
Naruto: Shinobi System!

Thief, murderer, head of a criminal organization. Such a person cannot see a calm life, and death can come suddenly. Having arranged a bright funeral for himself, the hero leaves the world. But an object found during his lifetime completely changes his fate. The path to the next world was postponed ... The world that once seemed fictional is now real. Shinobi, chakra ... It's all so close. After being reborn in the body of a deceased child, the hero has a second chance to live this life anew. Having found a new home and clan, he will have a long and difficult journey. But the object that was found in the past and changed his fate is still with him. Now, with this power, he will follow the path of the strongest shinobi! Anyone who wants to support and find more chapters: https://www.patreon.com/AuthorRAIZ Translation from a translator (he apologizes in advance for mistakes and wishes you a pleasant reading)

Raizeenn · 漫画同人
143 Chs

Chapter 24: Buying Herbs

After finishing his tour of the village, Shikamaru breathed fresh air and headed back home with a smile. Even though he did not really like the structure of the village, he was still too small to worry about it again. To begin with, you should study everything properly, especially history. But, since it was evening, it was worth returning home. The very next day he wanted to visit the library, and at the same time study the chakra.

He had already finished with the village, it was quite large and consisted of a couple of dozen or more clans. It was difficult to say the exact number, but there were definitely a lot of them. Still, in the anime, only a part was shown, and the rest were not even mentioned. There were quite a few of the same bloodlines in the system, and some were from the Lista village, which Shikamaru had not even heard of.

But the village was still not as big as in Boruto, so it was quite possible to get around it in a few hours. As for the territories of other clans, it doesn't matter. The same was true of Root, although there were no hints of him, but he was definitely in the village, it was of course not easy to find such a secretive organization. Yes, and Shikamaru did not look, he now does not need anything like that. Such knowledge can only get worse.

The main places he visited was the place of Shisui's future death right outside the village, far beyond the territory of the Uchiha clan. Another important place was Naruto's house. Yet in such a large city it was not easy to find him. But remembering what the building looked like, it was no longer so difficult. But even after finding this house, Shikamaru still did not meet the famous jinchūriki. Yes, he was not going to, but just wanted to know where he lives and that's it. After all, a famous place, it could be useful to know this ...

Konoha was very lively, dozens of people walked around the city and lived their own lives, beauty ... Especially in the evening, when the day was drawing to a close, Konoha was warmer than ever. Walking through the narrow streets, Shikamaru could not help smiling. This atmosphere was completely different from his past world. Now he had a completely different path ...

Back home, Shikamaru met with his mother and they had dinner together, just as they were finishing, Shikaku returned and received another scolding from his wife for being late. Shikamaru could only chuckle and head into the room. He did not want to participate in the next showdown ...

The day was hard, so as soon as he lay down, he immediately fell asleep ...

The morning was standard, wash up, have breakfast, exercise. Running an additional half a kilometer this time, Shikamaru began to think about medicinal herbs, or rather, vitamins for recovery. After yesterday's day, his legs and whole body ached quite a bit, so he began to understand the whole meaning of medicinal plants and decoctions from the scroll. After all, training requires special nutrition, and in the shinobi world, you can even use different herbs and pills for this, with much greater efficiency. So besides the library, he also wanted to visit the herb shop in the Akimichi area.

Therefore, having washed and gathered, Shikamaru immediately went shopping, simultaneously snatching a couple of wallets from inattentive residents. Fortunately, they can be distinguished from the Shinobi, even their gait or hands were different. Yet training, one way or another, leaves its marks on people, which an experienced thief, of course, must notice and adapt. The problem was that sometimes the situations were different and you had to rely on your gut. Sometimes some women had completely delicate skin on their hands, but at the same time, they caused a sense of danger. In such situations, Shikamaru tried to stay away. Still, no matter how experienced he was, it was not an easy task to discern an experienced killer in a crowd, even if they did not try to hide. Probably those whom he noticed were simply genin or insufficiently experienced chūnin. A professional johnin certainly cannot be calculated with such nonsense. Moreover, the sooner he will figure out you and stick a kunai in your heart. Even the wrong look could be expensive. So in such situations, you had to trust your instinct. One of the thief's most important rules is to listen to your instincts.

But even if it was easy to steal at first, Shikamaru knew he couldn't last that long. He lived in a hidden village full of ninjas, as soon as they want to find a thief, it won't be too difficult. He did not overestimate his capabilities. So it was worth finding another way to make money. Therefore, going for herbs, Shikamaru pondered a new way to earn extra money. It was quite possible to crank some gray scheme ...

Well, if he had a chance to visit the Akimichi area, then he did not mind talking to Chоji. He really liked this guy, and his strong body will be very useful for sparring and training. All that remains is to persuade him. Apparently, Shikamaru and Chоji knew each other in the past, so things will be even easier.

Walking along the road and counting the stolen money, Shikamaru thought with a cheerful smile:

"Not bad, it should definitely be enough for the first time ... When I become a ninja, everything will be easier. Now we need to solve this problem "

Stopping at a small shop with the Akimichi clan symbol, Shikamaru opened the door and entered. Inside, the shop was rather small, but cozy. By the walls there were showcases and shelves with various herbs and jars with roots, flowers and other plants soaked in them. The showcases contained pills, bottles of potions, and even a few paper stamps. Without looking at the merchandise, Shikamaru walked over to the large, dark-haired woman and handed the list over with the words:

- Now, do you have any of this?

The woman accepted the sheet and glanced over the list with her eyes:

- Of course, this is the most popular product, now I will bring everything.

Ten minutes later, the woman brought out several small jars of herbs. Then, she detached several and pulled out. After collecting about five kinds of herbs, she rolled them up and handed them to Shikamaru:

- Dilute in hot water, but this ... - thrusting her hand under the counter, she took out a small package. Passing it to Shikamaru, the woman added:

- This is already prepared ointment, smear them on wounds and abrasions.

Shikamaru accepted everything and left immediately after paying.

The broth he bought helped a quick recovery from workouts, and the ointment could help solve the problem of wounds in training. Still, it is very common to injure fists or legs while honing punches, this ointment was very useful. Especially for those who have barely embarked on the ninja path.

In the system, Shikamaru could buy something similar, but the pills that were sold there were of fairly high quality and were better taken by an already experienced shinobi. They helped not only to quickly restore the body, but also helped to restore chakra. The price of the pills was low, but Shikamaru did not want to waste even one point, so there were enough herbs.

After finishing here and putting everything in his hip pocket, he headed to Ch кji's house. Yesterday he already found out where the head of the Akimichi clan lived, so the path was much easier now.

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