
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · 漫画同人
33 Chs

Chapter - 23

"I became curious about the little pest after he proved to be such a strong opponent back… well back when I was feeling sorry for myself. He graduated from the academy at age ten after being adopted by one of our medics. When he was thirteen his original team was found butchered, considering what we've recently learned I believe it was done by Sasori," Tsunade said.

"Why," Ino asked having seen how despondent Sakura had become due to the failure of the mission in which the spectacled spy had played a huge part.

"Because when Orochimaru was in Akatsuki, he was partnered with Sasori," Tsunade replied. "I have little doubt that at some point Sasori learned Orochimaru intended to cause trouble for the Leaf so chose an agent that would prove tempting for him. A son of a high ranking official in the Konoha medical program was truly about as great a choice as possible. Even if he turned up a year later such as Kabuto did. His father's station all but guaranteed that his whereabouts wouldn't be looked into as deeply as they should have been."

"But if he was turned by Sasori why would he work for Orochimaru?" Naruto asked confused.

"Well, I believe that the change in personality that Tayuya noticed is the reason," Tsunade said. "Think back to your last mission. Remember the Suna councilor that posed as Itachi?" Receiving a nod from her young lover she said, "Well up until just before Gaara's capture, he was one of Suna's most dedicated shinobi for stopping Akatsuki. Sasori must have had some jutsu for controlling or at the very least implanting whole personalities into his spies."

Changing the subject Tsunade said, "In any case, Tayuya we'll fill you in on them later. Now Naruto did you use the Temptation's Touch on Tayuya."

"No, I told you it just sort of happened," Naruto said, "Why?"

"Hinata," Tsunade said ignoring his question for the moment.

The nude Hyuuga straightened against Naruto's back a little as the Hokage called her name saying, "Yes Milady."

"I told you that you can call me Tsunade when it's just us. But regardless, activate your Byakugan and tell me what you see of Tayuya's chakra."

Doing as commanded, she noticed that much like them Tayuya's chakra was green, except hers was a darker almost forest green while the other three women were lighter being lime like in comparison. After reporting what she saw Tsunade said, "Keep it going for the moment. I suspected as much"

Naruto confused asked, "What's going on?"

"When you used the Temptation's Touch on us, you injected your chakra into ours," Tsunade explained. "That led me to believe that the jutsu besides increasing our arousal changed our own chakra to make us have to obey your commands."

"But I didn't use it on Tayuya," Naruto said quickly sounding defensive.

"I believe you," Tsunade said reassuringly, "However a change to her chakra network has still occurred. I now believe that the Temptation's Touch is just that, it tempts the woman it targets into sleeping with the user. If I'm right, I believe should a woman manage to refuse to sleep with the user her chakra will return to normal in a few days. Yet, if she does succumb and sleep with the jutsu caster then the changes become permanent or in Tayuya's case no initial stage where she can refuse."

Naruto seemed to digest that before saying, "Why wasn't any of this in the scroll?"

"That's because I believe Kanji gave you just enough information to make you dangerous," Tsunade answered.

"Dangerous," Naruto said a frown appearing on his lips.

Tayuya glared at Tsunade surprising her but she carried on saying, "I didn't mean it like you would hurt people, but that he gave you enough information to let you get into trouble or worse lead you down a dark path."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for instance, the first stage had you learn how to channel and in a sense tune your chakra just right, correct," Tsunade asked and waited until Naruto nodded before continuing, "It then gave you the technique it called the Temptation's Touch, before giving you tips in how to use it. Yet, it was that tuning of your chakra that was the most important as your chakra is still tuned like that. Therefore, during sex regardless of whether you meant to or not, you binded Tayuya to you since there is some chakra exchanged during the act."

"Wait, so you're saying that Kanji could have raped that woman he said he seduced and…"

"She would be enthralled to him without ever getting the choice to chose," Tsunade finished. "But we can't be sure that is the case just yet. Unfortunately Hidden Hotsprings Village is rather difficult to get information from. They may no longer view themselves as a shinobi village but those secrets they seduce from their visitors they sell for quite the profit. But that means they keep their own rather well, and it's possible that Kanji only managed to steal an incomplete scroll when he defected."

"We should fucking investigate," Tayuya said forcefully.

"Agreed, but it will be difficult for Konoha to infiltrate the village since Hotsprings has a roster of our active ninja," Tsunade said angrily.

"What! How did they get that?" Naruto exclaimed.

"Our precious Daimyo gave it to them as a show of good faith during a recent negotiation, which means any kunoichi we send, would instantly be spotted and a henge would only get them so far. And naturally sending shinobi is out of the question so for now that's a dead end." Getting back to the point she wanted to make, Tsunade said, "But it may be possible to find out if any woman seduced or taken by this jutsu wants to be there or not."

"How?" Naruto asked.

"Well first let me ask Tayuya a question." Addressing the red-head Tsunade asked, "Why did you sleep with him last night?"

Put on the spot Tayuya blushed, but said, "I don't really know. But he made me feel special and… he could have forced me by making it a part of waking me up. But he said he was going to do it regardless and well one thing led to another and…"

Tsunade smiled before asking, "Do you regret it?"

"No," was Tayuya's quick response.

Naruto was pleased but asked, "But what it I ordered her to say that?"

