
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · 漫画同人
74 Chs

Chapter 72: Meeting Shisui Uchiha

In the morning, Ryu Hamura's eyes opened with a flutter, his body ready to go into action for yet another demanding training day. But as consciousness fully took hold, an unexpected thought struck him.

"Maybe... I should take a break today," Ryu muttered as he sat up. After months of training nonstop, the thought of not training felt strange, almost rebellious.

He glanced at his training gear neatly arranged in the corner of his room and felt a twinge of guilt. "I could use some light stretching, but going easy this week might be smart. Don't want to risk injury before the exam."

As he dressed, the familiar sounds and smells of breakfast being prepared wafted through the air, bringing a smile to Ryu's face. He made his way to the kitchen, where his grandfather, Dan, was already busy preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Grandpa," Ryu called out as he entered the kitchen and started helping Dan with the breakfast.

Dan turned, a warm smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Good morning, Ryu. You came early than usual. No training today?"

Ryu hesitated for a moment before responding. "To be honest, Grandpa, I was considering taking a week off and doing nothing but light exercise. Perhaps take a closer look around the village.

"Well, I think that is a fine idea," Dan said. "You've been pushing yourself hard lately. A change of pace might do you good." 

Dan gave them some recommendations for places to go and things to see in the village as they were eating breakfast. He said, "You might want to check out the market district. And don't forget to stop by the Ninja Academy and look at the competition. They are currently running a training camp. Even if you're not training today, it's good to observe others in action."

Ryu nodded at his grandfather's advice. He finished eating and helped clean up the dishes before heading out to explore the village.

As Ryu headed for the market district, the streets were just starting to come alive with activity. The sounds of friendly greetings and friendly haggling filled the air as shopkeepers set up their stalls.

Ryu's senses were overpowered by the market's vivid colours and alluring scents as he strolled around. 

"Ryu: Tourist Edition is here!" he thought to himself as he heard someone calling for him.

"Hey there, young man!" a friendly voice called out. Ryu turned to see a middle-aged woman waving him over to her fruit stand. "Care for a sample? These peaches are the sweetest you'll find in all of Konoha!"

Ryu approached the stand, accepting the slice of peach with a polite bow. As he bit into the fruit, his eyes widened at the burst of flavour. "It really is sweet!" he exclaimed.

The woman beamed at him. "Told you! Say, I haven't seen you around before. Are you new to the village?"

Ryu shook his head. "No, ma'am. I've lived here all my life, but I don't often get the chance to explore like this. I've been focused on my training to become a ninja."

"Ah, I see," the woman nodded knowingly. "Well, take your time and enjoy. A skilled ninja knows their village inside and out."

As Ryu continued his exploration, he found himself drawn to the sounds of exertion coming from a nearby training ground of the Leaf Ninja Academy.

In the training camp of Ninja Academy, a group of young children were honing their shuriken throwing skills under the watchful eyes of academy instructors. This camp had been open for months to civilian kids to practice and seek guidance before the entrance exam. This was a noble gesture, considering that civilian children never receive the same level of guidance as those in Ninja Clans.

Ryu watched from a distance, his sharp eyes registering the form and precision of the would-be ninjas and their instructors. He could not help but mentally note the areas where he could get better by comparing their abilities to his own.

"Impressive, aren't they? " a voice beside him said, startling Ryu from his thoughts.

He turned to see an older boy, recognising him instantly as Shisui Uchiha, a legendary ninja whose story was known throughout the fandom of the Naruto story.


"The majority of them are still putting their all into their dream of becoming ninjas, even though they have never held a shureken before," Shisui remarked.


Ryu pondered Shisui's future, his fate, and the terrible story of his sacrifice and death, which were forced by Danzo Shimura's internal politics and schemes. Despite his sympathy and admiration for his selflessness, he knew he could not change his fate. Fate was tricky thing and so was 'The Butterfly effect'.

