
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Chapter 26: Your wife is my waifu

In the living room, Lite was playing with Moka with toys made of wood. After she found out about Obito's subject, she felt very uncomfortable being around Lite, but both her mother and the rest of the people took it upon themselves to explain to her the best they could that it was not Lite's fault. In fact, even Minato offered a few words.

Everyone understood that there was not much to do in those circumstances, besides that wanting to retain their most significant advantage in this world was not a mistake, so they tried to continue with their lives as quickly as possible. The only exception was little Moka. She had become the little ray of light in the hearts of all.

The stress was piling up inside everyone, and if they continued like that, it wouldn't be long before some accident happened. So having a little girl to conceit did them good.

Lite was an exception to the rule, he was too special, although why that would be so was not a mystery.

— How long have they been playing? (Kushina)

— It's been 30 minutes. (Kokoe)

— And he's not bored yet? (Tsunade)

— It appears not. (Minato)

As they conversed, little by little, Lite was behaving more and more like someone his age. At first they did not realize it, but then they noticed that since his memories were separated, his behavior was leaning more towards someone three years old little by little. Which they considered to be a rather peculiar contradiction, since he was someone quite mature but at the same time very childish. An example of this is that now he is playing with Moka for half an hour and does not show any signs of boredom, instead he laughed and enjoyed his toys.

— When I see him that way, it makes me want to let him just grow that way. (Kushina)

— There isn't much we can do. Even if we tried, he would surely notice soon and throw a tantrum for keeping him out. (Minato)

— I just wonder how it is possible for him to behave like this. Will there be any problems in the future? (Kokoe)

— For that, I have a theory, in fact, I'm almost sure it is. (Tsunade)

— Oh ? Would you mind telling us? (Minato)

— Spiritual force, every time he absorbs the memories and his experiences, that becomes spiritual energy for him, so he becomes stronger and avoids being influenced so much. It does not take away the pain he experiences, but it does lighten it enough. I must say it's a fantastic method. (Tsunade)

— If you say so, it must be so. I wish that guy hadn't left, with his mind, I'm sure we could have made a lot more progress. (Minato)

— Well, let's let him play a little more and then start with our meeting. (Tsunade)

Minutes later

In the meeting room sat Lite, Minato, Kushina, and Tsunade.

— How is Shu? (Lite)

— Like anyone who is kidnapped and then find out that there is a worldwide conspiracy and we need their help to defeat evil. (Minato)

— Hell… if the author wrote this from his perspective, then there would be a good action and teen spies plot. (Lite)

— I think it would sell more than Sensei's book. (Minato)

/— Hey, Kushina, I've been thinking about it for a while but... are these two okay? (Tsunade)

— It's just a game they made up because they're so bored and locked up all the time. (Kushina)

Oh! Boys (Tsunade)

Boys (Kushina)

— *Sigh* (Kushina & Tsunade) /

— Well, now we go to the important thing, it's time to choose where our definitive base will be. I have not participated so far because I do not know much about the subject, but do you have any ideas in mind? (Lite)

— Yes, we have already narrowed down the possible places where we can settle, but it is difficult to decide on one. (Minato)

— The biggest problem is that the big villages have the most strategic places fairly controlled. (Tsunade)

— Where are the best places so far? (Lite)

— The best would be the rain country, but I guess it's not a good idea eh... (Minato)




The conversation was going well, but the more they talked, the more Lite realized there was something out of place. It was certainly important to find a strategic place, that was the right thing to do in both this and his old world, but there was a difference.

— Hey, it's not to spoil your spirits, but you haven't forgotten that we have a jutsu to travel long distances, right? (Lite)

— … (Tsunade)

— … (Kushina)

— … (Minato)

— Of course… I guess you were so focused on the conventional that even when you possess such a powerful tool, you are not used to use it. But still, I could expect it from Kushina and Tsunade, but you, Minato? (Lite)

— Hey! (Kushina & Tsunade)

— … (Minato)

— Besides, you've been talking about so many things, but where's the map? (Lite)

— ¿? Here it is. Don't you see? (Kushina)

The redhead said, pointing to a badly drawn piece of paper where only the "five great nations" and a few more places that were known were shown. If asked, it was done reluctantly. Honestly, Lite thought it was something temporary or something like that, but apparently he was wrong.

The only thing he had in mind was that this world looked more and more like the earth, the great ninja war was like the world wars of his old world, only a few countries participated, powerful of course, and that's why they believed that the world would end.

Not to belittle, but with the level of weapons they had, it was impossible to destroy the world.

There was also something else that bothered him a lot.

— Wait, you want to tell me that this right here is all we have? I only see the big five nations and a few smaller countries. (Lite)

— Well, that's what we have. Also, the most detailed maps are secres of the countries and villages. (Minato)

— I know, but… *Sigh* There's something I've always been curious about for a long time. I've always heard of the five great nations and the five villages, which are supposedly the most powerful, but do you know what lies beyond? (Lite)

— Huh? Well, there are countries, but they are small and do not matter to us. (Minato)

Just as Lite feared, the ninjas' arrogance and power has made them dismiss everything else. True, they may be the most powerful here, but they don't know what the world is like. In fact, they almost certainly don't even know if there are more continents or how big this one is.

— Just to ask, but do you know that there is beyond the sea? (Lite)

— Huh? Well, nothing, you end up turning around and you get to the other side, although the lands at the other end are not so well known. (Tsunade)

Lite was wrong, apparently there is knowledge that the earth is round, but they haven't bothered to find out beyond that.