"A good question," Tsunade admitted but said, "however, my inquires were just to give me some information about her. I believe the real proof is in the fact that her chakra is a darker green then our own." Naruto as well as Hinata and Ino looked at her wishing she would get to the point so she continued, "You used some decent shinobi tactics to get close to Ino, Hinata, and myself in order to use the Temptation's Touch and although you gave us each the choice to back off. I believe that in a sense each of us has doubts about just how we feel now. Tayuya on the other hand doesn't."

Hinata took affront to that, since Tsunade was implying that in a sense the red-head's feeling were purer then her own saying, "That not true. I loved Naruto since the academy and…"

"And," Tsunade said cutting her off, "lacked the spine to make your feelings known." Seeing the hurt in Hinata's face she said, "I'm sorry, but we need to be honest here Hinata. Besides the doubts might not stem from your feeling for him, but for why you were even chosen."

Deciding to give her own example of why she believed her chakra wasn't as dark as Tayuya's she said, "I harbored feelings for Naruto long before now. In fact I was ashamed of them, I felt like a dirty old woman who was robbing a cradle. However, I couldn't help them because Naruto has so many of the qualities I would want in a lover." She could see Naruto was shocked by what she said and when he was about to reassure her that he didn't feel that way she held up a hand to stop him. Collecting her thoughts she said, "My doubts stem from the simple fact that if he hadn't been given this jutsu. I don't think he would have slept with me. And truthfully I fear he only did so because of my position."

"But I do care for you Tsunade," Naruto said.

"I know Naruto, but would we be here now if you hadn't been given that jutsu. Let's face facts; we've all been changed by it besides the obvious of being bonded to you."

"What do you mean?" Ino asked no longer feeling tired.

Smiling she answered, "Take Hinata, Naruto, and Tayuya for example. All of them are sitting around naked like it's the most natural thing in the world. Yet, Hinata wore an oversized jacket and baggy clothes to hide her body from everyone. Tayuya has never met any of us before yesterday and yet she isn't bothered by her own lack of clothing. Not to mention much like you and I, Ino they appeared to have no problem sleeping with Naruto at the same time. Not to mention all of our seemingly being okay with the idea of Naruto taking on more lovers."

"So you are saying everything you feel for me is fake then," Naruto said hurt.

"No, Naruto," Tsunade said her tone carrying a hint of admonishment, "I'm simply saying that at the moment Tayuya is more sure about her role in your life then us. But in time our doubts will disappear and let me prove it. My original point was the color of our chakra holds the hint of how we feel towards the person we are bonded too. Now Hinata watch carefully. Naruto, I want you to order me to do something you know will make me embarrassed or upset even angry. Understand?"

He didn't really but said, "Okay, I want you to henge yourself into what you used to truly look like." As soon as he said it, Naruto knew he had picked the perfect thing. Regardless of whether it was her now or not, Tsunade truly hated her old appearance. Therefore she tried to resist, but found it impossible when he repeated the command.

Finally as her hands began to move to in front of her she begged, "Please Naruto that's enough." But he kept his face impassive having guessed at her point. When Tsunade came to believe he was truly going to make her do it a look of betrayal appeared on her face. It lasted right up until her hands formed the sign to henge herself and Naruto told her to stop.

Tsunade didn't blow up like he expected instead calming since in a sense her results would probably have been tainted had Naruto not convinced her that he was going to make her do it. Directing her gaze to Hinata she asked, "Well?"

"Your chakra darkened."

"Ha, guess you were wrong," Ino said not sure why she was so affronted that someone that knew Naruto for such a short period of time was in some way closer to him.

"No Ino," Hinata said, "It didn't turn a darker green, but almost black."

"I understand," Naruto said feeling a slight bit of relief at the revelation. "Black is a negative emotion and green is positive."

"I would say green is more of a positive neutral," Tsunade said admitting her feelings on the matter. "In a sense you have to think about it like a real relationship Naruto. Treat your women right, and their feelings for you will grow and reflect that. But the opposite will also ring true."

Naruto nodded saying, "I promise I'll always do right by all of you."

Smiling Tsunade said, "You know a real man always keeps his promises."

Returning it Naruto said, "I said it and I never go back on my word."

"Good," Tsunade said, "Ino you're free to leave to get some sleep. Hinata after the two of you clean up, I want you to take Tayuya to Training Ground S. It has special privacy barriers. There I want you to evaluate her skills."

"Hey I don't need an evaluation," Tayuya complained.

"I believe you do," Tsunade said, "If you are going to be operating alone you are going to need more than a handful of genjutsu and a flute. Also, I want a list of any of Orochimaru's kunoichi who may make a valuable target."

"Afraid there's only one I can think of," Tayuya said forced to concede that Tsunade had a point.

"Okay well I'll give you a book where you can record the information and will also contain bio's on some of the kunoichi that we do know about." Tsunade noticed that Ino had left the apartment so said, "Now why don't you two jump into the shower as Naruto has someplace to be."

"I do?" he asked confused.

Tsunade nodded before uncrossing her legs showing that beneath her skirt she wasn't wearing panties. Reaching between her legs she spread her lips for him to see that they were quite wet from her witnessing his earlier actions as well as a result of his nakedness. Giving a lecherous smile he said, "How can I say no to such a warm invitation?"

"You don't," Tsunade replied leaning back into the chair as Naruto took his place between her legs. Tayuya shook her head as the Sannin began moaning as Naruto began moving within her. Wondering what other surprises her life had in store for her she made her way to the shower figuring the sooner she got her evaluation out of the way, the sooner it would be that it was her he was plowing.
