
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · 漫画同人
40 Chs

Meeting the Yellow Flash

<Haruki POV>

It was 4 AM in the morning and it was my shift to watch the village's gate.

No attack can directly come on to the village but we can never be too careful besides I am not fighting in at the front lines so this is the least I could do.

There isn't much to the gatekeeper's duty. I just have to keep a record of those going in and out of the village and make sure that only the authorised personnel leave through the gates.

On the off chance that someone is trying to sneak into the village or planning an attack, I am to sound the alarm at the earliest.

"~huam~" I yawned

'4 AM is way too early. Huh?'

'What's that?'

I could see dust rising up in the distance. It is slowly getting close to us.

"Oye! Yuto wake up already!"

The ninja in a Chunin vest woke up hurriedly

"Wha-What's going on?" He asked

"Alert the inspection unit as well as the 'monkey squad'...this might be an enemy." I said

As the dust got closer, I could see a faint image of a person running.

In not time, he had already passed me. I wasn't even able to react for a few seconds.

"Dude, just get this over with." The man no boy with white hair asked while standing beside me with his arms up in the air as if asking to be inspected right away.



After getting an earful from the guard stationed at the entrance about recklessly barging into the village unlike the normal people while he was logging in my arrival time and just following basic protocols, I quickly made my way to the Hokage's office.

'I really don't want to meet this two faced bitch right now.'

"Haa" I released a sigh and knocked on the door.

He immediately asked me to come in and there I explained to him in detail about how the mission went and the information we obtained. I completed my explanation in about 5 minutes. Obviously I didn't tell him about my use of "The One" but I also didn't go over the fight altogether but just said that we fought an enemy squad and won.

As soon as I was done with the explanation.

"WHAT!!" The Hokage's cigar fell from his mouth and to the ground and his face was full of shock which then slowly turned into one with a solemn expression.

'Ughh what a waste' I thought while looking at the fallen Cigar

"To think that they had prepared such a method of attack...3 thousand I can't believe it. How the hell do they even have so many Shinobis left on their side."


'Don't feel bad for him. Don't feel bad for him. Don't feel bad for him. Don't feel bad for him. DON'T YOU FUCKING FEEL BAD FOR HIM!!'

I looked at the Hokage again and he was sitting with his hand holding his head as if he had lost everything.

Kind of like all those stupid Millionaire-wannabees who invested all of their wealth. Their house, savings everything and lost all of it as DogeCoin fell.

'Ahh Fuck it.'

"No one could have predicted this. Considering the fact that Iwagakure and Kusagakure haven't been on very friendly terms, this was completely unexpected." I said hoping to console him a bit.

He leaned back on his chair with his eyes closed and opened them a minute later.

I was still standing their without making any noise.

"You said that they are using the Kannabi bridge as their supply line. Correct?"

"Yes, Lord Hokage" I said

"Call Minato" the Hokage said

"Yes! Lord Hokage" A shinobi dressed in a dark robe and a mask said and left as soon as he said that.

'I thought he was talking to me'

"Shirou you have successfully completed all the missions assigned to you and as per the words of your superiors, you have even outdone many shinobis older than you." He continued saying, "You are dismissed for now. Take your time and then let me know when you want to give your official Chunin exam but make sure it is within a week."

"...uhm actually Lord Hokage."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I was hoping if I could give the exam right now."

He looked at me completely surprised

"You have finally came out from the battlefield after months. You do realise that as soon as you are done with your exam, you will become an active Chunin and will have to resume your duty immediately right?"

"Yes Sir! I am well aware of that."

"So why?"

"There isn't much for me to do here. As you know I am an orphan and I don't have any loved ones I want to meet either. In the end I will just end up wasting my time. Not to mention to face this army of 3 thousand Shinobis, We need a competent army and before that the best way to increase our chances of victory, we need to destroy their supply line that is the Kannabi bridge and I am absolutely certain that I can become an indispensable part of it. I am Familiar with the terrain and am confident enough to even last against a Jonin provided it is one on one."