Lite had two hypotheses, one is because the feudal lords are so corrupt and so comfortable in their positions that they don't bother to discover anything else and the other is that due to the existence of chakra and what can be considered superhumans (ninjas), the opportunity to explore has not been given.

Considering that the period of the combatant states ended not long ago, and that between that time there were three great wars, then it is most likely that they did not have time to do anything but fight. Seriously, what fools.

— *Sigh* I think we have another goal on our hands. (Lite)

— What? Don't you think we're already too busy. (Tsunade)

— That's right, but this is just as important. (Lite)

And in fact, ignorance of the world put a lot more pressure on Lite's shoulders. He could do whatever he wanted here, but if out of nowhere an external power comes to fight, then that would ruin all his plans.

But more importantly, he doesn't know what power systems they have elsewhere. If you use the chakra in the same way or have discovered another method. All of that is an opportunity to get stronger.

— I vote we first make a provisional base is a coastal town. (Lite)

— Why? (Minato)

— It is true that most battles take place inland, but the sea offers something very important, mobility and the surprise effect. The use of ninjas has made them leave out such an important aspect. In addition, because they can carry much more, it is better for logistics. (Lite)

— *Sigh* It seems like everything we thought so far was in vain. ... right? We have no idea how to build boats. As for the ones that are out there now, I don't think they are what you have in mind. (Minato)

— Haha Obviously I have no idea how to make them, but these work on a basic principle, as long as I look for the related information in my memories and get a good engineer, I'm sure we'll get something this world has never seen before. (Lite)

Lite could already get a glimpsed in the future, when he goes around with his fleet to intimidate anyone who crosses his path. Of course, he was very clear that this would take a long time, and that was the least I had.

— If only I had been born a few years earlier... (Lite)

— It's no longer worth thinking about. (Minato)

— It's just that if it was, then I wouldn't have had the need to bring forward the births of Naruto and the others. (Lite)

— What do you mean? (Kushina)

Although the redhead was not very interested in military and political matters, as soon as they mentioned her son, her mind became incredibly alert. But what caught his attention the most was that the little boy said his son was born early.

— You see, both Naruto and Shikaku's children, Inoichi and the others were due to be born about two years later. (Lite)

That surprised them quite a bit, and they didn't lack motives. First it was that they didn't know how he had the power to influence them to all be born faster, plus that meant that the attack on the village would also originally be in two years as well, and in that time Minato would surely become much stronger. Possibly he could have repelled the attack successfully.

Before continuing talking, Lite decided to wear a pair of glases.

— I know what you have in mind, but things are not so good. First of all, who do you think would have become stronger in two years? A guy who spends most of his time locked in an office or someone trained by Uchiha Madara, one of the most powerful ninjas in history? (Lite)

— This… (Everyone)

— You see why I say that the ninja village system is stupid to put its best fighters in an administrative position. (Lite)

— … (Everyone)

— In addition, the way I accelerated births was quite simple, although I must say that a bit of destiny was added here. (Lite)

— Wait, do you think destiny exists? (Minato)

The former Hokage was possibly the one who was most concerned with such a thing. After all, his teacher was going crazy around the world looking for such a savior, on the other hand, his son was also involved in that.

— Unfortunately, the laws of this world dictate that destiny exists. In my old world it wasn't like that, or maybe it was, but not as palpably as here. (Lite)

— Well, go on, how was it that our children were born faster and what does fate have to do with that? (Kushina)

— That was easy, I just had to stress Minato out to make him more diligent in his night activities. (Lite)

— ¡? (Minato)

— Didn't it occur to you to think why sometimes I would say things that seemed contradictory? (Lite)

— In what moment? (Minato)

— In the case of Rin, for example, at first I said she didn't have much time left, then Tsunade said she wasn't in danger. That was to make you anxious at first, and then relax from a stressed state. I wanted to create a conflict in your head. Then Tsunade stopped contacting you, in addition to all the information I gave you. Well, I'm not very good at psychology, so I was just trying everything, at least it worked. You should know that in a state of stress, sexual urges increase. Ask Tsunade. And with respect to the others, that is where fate interfered, it is as if it were written that they must all belong to the same group. (Lite)

While he was speaking, he took off his glasses, comb back his hair and said.

— It was all part of my plan. (Lite)

Yeah, he looked really badass.

— … (Minato & Kushina)

Without anymore to say, they couldn't help but feel quite uncomfortable knowing that their marital activities were always under a kid's control. They could only think that he would be very dangerous for women in the future.

— Although that made my other self quite uncomfortable. (Lite)

— ¿? And why is that? (Minato)

If we talk about the other Lite, he's someone Minato respected quite a bit. He was someone who despite having suffered a lot, sought the best for the world instead of surrendering to hatred.

— Well, when he left he left me everything, even his thoughts. Which was the first thing I checked, for safety. He didn't possess the ability to be so meticulous to separate everything to such an extent. I found that he felt more than something good for Kushina. In his words, she was his waifu. He was even making plans to just save her and then conquer her. (Lite)

— What?! (Minato)

On one side, Kushina was with dreamy eyes as she knew that two men were fighting for her. Even though she was deeply in love with Minato and would never betray him, what woman would not like to be involved in a situation where the kage of the most powerful village in the ninja world and the king of the shadow world of another world would fight over her.

Tsunade, aside, had already taken out popcorn from who knows where and was eating with gusto.

— I gave you my respect and you wanted to steal my wife! (Minato)

— Not only that, you even bow to him, too. (Tsunade)

— … (Minato)

What could he say? It seems that since he left the position of kage, even though he was the one who led the group and organized them, there was no respect anymore. At that moment, Minato felt for the first time how cold and cruel the ninja world truly was.

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