
3. Academy

Its been almost a year since I got transfered to this world, I've been getting out quite fine with all the different thing here from my previous world.

I am now 7 years old and I have enough chakra reserve to be considered a low class Chunin, I've learn many jutsu that my father left in the basement I also started learning and understand the basic of the Flying raijin that my father left me.

I got up from my bed and take a quick bath before using shunshin no Jutsu to quickly get to the academy, I don't want to be late in the first day of school you see.

I see many kids getting dropped by their parents, it kinda make me a bit sad but I still keep a stoic face, I see a blonde haired ponytail girl she is pretty cute I didn't realize I stare at her and she just smile at me, I nod and proceed to take my class.

the chunin teacher decided to make us introduce our self to one another everyone introduce them self when it land on my turn I just got up "My name is Noctis Kurotsuki call me Noct or Noctis whatever you want" amd sat down again with a expressionless face.

its not like I'm a introverted guy who don't want to associate with anyone, but I just don't want any fake friend who befriended me because of I am popular or anything.

for me having a few true friend is better than having a thousand fake one, I noticed many girl stare at me including the blonde girl Which I found her name was Ino Yamanaka, if I remember correctly she is member of the famous Yamanaka clan specialized in recon.

I got bored pretty quickly because of the lesson only saying the stuff I already know from my Father books back at home, so I decided to pass the time doing Chakra control.

time goes by it seems today is the first fitness test being held, we supposed to be showing our strength, speed and also chakra control.

we go to the Academy field, I see many obstacle on the runway, we will be called 5 each, and we will run with our fastest speed while also avoiding the obstacle infront of us, By the time I got called I was paired with 4 other guy.

the first guy is just like me he had a lonely expression his name was Uchiha Sasuke, the second one is a weird guy having a dog in his jacket named Kiba Inuzuka, next is guy named Nara Shikamaru with a lazy face and eyes, the fourth is a guy who cover his face and eyes his name is Shino Aburame.

the last guy in my group is name fat guy named Choji Akimichi that conclude all the guys in my test group, we are getting ready while Choji look like he about to face death and Shikamaru had an annoyed face saying that this test is bothersome.

I personally agree with Shikamaru on thinking the test is bothersome, when the teacher said go to us we started running to the end line I got infront of them but I sense someone right behind me, he is Sasuke.

'quite fast he is eh' I think but still maintain ny speed and keep the lead by the end line all the guy is exhausted except me, Learning shunshin for a Year and doing all those training everyday has its perk I guess.

the girl flood Sasuke trying to give help but he seems annoyed and tried to go away, I thought that no girl will notice me with all the commotion Sasuke fan make.

but I suddenly felt a cold feelings in my neck, I see Ino smiling at me with a bottle of water in my neck "Here it seems many girl missed such a gem heh" I just shrugged and take the water bottle "Thanks, My name is Noctis you should be Ino right?" I asked her for confirmation.

She looked at me for a second which make me shudder for a bit and nodded "Yep, I know your name from the class introduction earlier in the morning" I just looked at her weirdly that make her asked "What?".

"Nothing I just thought that you big families children only associate your self with the other big families children and don't have the time to remember the name of some civilian boy" I said with a smirk.

"I.. do you have any grudge with big families children?" I shaked my head "Then why?" I raised my eyebrow "Like I told you, I 'thought' that you guys do that, but it seems my thought are wrong right?" Which she nodded understanding what I meant.

After the the test its time for lunch break I was getting ready to leave when Ino suddenly take my hand and dragged me to her group, I knew some of the guy there like Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Sasuke, Shino, Neji, and some girl I don't know about because I don't really listening the introduction.

I just got forced sit by Ino and the guys just smile shake their head while smiling, Sasuke just nod at me and continue to look at the window.

"You, you are Noctis right? you are fast" Kiba said to me with a thumbs up, which I just answer with a short thanks, Shikamaru on the other hand looked at me thinking I had another motive behind befriending Ino and all the rest of the group.

I just said something weird which no one but Shikamaru understand, "Living like that, doubting everyone who doesn't belong to his place, and thinks that they had ulterior motive its not fun eh?" I asked with a smile.

Everyone just looked at me weirdly and Shikamaru just laugh "Hahaha, Yes it is but I hope I don't need to do anything" he said while smirking at me.

"why do I feel like another Shikamaru just appeared out of nowhere?" Which everyone just laugh me and shikamaru just shake our head out.

(A.N: the first three chapter are done, I will start with this and upload 1 chap a day but I will focused on the Highschool DXD FF so enjoys and don't forget to try my Other Fanfic <3)