
Naruto: The ANBU God

When I suddenly found myself transported to Naruto's ninja world and became a Konoha ANBU, I thought my life would be more or less normal... well, as normal as it can be for an elite ninja. But I had no idea what was coming my way. Out of nowhere, I activated a template system. And guess which template I got? None other than Homelander's, the most badass 'superhero' you can imagine. So there I was, in the middle of Konoha, with the powers of a man who could fry half the world with a glance. Can you imagine? An ANBU with a god complex... this is going to be fun.

theusual · 其他
20 Chs

Is it my destiny to be Homelander?


Even being so young....

He is a more fearsome enemy than the White Fang....

Unconsciously, while reflecting.

Tick, tick, tick...

Cold sweat appeared on the forehead of this kunoichi, and the rest of the ninjas didn't dare to act hastily.

"HAHAHA! I just wanted to live in peace, you understand? PEACE! And to be left alone to enjoy this fantasy world! I'm sick of it, sick of this politics and that stupid 'Will of Fire'!"

Luo Lei spat out with contempt, his voice getting louder. The other ninjas looked at him with fear, afraid that he would go crazy.

"But.... you won't leave me alone! You provoke me all the time!"

His body trembled slightly as he pointed to the sky. "Well, that's how you want it! I'll face you! I won't give up!"

Luo Lei let out a laugh that resonated throughout the place, a laugh so sharp and deranged that it made everyone's skin crawl. He swayed from side to side, his gaze lost in a fixed point.

"HAHAHA! How fun it will all be! It will be a game! A game where I'm the protagonist! And you... you're just extras!"

What a failure of a transmigrant! Years of training and nothing. The Hatake Kenjutsu, really? Almost twenty years and not even close to Kage level.

Meanwhile, Minato, his rival, had already mastered the Hiraishin and Sage Mode, already preparing for war.

Just for being loyal to Sakumo Hatake, they persecuted and repressed him. If he escaped, a life of misery in Konoha would await him.


He was really exhausted....

If he couldn't manage to live in peace, then live life to the fullest without remorse.

If they dare to prevent him from living his life, he will make them pay even if he dies trying!

[Ding! Energy absorbed!🔋🔋]

[Congratulations! 🎉 🎉 The divine template system has been activated. You can extract skills from any universe and fuse them.]

Just as Luo Lei was going mad, a transparent blue screen appeared in front of him.


He was petrified in his place.


Really?! Almost 20 years, 20 years?! And the system activated this way? Was it mocking him?...

[As there's no response, the rookie package opens directly. One free template!]

[Extract? Extract?]

He was in a state of indecision. After years of hard effort, he had managed to reach a power level close to that of a Kage. However, his body acted on instinct, overcoming his hesitation. "Extract?"

[Selection process in progress...]

[Congratulations, host. You have received the template of the supervillain from the Dynamite Entertainment comic and its Amazon series: Homelander's most powerful state...]

[The template of Homelander's maximum state has been obtained and is in the process of fusion...]

Surprise overwhelmed him. "What?! Is it really Homelander?", he thought, feeling conflicting emotions.

"That failed Superman product, a ruthless and perverted superhero?"

Like any human being, he had obviously seen "The Boys" and knew perfectly well the perversity and atrocities Homelander was capable of.

A bitter laugh threatened to escape his lips, as he fought against the urge to cry.

"Damn system," he thought bitterly. Did the system believe he had the potential to become even worse than Homelander?

He would become the most powerful being in Konoha, no doubt, but it felt weird..

Before he could fully process these reflections, a type of energy invaded every corner of his being. This supernatural force acted with astonishing speed, altering his physical structure at the cellular level.

Each of the billions of cells that made up his body began to change simultaneously.

It was as if each cell was being reprogrammed, acquiring new capabilities and superhuman resistance. His muscles densified, his bones strengthened, and his skin became practically impenetrable.

The transformation was not limited to just the physical.

Luo Lei's brain was also affected, granting him mental acuity and sensory capabilities that far exceeded human limits. His senses sharpened to unimaginable levels, allowing him to perceive the world in a completely new way.

"What's happening? His... his presence seems to be getting stronger" A nearby ninja, with eyes bulging in disbelief, muttered

Next to him, a sensory ninja, his face covered in sweat, addressed their leader: "Pakura-sama, we must retreat immediately. This guy... is a monster. The energy in his body is suddenly increasing and keeps increasing at an alarming rate".

Fear spread like a wave among the ninjas present. Even the Jōnin swallowed nervously, their minds struggling to comprehend the situation.

"What the hell is happening?", they silently wondered.

Pakura, meanwhile, felt her heart painfully contracting in her chest.

Her face was pure confusion. What should have been a simple ambush mission had turned into a nightmare.

'How is it possible that we've come across such a formidable opponent?' she questioned internally.

If she didn't know the specific situation in Konoha, she would have sworn it was an elaborate trap. The only plausible explanation was that Luo Lei had hidden his true power so skillfully that not even the Konoha elders knew about it.

Regret took over her. She had acted hastily, and now they were in grave danger.

With a lump in her throat, Pakura made a decision.

"Retreat!", she ordered everyone.

But it was too late.

In the same instant that the Sand ninjas tried to retreat, Luo Lei's eyes, which until that moment had been in a lost state, glowed in a crimson light.

Without moving from his position, he directed his gaze towards the group of Sand ninjas.


The first ninja didn't even have time to scream. A laser beam sprouted from Luo Lei's eyes. In an instant, the shinobi's body was cut in half.

Luo Lei, without blinking, slowly turned his head. Each movement of his eyes was a death sentence. Two more ninjas fell, their bodies cut in two.


Panic seized the others. They tried to flee, form seals, anything to save themselves. But Luo Lei's heat vision always reached them.

One by one, the ninjas fell.

Amidst the chaos, Luo Lei remained motionless with an indifferent face. His eyes moved like a sniper choosing his targets. Each blink brought a new death.

In a matter of seconds, the group of ninjas fell. Charred bodies and severed limbs.

Pakura, the only survivor, remained standing, surrounded by the remains of her team. The horror of the situation hit her full force, leaving her momentarily paralyzed.


Time: If you're craving more (and I know you are!), I have just what you need. On my Patreon, you'll find exclusive chapters. Join our community and be the first to discover what happens next!

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