
Naruto: The Path of Control

"Can't master nature transformation? Fine, I don't need it!" Kai decided. With extreme chakra control, he would develop powerful non-elemental ninjutsu, create his own Six Styles of Combat, and even design a human-based Sage Mode. Who needed conventional ninja techniques when his path would be just as strong—if not stronger? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to support me and read chapters ahead, join my patreon : patreon.com/Adwitiyah_Daivik ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: 卖身葬节操 RAW NAME: 木叶:学不会忍术,只好自己研发

Adwitiyah_Daivik · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Chapter 19: Three Women, One Scene

"If it were you, Teacher, I'd definitely be willing!"

"Ugh, stop it."

Kitayama hadn't expected this boy to answer so straightforwardly. She blushed and lightly smacked Kai on the head.

"Your medicine formula has become quite famous. A number of clans have sent people over secretly, asking if there's an even better version. What do you think?"

Kai smiled slightly. "You handle it, Teacher. I won't interfere. Just make sure I get my fair share of the benefits."

Kitayama sighed in relief and nodded. "I'll submit it on your behalf, and then we'll let the Hokage make the final decision."

"But there's something else," Kai said. He explained the situation outside where people were lining up for the medicine. "They're lining up all the way outside, which doesn't look good, and it's a waste of their time. How about handing out numbered tickets so they can come and purchase according to their turn?"

"Hmm, that's a good idea," Kitayama said after a moment of thought. She could see the benefit of Kai's suggestion.

She added, "Given that our production is limited, once we've distributed a certain number of tickets, we can ask the others to disperse instead of waiting unnecessarily."

"Also, there should be a limit on purchases. Otherwise, some people with money could buy a dozen packs at once, and then there wouldn't be enough for those further back in line."

"You're right," Kitayama nodded in agreement.

The demand for this medicine was overwhelming. There were so many people coming to buy it, even without counting the portion that some clans had quietly taken. Otherwise, the number of customers would have been even larger.

Recognizing this, Kitayama -left the room, spoke briefly with the medical ninja in charge of sales, and quickly arranged for tickets to be handed out. Before long, the line outside had dispersed significantly.

Kai peeked outside and saw that things had calmed down.

But then...

"Hey! Young man, are you single? Need someone to set you up?"

Kai shuddered at the sudden question but quickly realized the voice was too young to belong to an older lady. He turned and saw a young girl hiding near the door – it was none other than Gekkou Kasa, who had greeted him earlier. Further away, Tenten had also bought her medicine and was waving enthusiastically at him.

Kai smiled back and then turned to Kasa, "What are you doing here? To be honest, even though we're classmates, I don't really remember you."

"How could a genius like you notice someone like me?" Gekkou Kasa said with a mischievous grin. She winked and added, "Actually, I did it on purpose."

"On purpose?" Kai was intrigued.

"Yep! My uncle said I was too hyperactive to amount to anything, so I've been practicing how to make myself less noticeable in class, so no one would pay attention to me," Kasa explained, talking rapidly.

Kai listened for a bit and quickly grasped the situation. Her surname was Gekkou, so this "uncle" was most likely Gekkou Hayate. The Gekkou family was skilled in Konoha-style swordsmanship and assassination. A jumpy personality wouldn't be conducive to learning techniques like the Crescent Moon Dance.

Her uncle was probably using reverse psychology to motivate her.

"Hey, Kasa, you're here too?" Tenten walked over, giving Kasa a curious look. She seemed to remember Kasa a bit better than Kai did.

"Yeah, I heard the medicine helps with strengthening the body, so I came to buy some. My uncle isn't in good health either – do you think this medicine will help him?" Kasa asked, turning to Kai.

"Your uncle is...?" Kai inquired.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself properly. My uncle is Gekkou Hayate, a special jonin, but he's always been in poor health," Kasa explained quickly.

Tenten tilted her head, seemingly not familiar with the name Gekkou Hayate.

Kai, however, had seen him at the hospital before. Thinking for a moment, he replied, "Your uncle's situation is a bit complicated. First, he has a congenital weakness, which can be supplemented to some extent but never fully resolved. Second, he has a lung condition. I don't know all the details."

"That's exactly right!" Kasa's eyes lit up. She realized Kai had seen her uncle and accurately described his condition. Excitedly, she asked, "Kai, do you have any solutions?"

"I don't, actually. And I would advise against using any medicine hastily. You need to be careful and ensure that any treatment is done under proper medical supervision."

Kai explained the pharmacology behind it. Some medicines that are beneficial to healthy people might be harmful to those who are already weak.

"I see... Even Kai can't help..." Kasa said, visibly disappointed.

"Well, I've only studied medical knowledge and pharmacology for a little while. I'm nowhere near a full-fledged medical ninja. And your uncle's condition is complex. Maybe only Lady Tsunade could help."

Kai directed her attention to Tsunade, the legendary Sannin. In the original "Naruto" series, Gekkou Hayate didn't live long enough to see Tsunade return to Konoha, so it was unknown whether she could have cured him. However, congenital illnesses are notoriously hard to treat, and even Tsunade might only be able to alleviate his condition, not cure it entirely.

Kasa had heard of Tsunade's legendary skills, but that powerful figure hadn't returned to Konoha in many years. Even if she could cure him...

Kasa sighed silently, her earlier cheerfulness gone.

Seeing an opportunity, Tenten asked, "So, is this medicine really effective?"

"It is. I have even more effective formulas, but the ingredients are rare and expensive, so they're not available for mass production. What you're buying is the most cost-effective version," Kai explained.

"That's impressive! If it were me, I'd be lucky to come up with just one formula," Tenten marveled.

"Well, that's why you're still in school, while Kai's already in the medical unit," Kasa said with a smirk.

"You!" Tenten was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Don't worry, I'm the same," Kasa chuckled.

Tenten felt frustrated but didn't know how to respond.

"Three women create a drama, and there are only two here going back and forth. The old saying is true," Kai thought to himself.

Then, he waved his hand. "It's nothing special. I just have a lot of ideas and time to read. Why don't you both come inside instead of blocking the doorway?"

"I need to keep an eye on my ticket, so I won't stay long. Thanks though!" Kasa waved goodbye and left quickly.

Tenten stuck out her tongue at Kasa's retreating figure but didn't plan to stay much longer either.

"I'm off to train. I thought we were done after the exams, but there's still another test before the assignments. Gotta prepare well! This medicine will help me test its effects too," Tenten said as she lifted two packs of the medicine.

Kai nodded lightly. The medicine was just an aid; what mattered most was personal effort. Without dedication, even the best medicine wouldn't help.

After Tenten left, Kai began a small routine of light exercises inside, all while mentally checking on the state of his "Bodhi."


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