
Chapter 100 : Tsunade 3

"What did you do ?" Naruto looked up to Shika with confusion as he stood back up and checked out his own condition.

"Heaedl you, you are welcome by the way..." Shika replied as he turned his attention back to Tsunade.

"Hey, you ruin my dumplings. Can't you blast him off somewhere else ?" Shika asked with while a little annoyed expression on his face.

"What did you do just now ?" Tsunade, on the other hand, wasn't interested in the brat's rumpling, she was only focused on what Shika did just now, normal healing jutsu can't heal wounds like that, at least not that fast. Not to mention she didn't sense chakra when Shika used that Jutsu.

"That... well that's a secret... I won't mind telling you if you agree to be Hokage ?" Shika teased with a smile on his face, instantly irritating Tsunade as she snorted.

"Not happening ?" she acted like she lost interest but that can't be further from the truth. For a medical-nin, especially the best there is... she was interested in knowing what Shika used. It's just that she was too proud to ask Shika again and there is no way that she is going back to the village.

Shika knew that, but he just wanted to send the bait out, just in case, he knew that sooner or later he would have to show his powers to others, so it better to do it in a way that he increased his own importance in front of others, to the point that people like Danzo never dare to go against him, Tsuande and Jiraiya are the perfect example of this. Showing the Reverse Curse Technique in front of them was just enough to make them safeguard him until he was strong enough to kill Danzo himself.

If this brings Tsunade back to the village and she becomes Hokage then there can't be anything better than that...

"Well too bad for you... This was a really good healing technique I researched. Better than anything out there in the market. Whatever, I'll just keep it a secret..." Shika smiled back with a grin on his face.

Tsunade now really looked annoyed. She could also see that the technique was good, with how fast it worked, it was only second to her own hundred healing mark but again that took her own lifespan, this technique here? It didn't even seem to be using Chakra. She couldn't seem to get a hold of it but she knew that it was indeed better than what might be available in the market.

"Ha, you created it on your own you say, kid do you think that healing Jutsu is child's play? Even I can't do what you are doing so easily. Stop lying and tell me what you did ?" Tsunade asked with a little heat in her tone. Narrowing her eyes while glaring at Shika.

Shika didn't care, he glared back at Tsunade and replied only this much, "Come back to the village and I will, if not then forget it..." Shika said not caring how much the sannin made threatening faces at him. He knew a more terrifying female than her in his life, this was nothing for him.

Tsunade was getting a little angry now, the kid was stubborn just as much as she was.

"Who are you again ?" Tsunade suddenly realized that the boy who was definitely was Konoha Genin still hadn't introduced himself.

"Ah, sorry... I am Shika Nara."

"Nara... since when did Nara people become this annoying ?" She mutters under her breath.

"No... usually they are too lazy to even annoy anyone, I am just different in that case," Shika replied, saying that he could hear her.

"Kid, you never said that you know healing jutsu." It was Jiraiya's turn to speak this time, and he was looking pretty surprised honestly.

"Well, you never asked me. Not my fault." Shika shrugged, not caring too much about it.

"Healing, Sealing, Tracking, Strategist, 2 elemental affinities to which one you already have mastered and the other is on the way. Are you sure that you are still a Genin ?" Jiraiya muttered with a still stunned expression on his face.

"I'm a Chunin God Damnit, how many times do I have to say this, why do people mistake me for Genin... Hokage sama made me one before the finals of the Chunin Exams... I only participated becuase he told me to do so. Giving an S-rank mission if I repeat his words.

Wanted me to seal of Gaara's Biju's chakra." Reply to Shika with heat to which Jiraiya nodded.

Jiraiya himself was confused at why Hokage put someone like this kid on handling that sand Jinchuriki. Only now that he realise why.

Shika was a Genius.

"Hmph... let go Shizune. I need more drinks..." Tsunade gave one last glance to both Naruto and Shika before turning back and moving on. Shika didn't say anything there was no point. He knew that he couldn't do anything more than this to bring her back to the village.

His actions indeed have changed the future which was about to come.

'I only hope that it's for the good.' Shika hoped.


Kisame sat beside a fire while glancing over at Itachi. The Uchiha had been silent for days, clearly recovering from the fight with Shika. Kisame finally broke the silence, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Itachi, you've been quiet since that fight. What happened back there? That Nara kid… you don't usually have this much trouble with anyone."

Itachi looked up, his face calm but with a hint of frustration in his eyes. The frustration wasn't just because his lost or Shika was able to break his Tsukyomi, but also the fact that Shika was a Uchiha and he can influence Sasuke, bringing him closer to the truth. Ruining all his hard work.

"It wasn't a normal fight," he began, his voice low. "That boy… Shika. He used something I've never encountered before."

Kisame raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Something you've never seen? Now that's a first. What did he do?"

Itachi sighed, thinking back to the fight. "When I trapped him in my Tsukuyomi, he didn't break like most would. Instead, he was calm and collected, like he was already aware of what was about to happen, and then created… something within my illusion. He called it a 'Domain.'"

Kisame stopped sharpening his sword and looked at Itachi with surprise. "A domain? Never heard of it. What does that mean?"

"It was like… another layer of reality. I had full control in Tsukuyomi, but once he activated this domain, my control weakened. He fought back inside my own technique. His power felt completely foreign—nothing like chakra or any Genjutsu I've seen. He called it Jujutsu, something I don't understand."

"So this kid's pulling out powers we've never heard of, huh?." Kisame reply, not sure himself what to feel about this.

Itachi nodded slightly. "It's not just the power. It's the mystery. I've never encountered anything like it before, and I don't know how he learned it. Even my Sharingan couldn't fully comprehend what he was doing."

Kisame leaned back. "Sounds like we're going to need to keep an eye on that kid. If he's messing with stuff like this, he could become a real threat."

"Yes," Itachi agreed quietly. "He's more dangerous than he seems."


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