'I have to get on this mission in order to save Obito and change the plot.'

The Hokage smiled and nodded his head as if being impressed by me

"I see. Very well then. I know just the right Shinobi who can act as your examiner. Go wait at the training field 8, you will meet him and his team there in a short time."

'Yess!' I exclaimed mentally

I nodded to the Hokage and left immediately.

'The examiner is obviously Minato Namikaze.'

I was genuinely happy. Not only have I obtained a perfect opportunity to change the plot, I can meet my favourite character from the Naruto World as well.

"He he he he" I laughed as I hopped from one building to another on my way to the training grouds.


[A/N : Warning! Huge Information Dump]

<At the Training Ground>

"Status" I called out



Name : Hatake Shirou

Age : 8

Chakra Level : High-Chunin

Chakra Nature : Lightning

Chakra Control : 90%

Taijutsu : D+ --> C

Ninjutsu : D --> A-

Genjutsu : E+ --> D-

Kenjutsu : C- --> A


Template : Kayden Break(Eleceed)

Template Progress : 10%


1) Scan and Project : [Level : Newbie]

->Allows the user to scan any materialistic object down to it's molecular level to store it in the user's mind and then project it's fake version using pure Yin Chakra

**Current proficiency is not enough to perfectly replicate complex items such as high quality weapons or artefacts.

**Due to your low level, using it to produce numerous projections will result in damaging your mind.

2) Electrokinesis : [Unlocked] [Level : Intermediate]

-> Depending on the your level, it will allow you to have perfect control over electricity.

3) Force Control : [Unlocked] [Expert]

-> User is able to draw in huge amounts of energy into their core. This increases their abilities as well as their physical abilities such as strength and stamina.

-> User is able to gain a high level control over their abilities once reached the 'Master' level.

**Allows "you" to have a high control over your chakra.

-> User can use their abilities and concentrate their abilities over various parts of the body. Such as through the muscles and into the brain, etc.

4) Power Sensitivity : [Locked]

-> User will be able to sense someone's ability level from afar.

**In this world, you will be able to sense someone's chakra from a huge distance away

**Unlocks at 15% of template completion

5) Electric Force Field : [Locked]

-> A subset from Electrokinesis, user is able to create a force field of highly concentrated electrical energy to protect himself and others.

**Unlocks at 20% template completion

6) Divine Judgement : [Locked]

->User can summon an enormous lightning bolt capable of completely demolishing a skyscraper and leaving nothing but a scorched ground and a huge crater.

** Stronger than Kirin from this world and in this world it will be even stronger.

**Unlocks at 50% template completion

7) Spacial Isolation : [Locked]

-> User gains the ability to isolate the space which he is in. With one snap of a finger, he can use his Electrokinesis ability to perform a quick spacial isolation. (Like the Mirror Realm from Doctor Strange, Marvel)

**Unlocks at 80% template completion

8) Umbrakinesis : [Locked]

->User manipulate his own shadow to some extent however it will take a toll on him as it will drain him.

**Unlocks at 90% template completion

9) Cat Transformation : [Locked]

-> User can transform into a cat not like in transformation jutsu.(Like Yoruichi from Bleach).

10) The One [Updated]

-> Enables the user to instill fear into the opponent's minds resulting in them feeling like they are standing in front of a sovereign that overlooked everything. The skill is usable against all enemies however, the effectiveness will depend on the power level of the user's opponent.

** The longer it is used, more resistance is developed against it.

** Would not work against people surpassing the level of a Kage. Like Kaguya, Madara, etc.

** Effectiveness will decrease as the opponent's level increases


".....Damn!!" I said

My stats have increases like crazy. Right now the things that I lack the most are my Taijutsu and genjutsu. Mainly because I don't use them.

Though both have increased. I guess due to increase in my physical abilities my Taijutsu levelled up whereas my genjutsu levelled up due to increase in Yin Chakra nature.

'As I increase the template completion, I will receive a whole lot of skills and to top it off I have only completed 10% of the template.'

