
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · 漫画同人
86 Chs

Chapter 18 : i didn't want any of this

I stand there ... menacingly .

* whisper whisper chat chat *

Shadows under my eyes .

* WHISPPPER  whisper whisper *

My jaw jutting forward showing how annoyed i am feeling right now .

Some void thinking, What in the hell is even happening ?!  Well, we have to go back two days ago to know that .

Flashback /

At the room's center of a traditional Japanese dining room , rectangular table, rested upon a tatami expanse. Around this table, a family gathered, seated comfortably on cushions that embraced the tatami . They pick up the chopsticks on the table and "Itadakimasu," they say at the same time .

There was steaming rice, miso soup, a delicately grilled fish, and pickled vegetables, among other exquisite side dishes on the table


" So son ! " my father said suddenly .

" Yes ? " i replied while picking up some grilled fish .

" Do you remember the deal that we made Five years ago ? "

I stop my hands a little right before i put some fish parts in my mouth then continue .

" Will you fill me in the details please " i said acting as if i don't remember .

" Ahh Maybe you were a kid at that time so that's why you don't remember " he said as he hits his own palm still chopsticks in his hand .

" Your father is talking about that time where you didn't want to go to the academy and instead train " my mother continued what my father about to say .

" Yes , i have talked with the hokage to excuse you from going to the academy because of your special circumstances until you are 10, And now it's time to go and be in the academy for 2 years then graduate like the rest of the kids your age " my father said much to my dismay .

" Can i not go ? " i ask the impossible .

" NO can do little guy, you are like what, 10 years and still doesn't have any friends " my mom said

" But i already have a friend ! " i retorted .

"First Arata-san is an old man with one feet in the grave so he is not considered as a friend, second you do realise that you are getting cheated by him when you gamble with him, right ? " my mother continued and asked .

" ... "

" Right ?! " ×2  they ask at the same time while looking at me weirdly .

" ... "

i look at the bewildered expression of my parents when i didn't answer .

" BUAHAHAH , I didn't know you were so stupid son BUAHAHAHA !! " my father was laughing as tears came down his eyes comically .

I didn't answer but i am sure my head was full of bulging veins, not because i feel annoyed at my father but because i feel betrayed .

My first friend in this world betrayed my trust .

" Sighhh How many times i reprimanded you to not gamble with the allowance we give you !  " my mother said tiredly while putting her and on her forhead, rubbing it .

" you do know Arata-san was a powerful ninja in the warring period right ? " she continued and asked .

" no, i didn't know that. He just said he was a farmer when he was young " i answered .

" well, you should stick to your own words and not trust ninjas from now on son " my father said after he calmed down .

I sighh a little and say " i am still weak, the kids will be ahead of me in everything, will you send this pitiful child of yours who is emotionally unstable right now into that den of wolves in a sheep's skin ?! "

" Stop the bull son, we both know how strong you are AND ... " he paused as he narrowed his eyes . " you should have thought about this first when you were fighting sakumo "

" your father is right baby. also, you have to find a girl so that we can get some grand kids hehe " my mother said with a hand on her cheek while blushing .

" is it wise to talk about this when i am only 10 ? " i ask not so surely .

" What are you talking about ? Kids your age get married and already have kids you know " my father answered while raising an eyebrow at me as if i asked something dumb .

' What are the Uchihas police force doing for freaks sake huh ?!  This is illegal ' i thought to myself. Even though i know a little how the world worked in this backwards era but it's different when you know that you could get married anytime .

" Hey hiro, do you think we should find a girl for him ? There are many other clans who have many beautiful girls fit for him you know ! " mom said to my father .

" that is a great idea ! maybe his alias as the last heir of the hatake clan could help us find him a princess from another clan too " my father added .

" WHAT NOW ?! "

Flashback End /

Now i stand in front of the whole class, filled with kids who were whispering and talking about me .

