
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · 漫画同人
74 Chs

Chapter 49: Fox and Mouse

Ryu's pale face was warmly illuminated by a sliver of sunlight that broke through the small window. Against the bright white sheets that usually flickered in his eyes, he lay tucked beneath them.

The door creaked open, and Dr. Yuki entered, her smile strained but genuine. "Good morning, everyone," she greeted, her voice carrying a note of forced cheer. Isao, who had been dozing in a chair beside Ryu's bed, jolted awake. Hana, ever vigilant, remained by the window, keeping watch.

"Dr. Yuki!" Isao exclaimed, relief flooding his features. His dishevelled appearance and the dark bags under his eyes spoke volumes about their restless nights together. "Have you heard from the council recently? Please let me know if you have any positive news."

With firmness, Dr. Yuki declared, "I do have good news."

She smiled broadly at Isao, who was waiting for more information, and said, "The good news is that the delay has been resolved."

She paused and exclaimed, "And Ryu has been officially included in the human clinical trials for the potential cure."

There was an exhalation from everyone in the room, followed by a joyful burst. Hana let out a whoop of excitement upon hearing the news and threw her arms around Dr. Yuki, giving her a tight hug.

Even Ryu, cracked a wide smile. The room, which had been oppressively tense, seemed to lighten as if a weight had been lifted off their shoulders.

"How did you do it, Mother Yuki?" Ryu rasped, his voice weak but filled with hope. "The council seemed so determined to shut us down."

Dr. Yuki chuckled, a dry humour colouring her tone. "Let's just say I have some contacts high up on the ladder," she said cryptically, her eyes flickering towards the window.

Ryu said to himself, "Well, I guess I was lucky that she is from the Sarutobi clan. She must have received a lot of assistance from the Third Hokage, considering that they are both members of the same clan."

Yuki's eyes softened as she turned to face Ryu, "Sometimes, it is not about what you know, but who you know. But that does not mean we are out of the woods yet."

Her smile faded, and a serious glint entered her eyes. "The council may not be able to officially block us anymore, but they'll be watching us like hawks. We have to be careful not to give them any reason to delay the trials further. Focus on the experiments and ensure the production unit is up and running smoothly for the final product, as we are going to need it as soon as trials are completed."

Isao straightened his shoulders, the seriousness of Dr. Yuki's remarks counteracting his earlier joy as he said, "We understand, Dr. Yuki. We do not want to disappoint you; we have come too far to give up now."

Hana added, "We'll do everything we can. But, Dr. Yuki, what about Ryu's condition? It feels like it's getting worse. First, we must take action to stabilise him."

Dr. Yuki reached out and gently placed a hand on Ryu's forehead. Her touch was cool and calming. "You're right," she admitted, her voice heavy with concern. "The illness is progressing faster than we anticipated. It's like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path."

She paused, her eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "That's why getting him into the trials was so crucial. I will do everything in my power to keep him stable until then, but we have to get this antibiotic finished quickly for the trial."

Ryu spoke with determination in spite of his weakness, saying, "I will fight, and I will not let it win."

Dr. Yuki gave the young boy a firm squeeze on the hand as her heart grew larger in appreciation of his unwavering spirit. "Take it easy, little man. I know you are a fighter, but let us handle the fighting while you just relax and take a break," she said, viewing her team with fierce pride in her chest.

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. Dr. Yuki, Isao, and Hana worked tirelessly, their determination a formidable force against the ticking clock. They meticulously reviewed the research data, conducted trial runs with the newly formulated medicine and went a step further to improve it, and ensured the production unit was also operating efficiently. The lab hummed with energy, a stark contrast to the sombre hospital room where Ryu fought his own battle.

Even as his health declined, Ryu continued to be a source of strength for the team. Every day presented fresh difficulties: blood draws that made him feel lightheaded, examinations that necessitated him to remain motionless even with pain, and drugs that caused his stomach to twist into knots. But he kept his composure and smiled through every hardship. The medicine he had rediscovered in this world gave him a sliver of hope, and he clung to it.

However, a sense of unease lingered in the air. Dr. Yuki's cryptic words about "high-up contacts" gnawed at Isao like a persistent itch he couldn't scratch. He couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched and that unseen forces lurked in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Dr. Yuki's eyes narrowed with concentration one evening as she went over her notes. However, something caught her attention, so she turned to face the window. With a hint of fear in her voice, she whispered, "There is something wrong."

"What is wrong, Dr. Yuki?" Isao asked. Hana, ever the observant one, pointed towards the window. "There!" she hissed, her voice barely a whisper.

A dark figure darted across the sliver of moonlight, a fleeting shadow that disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. The movement was so swift, so practiced, that it could only belong to someone with extensive training. The figure disappeared into thin air, leaving behind a heavy silence full of unspoken fear.

Dr. Yuki's premonition had come true. Their sanctuary had been breached. She thought, "That bastard. Danzo is coming after us directly now that the Council has lifted the ban on the human trials. Isao and Hana are incapable of defending themselves, and even if I were a fighter, I am too old to take them on. This is bad."

The war they were fighting was no longer confined to laboratories and paperwork. It had spilled out into the open, a silent battle waged in darkened corridors and whispered conversations. The stakes had never been higher.

"Stay quiet," Dr. Yuki whispered, her voice firm despite the tremor running through her. "And don't come outside." She looked at Isao and Hana, her eyes conveying a silent command. 'Protect Ryu at all costs.'

She cautiously crept out of her office, her heart pounding against her ribs. The hallway stretched before her, a corridor of shadows punctuated by pools of dim light. She discovered a lifeless figure sprawled out on the floor in the hallway. Two masked ANBU figures stood guard, their presence a chilling confirmation of her worst fears.

One of the ANBU spoke in a low, gravelly voice. "Hokage's orders. Act as if you saw nothing."

Dr. Yuki's mind raced, piecing together the puzzle with lightning speed. This unexpected development flipped the script entirely. Despite the initial shock, a spark of hope ignited within her. She clearly understood that her cousin, the third Hokage, had taken her request seriously.

Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile onto her face as she nodded in confirmation of the request of the two ANBU and said, "Thank you. and please thank him for me."

The ANBU agents exchanged a silent glance. Their masks concealed their expressions, but their body language spoke volumes. They had expected suspicion, fear, or anything but this calm acceptance.

Dr. Yuki turned to re-enter her office. As she closed the door behind her, her smile faltered for a fleeting moment, the weight of their silent exchange heavy on her shoulders. "It was nothing," she announced to Hana and Isao, her voice returning to its usual reassuring tone.

Isao, still on edge from the earlier silence, looked at her sceptically. "Maybe it was a cat," he offered, trying to lighten the mood.

Dr. Yuki couldn't help but grin. "Maybe it was a fox and a mouse," she replied enigmatically.

Isao and Hana exchanged bewildered looks as they scratched their heads. "Fox and mouse, is not this too specific?" Isao retorted.

The answer was so cryptic that it hung in the air, something they could never quite figure out. However, they did not press the matter because they saw their leader was back to her normal self.

They were unaware that this seemingly unremarkable encounter had just turned the tide in their covert conflict: the Hokage had subtly provided a message of support and protection via his ANBU operatives who were hiding.

With a newfound sense of resolve, Dr. Yuki surveyed her team as night fell over the hospital, casting long shadows over Ryu's sleeping form. The path ahead was still fraught with danger, but now, they had allies in the shadows, silent guardians watching over their mission.

##Author's Note##

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