using your boyfriend's dead body as a puppet?"
She doesn't like it, obviously! Does Nagato even know how awkward it is for her to see Yahiko used as a puppet?
But she doesn't say anything. She has decided to trust Nagato's way of achieving peace. But-
"Bob-san, how do you think is the best way to achieve peace?"
"Kill everyone. Problem solved."
Alright, Nagato's advice to engage as less as possible with him seems to be right.
Konan kept her stone face, and gave him a scroll.
"Our spies found some suspicious activities in Land of Rice. Our member, Orochimaru has gone crazy after his battle with Mikaboshi, and it seems like he has even forgotten that Akatsuki exists. Go and recruit him."
He disappeared, and in the next moment, he teleported back while carrying Orochimaru on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He then threw Orochimaru on the ground, and she almost felt pity for him.
"Ae? Oo io!?"
He can't even speak clearly...
What the hell happened to him!?
Orochimaru then stared at her, creepily.
No, he was staring at her hair to be exact. He then licked his long tongue, and kuku'ed creepily.
He then looked at Bob, and froze.
He shouted, did some handsigns, and reverse summoned himself.
Okay... what the hell!?