" Pssst, who is that ?! "

" i don't know !! "

" is he really our age ? look at that height "

" he looks scary "

" i heard he is a new student "

" But isn't it a little too late for him to be here ? "

" What a drag "

" hope he invites me to to eat "

" grrr, he smells ominous "

" he is so handsome ♡ "

" hmph "

I just stand here slowly running out of patience while wearing my usual clothes. A tight, black, long sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white martial arts pants, a yellow sash around my waist and tai chi slippers .

" BE QUIET !! " the chunin teacher screams and the whole class become silent .

" We will have a new student among us from now on, i am katsuki, your chunin teacher until you graduate . You can know introduce yourself to the class boy " the chunin teacher introduced and said to me .

I looked at the class a little then " I am Hatake Garou, the heir of the hatake clan " i speak for the first time while thinking about the time my father said i was the heir of the clan because everyone is old and sakumo is in Anbu .

" Good, now, do you have any questions for him class ? " katsuki asked and some students raised their hands .

" Yes, you " katsuki pointed at a student in the front who i didn't recognize .

" amm, so what do you like ? " he asked .

" sleeping " i replied calmly, and then i hear someone saying ' Brother ' in a questioning manner at the back of the class but the whole class ignores it .

Another student then stood up and ask " why did you come to the academy this late ? "

" Things happen " i answer not wanting to delve into that topic .

" what are you good at ? " someone else asked afterwards .

" fighting " i answer .

Then this continued as many questions got thrown at me much to my annoyance .

" what are you wearing ? "

" clothes "

" what are you wearing on your feet ? "

" i call them tai chi slippers "

" why is your hair like that ? "

" i was born like this "

" do you have a girlfriend ? "

" i would love to have one "

" what is your type of girl ? " a girl asked .

" i am not picky, but i prefer bigger boobs "

" PERVERT !! " she shouted loudly while blushing for no fucking reason .

" but you asked for it, soo ... "

And this continued until ...

" what's your dream ? " someone asked .

And that's some question i need to think about like what's my dream ? What do i want to achieve in this world ... i know that i want to be someone feared like hashirama and madara but is that really my goal ?

I think about the question a little more before ...

"I ... i want to build a dojo and teach my martial arts to them " i answer even though i won't teach any core martial arts to anyone, but i don't lack Arts of any category that aren't too bullshit like what i am using now...

" martial arts ?! You mean ninja and ninjustsu ? " someone asked confused .

" ninjas are different from Martial artists . The only thing ninjas know what do is killing, betraying, spreading havoc wherever they go in a selfish desire and attempt of what's known as protecting the weak by killing the weak unlike martial artists who just want to live in peace and perfect their respective creation and sometimes fight to know who's art is better " i spoke more than my previous answers, and as i expected, many of them didn't understand me .

" simply put, ninjas create to destruct, but we create to protect, build and entertain " i said .

I was always disgusted by the ninjas . If they were like the assassins creed community then i wouldn't have a problem with them and even respect them because they wanted to ensure peace in all things . If the ninjas of this world killed the corrupt, evil and really bad people like the assassins, the world would have been much better .

But the ninjas here don't even know why they are fighting or for what they are fighting anymore,they don't even understand the will of fire, rock, water or whatever .

they just take orders from their superiors like it's some kind of divine revelation from a prophet without questioning it .

They are just killing machines at this point, brainwashed, like a shell of their former self meant for destruction, and most of the ninjas themselves don't realise this fact except the very strong ones who are at a point of no return .

" That's NOT true, ninjas also fight to protect and bring peace " i hear a kid say innocently .

" well, i respect... your wrong opinion " i replied lazily . everyone can decide a path for themselves freely, so who am i to judge ? .

" YOUU !! " the student got enraged by my answer and shouted .

"that's ENOUGH !! " katsuki said as he coughed with sweat running down his face, probably didn't expect me to diss his whole ninja career " thank you garou, you can now find a place to seat please " he said and i nod before looking around to find a place then ...



The End .