
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Chapter 39: A destined pair

—  Now that we got the country of rice, what else do we do? (Minato)

—  I was thinking of developing it to use it as a base from now on, I think its geographical position is good for our necessities. Also, we can get the Manpower we urgently need from there. (Lite)

—  The problem is how to evade the spies from the border countries. (Minato)

—  It's not so difficult, after all, they had an Uzumaki there. (Lite)

—  I see. However, are you sure it's safe to choose that place? (Minato)

—  Yeah, Mito proposed it before you went there. She and Tsunade concluded that we should choose it. By the way and more importantly. How are things with the fox? (Lite)

—  Well… (Minato)

—  *Sigh* Your son will do it in the future, even you will do it, I honestly don't know how it's taken you so much time now. Or maybe I should impression you three with the fox for a couple of years? *Murmur* (Lite)

—  Please don't… (Minato)

—  Ha ha… Well, see you later. (Lite)

—  Yeah, see you later. (Minato)

After talking, the clone that Minato left made another one and the first one disappeared. It was a good way to communicate when they were far from each other.

But, well, it was really strange when you say goodbye but there's still a clone here. 

After that, Lite stayed silent and started to think about what to do to achieve his goals. 

The first disadvantage was that he was still too little to train. It's true that in the past there were geniuses capable of gaining strength at a very young age, but he did not think for even a moment to start doing it. The reasons were two. First, he was at the age of development, he thought that chakra was a very magical thing, but it was still too dangerous to use it without any precautions. Lite honestly thought that Kakashi was the very definition of genius, if not, the village would have been overflowing with, at the very least, genings.

And secondly, he did not think chakra was enough to defeat the final enemy, the Otsutsuki clan. The reason was simple, there was not enough chakra. Contrary to what many may think, Lite was sure that chakra was finite and not generated by humans. If not, the amount of food each ninja would have to eat would be astronomical.

The energy always has to come from somewhere, and since food was not the answer, then maybe there was another source. And since chakra came from a tree, that means that it, at most, contains the energy of this planet, but when talking about an invading civilization of thousands and thousands of years more advanced, then it fell short, too short. Who knows how many worlds have been destroyed by them?

Lite is sure that the quantity of chakra has increased since a thousand years ago with more and more people refining it, but at most, it's just three times more. 

So, for all this time, he has been thinking about what to do and where to get the energy they so urgently need. 

At one point in time he though that the natural energy was the answer, but it would only work in a defensive battle. If they want to attack, then he was not sure if there would be natural energy in the Otsutsuki planet.

—  I guess the answer to everything is in the seals eh… (Lite)

For Lite, seals were a way to simulate the real world and more. So, he thought about something. Where does the natural energy come from? From nature, from living beings, specifically, plants. They are the most primitive and basic form of life existing, they use the energy of the sun and the nutrients from earth. Different from humans, they can really absorb and transform energy from its surroundings for their own use.

—  If I can make a seal to simulate the system of a plant, photosynthesis, then we can get practically unlimited energy. 

But there are a lot of problems. First, solar energy is too dispersed and its practicality is doubtful. Secondly, he doesn't know if the Otsutsuki planet has a star in which to orbit or even if it's potent enough to serve as a source of energy. 

—  *sigh* Here I was getting all exited, only to reject my own idea immediately. Well, I guess only the second option remains.

After almost an hour spend on thinking, he left the room where he was. Minato clone has already gone to do the daily exploration of the surroundings. 

—  Tsunade. (Lite)

—  What? Don´t bother me, I'm busy. (Lite)

—  *sigh* Lets meet. (Lite)

—  No, I'm busy. (Tsunade)

—  Oh, come on… (Lite)

—  No! (Tsunade)

—  OK ok. I'll let you drink one of the bottles I'm fermenting. Happy? (Lite)

—  Oh, look at this. My work magically disappeared. I'm going! (Tsunade)

'*sigh* where did my serious Tsunade go? I miss her.'

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

In the country of rice.

After killing everyone they think are an eyesore, Minato organized the rest of the survivors to learn about the internal structure of the country. Now that they decided to keep the country for themselves, that information would be extremely useful. At least until they found a better place.

Meanwhile, Mito stayed with Yaeko to keep her company and nurse her. 

—  Don't worry. You'll be ok. Also, there's another Uzumaki family in our care, I think your child will have no problems making friends. (Mito)

Yaeko listened and nodded when she agreed or shake her head lightly when she disagreed.

—  I've already contacted with my granddaughter, she is the best medic in the five nations. (Mito)

But when Yaeko listened to the last part, she froze. She didn't know if she should agree or disagree. After all, who could believe if a woman so young and beautiful suddenly says she has a granddaughter? But as it would be impolite, she nodded, albeit slowly.

Moments later, Yaeko fell asleep and Mito took the opportunity to look around. She found that, although the building was not so big, it was well design and it would be useful with a few renovations.