'This template is my greatest treasure, my main powers come from this after all.'

There was only one thing that bothered me tho, that was the description of the skill 'The One'. It had been updated. In other words, it had been nerfed.

'But I guess it was completely overpowered skill to begin with. I mean in a few years, I will be done with this template and considering that I will use the system's ability two times a year, by the time Madara arrives, I would have surpassed him and then defeating him with only my presence and bloodlust would be absolutely comical.'

But the one thing that bring me joy the most is a specific skill called 'spacial isolation'.

'With that skill, I can even go up against Obito's Kamui. At least I hope, it will certainly increase my chances of defeating him but I guess we will find that out after we battle which is the one thing I am trying to avoid.'

The reason why I want to go with team Minato in this mission is so that I can save Obito. I mean Kamui is a totally overpowered ability. But if I save Obito from going into Madara's hands, Madara will go for another Uchiha and even if they awaken their Mangekyó afterwords, the chances that their abilities will be on the same level or stronger than Kamui are very low.

"Why did Minato sensei called us all of a sudden?" A boy's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I could see a white haired kid coming along with a brown haired girl with both of his arms at the back of his head. Kind of like the Killua walk.

Yupp it was Hatake Kakashi, everyone's favourite from the Naruto world. But unlike the anime, in this world he is also the clan leader of the Hatake Clan making him the youngest clan leader of all time.

Although he lacked in experience, he was one of the strongest of the clan and also the one with most achievements.

"I don't know but I guess it must be very important." Rin replied

"Yeah. Let's just hope that that idiot comes here on time."

"Aah ha ha ha" Rin just laughed awkwardly

"Huh?" Kakashi stopped abruptly after looking at me and following his actions so did Rin.


"What are you doing here Shirou?" Kakashi cut her off in the middle.

I jumped down from the cut off tree I was sitting on.

"You know him?" Rin asked Kakashi

"Yeah he is from my clan"

"Hi I am Hatake Shirou. Nice to meet you." I greeted her by classic Japanese greeting. By bowing down

"Oh Hi. I am Nohara Rin. Nice to meet you too." She bowed as well

I then looked at Kakashi and said Hi to him as well. I made some small talk before answering his question.

"I was sent here by the Hokage for my Chunin evaluation. He said this is where I will meet my examiner and his team."

"Ehh? Whats the point in meeting his team?"

"You mean Minato Sensei is going to be the one to evaluate you?!"

Kakashi and Rin said at the same time.

I first answered Kakashi, "I don't know why Lord Hokage arranged this meeting with you guys either." and then Rin, "Yes it appears so that he will be the one to evaluate me."

Although she didn't say it, I could tell what she wanted to say since it was written on his face 'Poor guy' is what she thought or maybe something like that.

"A word of advice.." Kakashi continued "Minato sensei will expect you to perform more than what is expected from a Chunin so make sure to push yourself beyond your abilities to get his approval."

I was seriously shocked. This did not go with his attitude from the anime. I had never spoken to him before in this life and had only watched him from afar and had greeted him when we bumped into each other and that was it.

In this world, Hatake Clan exists so maybe he is saying this from the perspective of a Clan Leader rather than a boy suffering from losing his father. Though I would not have felt bad if he acts bitchy in front of me.

"Thanks." I said

And he nodded

"I see you have already met each other." A voice came from behind Kakashi and Rin.

""Minato Sensei!!"" both of them said

He smiled at them with his eyes closed. And then looked at me.

"Nice to meet you." I said

"You must be Shirou. I have heard a lot about you from Kou(Mc's team leader from the first mission. Kou Uchiha) and Lord Hokage has told me some things about you as well."

"You know Team Leader Kou?" I asked

"Yeah he is my friend. He is older than me but we hang out a lot. Though we have not got to do that for a while with this war and all."

"I see" I relied

He looked at me for a couple of seconds before clapping his hands and saying, "Well Since we are already acquainted let's start your evaluation."

"Your assignment is very simple." He said reaching into his pouch


"You need to take this bell from me. That is all there is to it."