
Naruto The Shadow King [OLD] (Dropped)

In the mystical world of Naruto, a seemingly ordinary individual finds themselves inexplicably reborn as Shikamaru Nara, a brilliant and lethargic ninja known for his strategic genius. The story delves into the complexities of balancing the responsibilities of a ninja with the overwhelming potential of the Ten Summon spell. As Shikamaru adapts to his new reality, he faces moral dilemmas, tests of loyalty, and battles against formidable enemies. "Shadows Reborn: A Shikamaru Saga" weaves together elements of strategy, fantasy, and self-discovery, offering fans of the Naruto universe a fresh and captivating tale of reincarnation, summoning magic, and the enduring strength of a lazy yet brilliant ninja. I do not own Naruto. The only thing I own is my own character here. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4

kamidemond · 漫画同人
50 Chs

Chapter 12 : Team Training

After taming the divine dogs, Shikamaru didn't train that night with his father. Retreating back to his lazy self, he slept for 12 hours. Another big reason why he did it was to save himself from his mother's nagging. The reason was not telling her about his ten shadow technique or the special training he was having with his father.


The next day after waking up, he immediately got out of the house, now there was no reason to hide his movement so he didn't care much. 

He started his daily training with a 10-kilometer run. 

"What a drag," 

Then 100 Push-ups.


Followed by Sqwats and situps.

"I better get super strength if I'm to lose hairs, you hear me, god,"


After cutting his daily training short, he finally reached the place where his team decided to meet, of course after getting to eat something.

Surprisingly he was the last one to reach there.

"You are late," Ino shouted, almost rivalling Sakura's high-tone voice, 'They are friends indeed,'

"Mah Mah, I was lost in the road of life, sorry," He just replied with a very characteristic dead fish eye on his face.

Asuma's eyes twitch, a bad premonition already coming to him.

"Are you by any chance spending time with a man who kept on reading a...., hmmm an Orange book and covered one of his eyes and had silver hairs," He asked as if that was the case then he would use all his power to save his future genius student from turning into another Kakashi.

"No, why ?" 

"...Umm nothing, anyways this is your first time coming late so I won't say anything but there shouldn't be a next time," Asuma reprimanded and then finally started.

"Okay now listen carefully. In the academy you all learn all the basic shinobi skills needed to survive. And they are important skills overall but in real life, not every shinobi can master every aspect of a shinobi Arsenal. That is why we have to choose a speciality.

Like I specialise in close combat fighting and kenjutsu. I am also a wind chakra user. Remember you can learn many traits but you can't go further until you master one thing.

You three don't have to worry about it now but I will advise that you start to look for things which you find suitable for you. For example, let's talk about Choji, he has a strong body and with his family Jutsu he is a perfect close combat shinobi in the making. 

But what if he doesn't feel like being a close combat shinobi or his taijutsu is bad? I know that all three of your family have their clan jutsu but that is not the right way to progress.

You need to learn how to integrate your clan jutsu with your speciality. Like let's take Ino here, very good at the mind possession jutsu from her clan, but she lacks close combat ability. She clearly doesn't possess powerful physics and thus if she uses a weapon for that like a small blade, she can improve her power by tons.

She can also add a companion with her to protect her when he uses her mind transfer jutsu, like a nin dog. Of course, your team will safeguard you but what if you are working alone? Remember although I am here to train you ultimately you need to see what can complement your fighting style better." Asuma kept on explaining the basics, and although Shikamaru knew that this was important he really didn't have to listen to this, getting special classes from his father Shikaku, Shikamaru already knew this and much more.


"Alright now let's finally start the training. Here is the simple routine, we will be doing missions and training every alternative day. Sunday will be off.

Today let's start with a basic chakra control exercise, a very important skill which every shinobi should have. I believe that you all have learned how to stick a leaf to your forehead with chakra in the academy. This is similar but you have to climb a tree." Asuma said as he walked up to a tree and started to walk up, climbing the tree.

Now unlike team 7 when Kakashi showed them this skill, here none of them was surprised, they are clan heirs and now at least this much is possible with chakra, in fact, Shikamaru always wondered why Sasuke didn't know about it.

But knowing that it's possible is different than being able to do it. 

"Today I will show you how to do it but I expect that you all will learn this in your free time. There is one more advanced training where we walk on water but that will come later, when you can walk on the tree, let's start with water walking after that." Asuma said.

Shikamaru though was pondering whether this training speed was different than what it should be in the anime, there was never mention of other teams training but overall he believe that this is a little faster than what it should be, or Kakashi was just being a lazy ass back then.

'Must be, we love to trash talk Sakura but just think about it, Kakashi hardly teach them anything and maybe if Sakura had gotten a good teacher then she would have progressed much better. 

And comparing her with Naruto and Sasuke is not right, one has Sharingan, arguably the most busted eye in the anime and Naruto has Nine Tail and that massive amount of chakra. Overall, Sakura was not as good as she could have been yes but it's not all her fault.' Shikamaru thought and then walked up to the tree.

Flawlessly he walked up to the tree and then said to others in annoyance. "This is such a drag, I have learned this a long time ago. Same is the true with water walking, Asuma sensei do you have anything else I have to start with? I am actually very interested in those chakra blades.

Can you teach me how to use those rather," Shikamaru said while yawning. Annoying his team even more.

He further didn't listen to Asuma's earlier talk becuase he had already thought much about it, he knew that he himself could not fight against a powerful opponent in the future and his Ten Shadow technique would be his core fighting way. To use that he needs both of his hands to make hand signs. Meaning weapons like a sword or a kunai are not suitable for him. But the knuckle-style chakra blades which Asuma use is much more suitable for him.

With those, he can still make his hands sign while still wearing them while at the same time he uses his hands to attack.

But he didn't plan to make that his only way to attack, in reality, he didn't want to fight with his hands at all, he needed both hands to use his technique now and he was not sure whether he could use it if he lost a hand.

So rather he learns how to kick then to throw a punch. But Asuma is not the right sensei to learn this, he has half a plan to later reach out to the sensei and ask for a little help here and there.

Asuma on the other hand just blinked, his father told him to give more attention to Shikamaru if he so asked for it, and now here was the kid wanting to learn his style of fighting.

A smile appears on his face. 


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