
Naruto The Big boss in front the scenes

In the World of Naruto , where Strong thrives and weak dies . A modern earth Scientist Reincarnates as Hatake Kirito Follow his journey as Big boss behind the scenes Why Big boss behind the scenes because this isn't a Chinese novel in which protagonist gets golden fingers (or so they say) and gets ridiculously OP and becomes boss this is Down to earth novel with realism. Disclaimer - I don't own Naruto.

Ashborn_57 · 漫画同人
28 Chs

Preparing for Future

'After Not compromising with with my training time in the morning and diligently practicing Kenjutsu in the mean time, I have been researching a lot these days.'

Lately I have been studying Hashirama cells, these cells are full of Vitality even after the death, as expected of 'God of shinobi' even his cells are so powerful, but in hindsight it is expected as Indra received Sage eyes ( Rinnegan, which he never opened due to shortage of thing called research)

and Ashura obtained Sage body of Hagaromo.

So the body should be full of yang energy and nourished by Ashura chakra.

I also discover Ashura Chakra in these cells it's cyan coloured chakra, and it is present in a large amount inside every 1:10,000 cells it is found , which is very reasonable amount if every cell have Ashura Chakra then what will be the difference between Ashura and Hashirama.'

I wonder how much chromosomes Madara's eyes would have.'

"Oh yeah AI Chip start Simulating the Mystical Palm Jutsu,"

[Beep! Task Established Time required 1 month 15 days.]

But back to the topic, I was also able to obtain Ashura chakra which was full of yang chakra although from such a small amount it wouldn't create a big difference so I collected them, inside the Chakra storing seal, and

Commanded AI Chip

"AI Chip find a possibility of purifying my bloodline with Ashura Chakra, Save it as Bloodline Purifying Experiment 0001"

[Beep! Possiblity of purification Calculating... more than 63.4% chance of success]

"Wow, already this much." I grinned devilishly

"More than 50% chance is enough for me to take the risk,AI Chip begin Simulating and search for possible, ways to increase my chances of sucess."

[Beep! Chakra level recommended Kage level, to increase your chance of sucess by 15%]

Although, 15% doesn't seem like much but in future It will make a big difference."

I shouldn't rush things and wait for my chakra level to rise naturally, according to AI Chip it should be done by the time I turn 10 by my current rate of progress,'

'I can afford to wait and being strong all of sudden would make me target of Bigshots of the ninja world.' I thought while calming my excitement.

Now for the next few days when I was free, I the laboratory I decided to invent something useful that could be used to monitor a target, a microscopic type bug which couldn't be discovered and be used to monitor somebody, Am not a pervert like Hiruzen who uses Crystal ball Jutsu to peek at ladies, yes obviously not and I also plan to create a clone technique not like a shadow clone which is made up of chakra completely but

a hard clone like robot which could be used as a shadow clone also could be used in going to academy while I do my experiments, I would fit an auxiliary AI Chip so that nobody would be able to identify it as me and it would also have send me the memories ar regular intervals so that I can relay my progress in live time.'

'I should also make a electronic sword cum gun for me to perform Lightning Jutsu's and make a electromagnetic gun, and ask Tobi for materials while I am at it, he also have his sword of thunder god, sounds a cool name, I think Tobi thinks himself as Thunder God.'

'Hehehe, too many things to do, better start preparing, things for future.'

After that I started preparing my gadgets in the next month, I also started having sparring sessions with Sakumo of course keeping it only at chunnin level so that I am only depicted as Genius not a monster.'

'After that I spend my days Experimenting, playing with Duy and sometimes even sparring with the cold faced Grandfather, as with him I didn't have a reason to hold back and was able to give him a good fight, but I always lost because of my Low Chakra or Low stamina sometimes both, Sparring with him gave AI Chip to Analyse his stats.'

He of course felt that I peeked onto him, from something that is called Intuition of an experienced shinobi, but didn't said much.

[Beep! Scan complete.

Tobirama Senju ( Upper Kage )

Strength: 132.3 (146.3)

Agility: 134.7 (151.7)

Vitality: 153.5. (172.4)

Chakra: 2,522,212

Chakra Control- 97%. (1%+1% from water and thunder)

Shape Transformation- 125% (+25% From bloodline)

Bloodline: Senju

Elemental Affinity: Water and Thunder

Nature Transformation-

Thunder- 100%

Water- 100%

Wind- 92%

Fire- 78%

Earth- 82%

Status: Weakness due to old age. ]

His stats were just Amazing even after reducing , As expected of Grandfather he has almost perfect stats in Upper Kage level which is the limit of humans and for monsters like Hashirama and Madara who have Indra and Ashura Chakra to help them reach Super Kage level.

So I have to complete all my nature transformation to have 100% chakra control, but it also seems right in its own way as perfect chakra control can not only reduce chakra used by Jutsu's by at least half the amount.

When I asked him for materials for my Sword he, gave me his Sword of thunder God, and announced it all over Konoha so that I don't get misunderstood.'

'He definitely has a something for Thunder god does he want to mock Raikage or he wants Raikage to show his achievements in Lighting Elemental Nature transformation.'

'I also started modifying The Sword into a a more versatile sword so that I also use it as a electromagnetic canon, which operates with Lightning Chakra.'

Hehe, Just you wait Ninja world I will become uncover all your secrets and study them untill the end, I smiled amusingly after that I went inside the my room and went to sleep.