The Uchiha massacre started with his death. If that does not happen, Sasuke will not awaken Mangekyo Sharingan and will lose to Akatsuki and others before any Otsutsuki ever sets foot on the ground. 


"Yes, they are. But not as impressive as you are," Ryu replied, breaking away from his thoughts, his voice tinged with admiration and a hint of longing.

Shisui laughed and replied, "Thanks, kid. You'll be there soon enough. I can see the determination in your eyes. What is your name?"

Ryu felt a surge of pride at being complimented by him. "Thank you, sir. I am Ryu Hamura. I'm also working hard to become a ninja and protect our village."

Nodding, the Shisui stated, "That is the spirit. You will succeed if you continue to have that drive and fire within you. See you around, kid. I will remember your name."

As the day wore on, Ryu found himself drawn to the Ninja Academy classes. Though classes weren't in session, he wanted to take a look at the academy.

There was a commotion nearby, and Ryu heard the older kids surround a younger boy, taunting him with their voices.One of the bullies shoved the smaller boy, sneering, "Look at the little civilian, thinking he can become a ninja!"

"Hey!" Ryu called out, his voice steady and firm despite his racing heart. "Leave him alone!"

The bullies turned, surprise evident on their faces. One of them, a boy with spikey black hair, stepped forward with a smirk. "And who are you supposed to be? Another wannabe ninja?"

Ryu stood his ground, meeting the bully's gaze without flinching. "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you're acting like cowards, ganging up on someone smaller than you."

The bully's face flushed with anger, and for a moment, Ryu thought he might have to defend himself. But then, to his surprise, the bully's expression shifted to a smile.

"You've got guts, kid," the bully said, taking a step back. "Come on, guys. Let's go. We will see this brat at the exam."

As the group dispersed, Ryu turned to the younger boy. "Are you okay?" he asked, offering a hand to help him up.

The boy nodded, his eyes wide with gratitude. "Thank you," he said softly. "I... I want to be a ninja, but they said civilians like me don't stand a chance."

Ryu felt a surge of empathy for the boy. "Don't listen to them," he said firmly. "With hard work and determination, anyone can become a great ninja. Among the three Legenday Sanin, two come from a civillian background. Believe in yourself, okay?"

The boy's face lit up with a smile, and he nodded enthusiastically before running off, his spirits visibly lifted.

As the sun began to set, Ryu made his way to Ichiraku Ramen, his stomach growling at the thought of a warm bowl of noodles. He listened in on the conversations going on around him as he sat at the counter, enjoying the flavourful broth and soft noodles.

"Did you hear? They say the Chunin Exams are coming up soon," one whispered excitedly to another.

"I heard a rumour that the Hokage is considering expanding the village's defences," another voice chimed in.

Ryu listened intently, storing away each piece of information. As he finished his meal, he reflected on everything he had seen and learned throughout the day.

The walk home was peaceful; the streets of Konoha bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. As Ryu approached the home, he saw his grandfather waiting for him on the porch.

"Welcome back, Ryu," Dan greeted him with a smile. "How was your day of exploration?"

Ryu's face lit up as he began to recount his adventures. "It was amazing, Grandpa! I saw so much.There were so many places that I haven't seen. The market, the academy, even Ichiraku Ramen."

Dan listened intently, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Sounds like you had quite the day. Come have something to eat."

Later that night, as Ryu lay in bed, the events of the day replayed in his mind and his meeting with legendary Uchiha. He drifted off to sleep, thinking more about fate and the butterfly effect, wondering how his action may or may not affect this world.

"I guess there is no use thinking about how I might affect the timeline just by existing. But I can see how touching any major event might trigger a domino effect. But what to do?" Ryu thought.

Ryu thought more before signing, "I will worry about it later when I am stronger. Before that, my priorities and survival are above everything else."

With that thought, he went to sleep.


25+ more chapters, including 5 free chapters, are available to read on Patreon at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ.

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