
Naruto: The Prince of Lust

There are times when all it takes is the right voice to help you realize the greatness within to conquer the painful evil without. Uzumaki Naruto's voice of promise turns out to be his... from the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: lemons, moral ambiguity, slow development, and harem.

William777 · 漫画同人
191 Chs

Chapter 94

"…Haku…" Zabuza moans weakly.

"No, Zabuza-sama," Haku pleads, tears streaming down his swollen face. "Please let me remain by your side!"

"…No…" Zabuza wheezes. "…Go…"

"Sakura-chan," Naruto calls, turning to his teammate. "Can't you help him?"

Sakura's face has been set in perpetual surprise for the past five minutes and is stunned into awareness by Naruto's direct question. Thinking past her reservations, she turns to Kakashi for his directive when Sasuke proclaims, "he's our enemy! You can't heal our enemy!"

"No, he's not!" Naruto defends Zabuza against his teammate. "He was only doing it for the money and that was taken care of like five minutes ago." He points over to where Gatō should be, and when they all look they see a group of mercenary looting Gatō's dead body for anything of worth. "No payment means no job, which means he's not our enemy!"

With a stiff nod from a moderately wounded Kakashi, Sakura tries her best to heal their once-enemy. Naruto turns to Haku, pleading, "I wish I could've met you first, really, I do, but I'm meeting you now and that has to count for something, right? Please, Haku, won't you be my friend?" Haku looks pained in a way that has nothing to do with his wounds as tears flow freely.

"…Go…" Zabuza adds. "If I… mean… anything…"

Tear-filled, Haku nods once, croaking, "…a-as you wish, Zabuza-sama."

Even with Naruto's help, it takes Tazuna another week to finish the bridge. To Naruto's immense despair, Haku doesn't talk to him but for, "excuse me," or, "I'd like to be alone, please." Naruto tries to give him space but every day, every hour, he's hoping Haku would search him out so they can talk like they did in the forest. Even Naru-nii's enthusiasm and jovial gratitude for helping Haku didn't truly break his melancholy. 'Naru-nii was right,' Naruto thought. 'Haku is a person to be remembered… and now he hates me.'

Naruto was expecting worse the morning they found out Zabuza had left in the middle of the night, leaving Kubikiribōchō behind. Though the people of the city threw a huge celebration for Team Seven's departure, even naming the bridge after him, Naruto couldn't truly feel joy. Even though he genuinely felt happy, he nearly felt obligated to smile and laugh along with the others. His mind was always empathetic to his long-haired friend and how it's his fault Haku was separated from his special person.

It was a rather sullen journey back to Konoha, but at least it was faster as they ran most of the way back. As per the conditions of Konoha's security, Team Seven walk the last five miles toward the village, absentmindedly understanding they're being observed and reported on just as everyone else is when journeying to the hidden village. Just before the group reaches the large gate, Team Seven can see Anbu guards waiting for them.

"Naruto-kun," Haku calls in his lovely voice. Surprised to hear from him, Naruto doubts he even heard properly. The others move to meet security as the pair remain and Haku continues, "I'm sorry I've been so distant. I know you didn't deserve that but I had to sort out my thoughts and feelings." Taking Kubikiribōchō from his back, Haku extends the large heavy sword and presents it to Naruto. "Zabuza-sama would like you to hold on to Kubikiribōchō… as would I."

Surprised by it all, Naruto slowly nods and takes the very heavy blade, instantly accepting that he wouldn't ever be proficient with a sword bigger than he was. Looking at a mournfully smiling Haku, Naruto simply states, "thanks Haku."

"He wanted me to tell you he'll take it back at your rematch," Haku adds with a friendly face, though Naruto's face pales as white as a ghost when they hear Kakashi call, "come on you two."

As they walk, Naruto asks for clarity sake, "does this mean we're friends again?"

Haku's smile is more genuine when the beautiful brunette asserts, "I left the person who means the world to me to be here… with you. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried."

"Really," Naruto asks happily, feeling his energy spark once again. "Really, really!"

"Before he left, Zabuza-san told me, if the world had more men like you, they wouldn't need men like him. He ordered me to keep your dream alive. And I'm happy to do so."

Naruto has to hop to reach enough height to bury the tip of the massive cleaver into the dirt so his hands would be free to give Haku a big bear hug.

In front of a stern Sandaime, with Anbu surrounding five shinobi, four are at attention while Naruto is struggling to lean the large sword in the corner of the Hokage's office. He tried using the metal wire like Haku said to keep it at his back but it was so annoying. Naruto felt carrying it or leaning it against him was easier.

After finishing a quick overview of Team Seven's mission, the Sandaime sternly asks, "your preliminary report states this Kiri-nin, Haku, along with known associate, the Demon of Hidden Mist, Momochi Zabuza, were an enemy combatant during your mission. And it's only because their contract was terminated that Haku decided to emigrate to Konoha."

"Ne, Ji-chan," Naruto starts, giving Kakashi stressfully harder heart-palpitations as Naruto's informal response to the strongest ninja in their village flabbergasts everyone but Sakura. "Since we're friends, can Haku live with me?"

"Naruto!" Sakura whispers her yell.

"Naruto-kun," the Sandaime begins to reply. "You must remember when to show my office the respect it deserves if you're ever going to take my hat."

"Hai!" Naruto straightens. "Hokage-sama, can Haku please stay with me?"

"We will submit her application of asylum," Sandaime states. Having yet to be informed about Haku's gender, the older man continues, "it will be reviewed by both the civilian and shinobi council, however, this will be a military decision. Should everything run smoothly, I don't foresee any issues. However, while her application is pending, I would prefer if you both stayed in different quarters. Call me old fashioned but with the exception of marriage, I believe girls and boys should not share one room."

"Ji-chan," Naruto starts, completely forgetting his earlier formality toward the office he covets. "Haku's a boy."

"No way!" Sandaime calls flummoxed, looking at Haku's beautifully feminine, smiling face.

"I know, right," Naruto sternly adds, groaning philosophically. "This world is full of mystery."

"Yes, even at my age, wonders never cease," Sandaime agrees in a wise tone, nodding with his eyes closed. After the room is forced to accept this monumental break of decorum without explanation, the Sandaime rolls the scroll up, calling out, "job well done, Team Seven. For representing your village with exemplary bravery, your mission will be upgraded to A-Rank. All but Kakashi and Naruto are dismissed."

"I'll wait in the hall," Haku tells Naruto.

When it's just the three of them in one of the most secure buildings, in the most secure rooms in all of Konoha, the Hokage announces with authority, "S-Class Security protocol. Sarutobi, Hiruzen, 000261, Kage."

Immediately the once bright office hums to life as the windows are darkened and thousands of previously unseen Fūinjutsu characters glow blue along the walls and floors. Naruto hears at least ten locks but he doesn't know from where. The now dark room is lit by lamps as neither Kakashi or the Sandaime react to the overly hostile changes. After a second of utter silence, the Hokage states, "for the moment, this will remain an S-class secret. The report concerning this technique will be redacted to further reflect how vital this information is."





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