
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · 漫画同人
77 Chs

Chapter 56 - The Date

Inside his bedroom, Kagami faced his grandfather as he held up a shirt in both hands. Clothes were tossed across his bed and judging by both faces, they have been at this for a while. Only unlike his grandfather who seemed to find this amusing, Kagami was struggling.

"She said wear something nice? Doesn't she know she usually picks out most of my clothes anymore." Kagami said as he tossed the shirts to the bed.

"That's probably why she said it." Taiyō replied with a grin on his lips.

"Should I just wear a heavy coat and say I'm cold today?" Kagami asked as his grandfather couldn't hold it anymore and laughed.

"It's the middle of summer and it's almost ninety outside. You would probably get heat stroke walking out the door."

Kagami glared at his grandfather who was of no help as he looked at all his clothes. Which probably didn't help; they were all similar with dark blue or colors in general. Finally he picked up a dark blue button up shirt and held it in front of him to look in the mirror.

In the reflection he saw his bangs held back with a headband and black pants. Nodding slightly, for he truthfully didn't have different colored pants to choose from. He put on the shirt and buttoned it up and looked at himself once more before turning around once more.

"Do you think this is ok?" Kagami asked.

His grandfather tossed him a vest that had a few buttons in front and a pocket protector that was barely noticeable. For it was black in color as it was basically the same color as his pants. Putting it on, he realized he was basically in a three piece suit.

"Do you think I am overdressing?" Kagami's question changed.

"You're more indecisive than women. You look fine and it will be fine. You have known her since you were four and basically seen her in all her glory." His grandfather rubbed his forehead.

"But I have never been on a date or even had a girlfriend before. What would I do if she tossed me aside because I can't dress well?" Kagami replied in a panic.

After a month since their raid on Orochimaru laboratory where the man had to run away. When both just returned from investigating Danzo's actions over the years. Mira suddenly asked him to be her boyfriend and take her on a date.

Of course since he liked her as his best friend, Kagami accepted her thus in a near stuttering mess at being taken off guard. However, once he came back fully to his senses after she left. He panicked a bit as he didn't know how to date.

"You're rich and good looking if what I am told is true. So you won on two fronts, so even if you don't have a lick of fashion, she already won since she will just need to control your wardrobe."

"Aren't you supposed to say I am smart, rich and handsome?"

"No one is handsome with me around and for brains. Well you're smart in a few areas but a complete blockhead in others." Taiyō complimented himself while making a joke.

Kagami huffed a bit, but soon his eyes were drawn to the one responsible for his flight on clothes. There sitting on the couch dressed nicely eating strawberries was Mira. She even had a light amount of makeup on her eyes that complimented her looks and not like she dunked her head in it.

"Are you ready?" Kagami asked, changing tone in moments.

His grandfather and Mira both rolled their eyes at his sudden shift in character. However, Mira still nodded and waited for him to offer her his arm. Which took longer than it should and would have taken longer if his grandfather hadn't told him.


It had turned out that Kagami was indeed overthinking it after ten minutes. During this time, he realized it wasn't much different then what they had done before. They just walked and chatted like the previous times they walked about the village to grab something to eat, watch a movie or anything really. It was just with a sparkling new title that illuminated it to sound better and fancier then it previous was.

So after watching a movie he refuses to admit he fell asleep five minutes in. They just grabbed a meal at one of the more expensive restaurants in the village. Where he learned that Mira was planning this for a while as the restaurant had a month and half waiting list.

Afterwards, they strolled up to the top of the Hokage Rock and looked out at the village below as the moon rose higher into the sky.

"Do you think you will become Hokage?" Mira asked.

"I don't know if I want to be Hokage. I would rather just tinker in my lab and explore the wonders of chakra." Kagami replied after a moment. "However, I feel that my dream is hard to come true as I feel Hiruzen will add to my responsibility after this mission."

"He is old and will need a successor. Only you are in the village that meets the requirements outside of Shikaku Nara. Jiraiya has no interest in being Hokage and Tsunade…well it is unlikely at this moment." Mira replied. "Kakashi is also a good choice, but until he gets out of his funk, he wouldn't make a good choice."

"If I chose so, I would choose to be the Sixth Hokage. It sounds better than Fifth Hokage." Kagami replied with a smile. 'Not to mention it would be after the Fourth Shinobi War and should be slightly smooth sailing until Naruto is ready to take over.'

Mira just rolled her eyes at the reason he would reject becoming Hokage. It was such a dumb reason.

"Why the sudden question."

"I think you will look nice in Hokage robes. Besides you love this village so much and with your strength. It's just a matter of time before you become Hokage." Mira smiled and as the moonlight glowed behind her, it made it seem like a fact.

"Only time will tell Mira, only time will tell."

Thanks for reading.

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