
naruto: shadows of future untold

a 21-year-old fan of Naruto transmigrates into the anime's world. He's now a 7-year-old orphan, a year older than Itachi Uchiha, armed with modern knowledge of the plot. Ryuu, our protagonist, is introverted and passive, preferring a low profile. Despite his advanced knowledge, he avoids altering major events. However, after the Third Hokage's demise, he gradually gets drawn into action. By age 15, Ryuu becomes an S-rank shinobi, mastering sealing and medical jutsu. Alongside comrades like medic-nin Shizune, he faces foes like Pain and Raijin, the God of Thunder. Their encounters lead to alliances, discoveries of hidden threats, and a journey into darkness. "Shadow's Resilience" is a tale of growth, friendship, and the indomitable spirit of shinobi facing darkness together.

nicewolf007 · 漫画同人
28 Chs

The calm Before the Storm

**Chapter 14: The Calm Before the Storm**

The days passed with a mounting sense of anticipation and urgency in the village. Every shinobi, from the seasoned Jounin to the youngest Genin, was involved in the preparations. Training grounds were filled with the sounds of clashing weapons, the crackle of jutsu, and the determined shouts of ninjas honing their skills.

Ryuu's recovery was progressing well, thanks to Shizune's dedicated care and his own indomitable will. He spent his days in strategy meetings, offering insights and refining plans. Although he was still confined to the hospital for the most part, his mind was as sharp as ever, contributing to the village's defenses.

One afternoon, Tsunade called a council meeting in her office. The room was filled with the village's top strategists and leaders, including Kakashi, Yamato, Shizune, and Ryuu. Maps and scrolls cluttered the large table, each one filled with detailed plans and intelligence reports.

Tsunade looked around the room, her expression serious but resolute. "We've received word that the Akatsuki are mobilizing. It's only a matter of time before they launch their attack. We need to be ready for anything."

Kakashi nodded, his face calm but focused. "Our patrols have increased, and our defensive measures are in place. We've fortified the village walls and set up traps along the perimeter."

Yamato added, "We've also prepared several fallback points within the village, places where civilians can take shelter if the defenses are breached."

Ryuu leaned forward, his eyes scanning the maps. "We need to ensure our supply lines are secure. The Akatsuki will likely try to cut off our resources. We should also have a contingency plan in case they use more unconventional tactics."

Tsunade listened intently, her mind processing the information. "Agreed. We need to be prepared for anything. Shizune, how are our medical supplies and personnel?"

Shizune responded promptly, her voice steady. "We've stocked up on medical supplies, and our medics are on high alert. We've also set up several field hospitals around the village to handle casualties quickly."

Tsunade nodded, her gaze sweeping the room. "Good. We're as ready as we can be. Now we wait."

The meeting concluded, and everyone dispersed to their respective duties. Ryuu remained behind with Shizune, who lingered at the door, a worried expression on her face.

"Ryuu," she said softly, her voice tinged with concern. "Promise me you'll be careful."

Ryuu met her gaze, his expression softening. "I promise, Shizune. I'll do everything I can to protect the village and you."

She smiled, a mixture of relief and worry in her eyes. "Thank you. Just... don't do anything reckless."

Ryuu chuckled, though his eyes were serious. "I'll try my best."

As the day turned to evening, the village settled into an uneasy calm. Everyone knew the Akatsuki's attack could come at any moment, and the tension was palpable. Ryuu returned to his hospital room, where he spent the night going over plans and strategies, ensuring that every possible scenario was accounted for.

The next morning, Ryuu was up early, his mind restless. He decided to take a walk around the village, needing to stretch his legs and clear his head. The streets were quieter than usual, the tension of the impending battle evident in the faces of the villagers.

As he walked, he saw children playing, their laughter a stark contrast to the seriousness of the situation. It reminded him of what they were fighting for—peace, safety, and a future for the next generation. His resolve strengthened, knowing that every effort they made was to protect these innocent lives.

He eventually found himself at the training grounds, where several teams were sparring and practicing their jutsu. Among them was Naruto, his blond hair unmistakable, working tirelessly on his techniques. Ryuu watched with a sense of pride and admiration. Naruto had grown so much, both in strength and maturity.

Naruto noticed Ryuu and jogged over, a wide grin on his face. "Ryuu! It's good to see you up and about!"

Ryuu smiled back. "Hey, Naruto. You're looking strong."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I've been training hard. I want to be ready for when the Akatsuki come. We have to protect the village."

Ryuu nodded, his expression serious. "We will. And with you leading the charge, I have no doubt we'll succeed."

They spent a few moments talking, sharing strategies and encouragement. Naruto's determination was infectious, and Ryuu felt a renewed sense of hope. The village had strong defenders, and together, they would stand against any threat.

As the sun set on another day, the village remained on high alert. The shinobi patrolled the perimeter, and the villagers took shelter in their homes, awaiting the inevitable. Ryuu returned to the hospital, knowing that the calm would soon give way to the storm.

That night, sleep eluded him as he lay in his hospital bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the battle to come. He thought of Shizune, of his friends and comrades, and of the village he had come to love. He vowed to do everything in his power to protect them, no matter the cost.

The village was ready, the defenders prepared. And as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, Ryuu knew that the time had come. The battle against the Akatsuki was imminent, and they would face it with courage, strength, and unwavering resolve.


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