In her arms was the little Karin, who didn't want to sleep and threaten Mito with crying her lungs out if she was not carried. She was and Uzumaki through and through.

Everything was peaceful, at least until she reached a room from where she heard some strange sounds. Immediately, she activated the mind's eye of kagura only to find a couple who did not learn their lesson.

—  Ok. You don't learn the good way, then you learn the bad way.

Immediately after, screams, cries and sobs so loud that even Yaeko, who was in deep sleep, could hear clearly, resonated in all the infrastructure. At the same time, a baby laughing was the only discordance in that strange play. Really, Karin was an Uzumaki who did not fear the heavens and earth.

Legend tells that pair of husband and wife came to be together due to destiny since they both shared a strange mark in the form of a palm in their buttocks. This was later confirmed by their close friends who saw said mark when they shared a bath in the onsen. Strangely, the same friends swear those marks where not there before.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

—  So? What do you want? (Tsunade)

A happy Tsunade, although she tried to show otherwise, was in front of a kid, eager to finish this conversation and get her prize. In her body were still traces of the inhuman experiments conducted on the criminals they never stopped to catch.

If someone other than her group were to see her like this, they would think without a doubt that she followed the same path Orochimaru took. 

At this point, they tacitly decided to abandon all previous sense enough to keep just their final moral line. And it can be said that she was even more ruthless than her old companion. 

—  I was thinking about the path we should follow. (Lite)

—  ? (Tsunade)

—  You see… (Lite)

Lite spent the next hours trying to convey his thoughts to Tsunade, explaining with utmost clarity what they could do. He knew that for anything to progress, Tsunade was indispensable, after all, he had just been born in this world a couple of years before, compared to the woman next to him, who spent almost all of her life learning the ways of a medic, the difference as too great.

Tsunade saw medicine as a part of herself, her understanding of the human body and chakra were fundamental to even try to experiment with other energies.

—  You… you are crazier than Orochimaru himself. (Tsunade)

—  Please, don't tell me that. It's not like you found my hipótesis to be nonsense. (Lite)

—  Yeah, well. And so, what do you want to do exactly? Your plan to be a plant doesn't work (Tsunade)

—  … I know it was stupid to think about it, but at least it demonstrated something. (Lite)

—  What? (Tsunade)

—  Living beings can transform energy. (Lite)

—  Do you want to kill yourself?! (Tsunade)

—  Of course, I'm not that stupid. Even natural energy, which is the result of being processed is incredibly difficult to control. But we have people enough to practice until we reach our goal. (Lite)

—  …The amount of, not test subjects, but the sacrifices we would require are immense, and we don't have anything to ascertain it's feasible. (Tsunade)

—  I know. Just the first step, to detect what kind of energy we can use, is incredibly difficult. But we have an advantage. (Lite)

Tsunade, at this point, was doubting the sanity of little Lite.

For her, no matter how a bad future Lite tells her they would have, it's impossible to have a clear idea. It's not that she doesn´t believe in him, but that she just doesn't have the perspective he has. So, it's difficult to understand the eagerness, bordering desperation, of Lite.

—  What? (Tsunade)

—  If we can make a seal to help with the process, then it's not impossible. Plants can do it naturally because they work with tiny pieces of energy so that they can control it. But we have seals to help us with that. (Lite)

—  *Sigh* Even if what you said can be done… (Tsunade)

She started to think, using all the knowledge she possessed, making simulations in her mind, creating and erasing different ways to find if this was even the least remotely possible. And although she didn't want to admit it, Lite was right.

She has much more knowledge about chakra than Lite, that's exactly why she understood right away that there was indeed a cape to how strong a ninja can become, it's just that she never even thought about it since that level of power was too great to even start to think it was possible to achieve.

But it was at that moment that she got a glimpse of the concerns of Lite. If the future enemies were indeed that strong… every cell in Tsunade's body got a chill and she felt like falling into an abyss.

—  *Sigh* Let's do it. (Tsunade)

Lie just smiled.

—  I knew I could count on you. (Lite)

—  So? What do we do now? (Tsunade)

—  For now, nothing. Let's wait until we move to our new base to start with the experiments. It's just that… I need your help with Mito. (Lite)

—  …You want to kill us? (Tsunade)

The problem with Mito is not the lack of interest, but the excessive enthusiasm for everything pertaining seals. Seals are for Mito what ramen is for Naruto.

When Lite was asking for help, he meant to keep her under control and not to be in the same situation as Minato and Kushina.

—  All we have left is hope. (Lite)

—  Kid, if I die of exhaustion, I'll take you down with me. (Tsunade)

Lite was afraid he would be killed on the spot if Tsunade knew he was planning on returning to Konoha.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

Sorry for being late. This is the first chapter that I wrote entirely in english and not a translation from my native language, so it took more time.

I hope with time I'll grow accustomed to write in this idiom. After all, I'm studying to be a translator, so I have to find a way to practice. 

I hope you support me with some power stones. :D

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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