
Naruto: Saving the Uchiha

A man named Kazuki is transported into the world of Naruto, becoming a member of the Uchiha clan, three years before the night of the Uchiha massacre. At this time, suspicion and vigilance towards the Uchiha from the village are at their peak. Within the clan, factions are vying for power, the higher-ups are targeting and monitoring them, and the villagers misunderstand them. Everything is playing out just like in the original story. If Kazuki does not take action, the final outcome will be the entire clan being sent to their graves by Itachi, the loyal son! Starting with such a grim scenario, how can Kazuki save himself? Instead of relying on others, Kazuki decides to rely on himself. Faction struggles? He will eliminate them one by one! Targeted by the higher-ups? He will bring them down step by step! What Fugaku couldn’t achieve, Uchiha Kazuki will! You can read more chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 萌音芊芊 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · 漫画同人
58 Chs

38.More Troubles

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The List of The "ANBU" Member:

-Miguel razo

-Korron Hightower


-Raiden Allen

-Paolo Garcia

-Tobias Sinkewicius

-jake doe

-Abel Yapura








-LOUIS fontus


-Red Rabbit

-Mohammed Alshamsi

-Mikolaj Zwolak

-ThegamertagsPs ps

-Salah Mohamed


-Robert Thompson


You can read 30 chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/servantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


The Third Hokage's meaning was clear: he wanted Kakashi to infiltrate the Daimyo's residence to prevent anyone from becoming desperate and actually attacking the Daimyo.

Shisui was the visible protector, but there needed to be a hidden layer of protection.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

If someone did attempt to assassinate the Daimyo, it would throw the Land of Fire into chaos.


The Third Hokage lit a cigarette. Ever since this mess started, his smoking habit had grown:

"The person who sold out the village's critical information wants to throw the village and the entire Land of Fire into chaos. The Daimyo must not be harmed."

"Uchiha Shisui is the visible protection, but we need ANBU in the shadows. Do you understand?"

As for the people the Daimyo had recruited, the Third Hokage ignored them.

These people were good at bullying and forming cliques, but relying on them to protect the Daimyo in a crisis was a dream.

"Understood. Please rest assured, Hokage-sama. I will protect the Daimyo with my life."

Kakashi recognized the severity of the situation and made a solemn promise.

"Good, go."

Waving his hand, the Third Hokage sighed, his voice filled with deep fatigue.

He couldn't care less about whatever trouble the Uchiha were stirring.

He just wanted to stabilize the Daimyo and the Land of Fire's situation as quickly as possible, preventing other countries and villages from taking advantage of the chaos to disrupt Konoha and the Land of Fire.

After Kakashi left, the Third Hokage summoned other ANBU captains.

He ordered them to closely monitor Danzo, preventing him from leaving Konoha, including Danzo's men and Root members.

A game of Werewolf had begun in Konoha.

The Third Hokage saw everyone as a potential traitor.

Many ANBU assigned to monitor the Uchiha had left, and the squad following Kazuki had long disappeared.

Sitting in a breakfast shop, eating breakfast, and watching the students with small backpacks heading to the ninja academy, Kazuki felt an inexplicable urge to laugh.

The Third Hokage had many worries recently.

This led to a temporary reduction in the scrutiny of the Uchiha.

Without anyone watching, food tasted even better!

The captain seemed to be in a good mood.

Observing Kazuki carefully, Izumi noticed a faint smile on his lips, a sign of his good mood.


When Sasuke ran into the ninja academy, Kazuki decisively used today's copy opportunity on him.

The reward was pretty good: a critical hit reward, part of Indra's chakra.

"Hahaha, fools, fools, you are all big fools!!!"

As Kazuki was about to integrate the reward, a cheerful and mischievous laugh approached, accompanied by a few angry curses.

Soon, a small blond boy ran into the breakfast shop, carrying a bag.

Is this Uzumaki Naruto?

Kazuki swore it was the first time he had been so close to Naruto since his arrival, and Naruto had actively approached him.

The sudden appearance of a blond boy stunned everyone in the shop.

Having just graduated, Izumi recognized him and exclaimed, "Naruto?"

"Naruto, stop right there!!"

"Bleh, I won't! You idiots can't catch me."

Making a face at his pursuers, Naruto laughed triumphantly and threw the bag in his hand.

What the...!!!

Naruto did this kind of thing as a kid?

Throwing stuff in a breakfast shop full of people... Wait, why does that bag look familiar?

Seeing what was in the bag, Kazuki grabbed Izumi's waist and immediately left the breakfast shop without paying for their meal.

Early in the morning, Konoha's number one troublemaker threw a wasp nest into a breakfast shop. Who could handle that?

Better to leave early. As for the breakfast bill, they could pay it next time.

Assuming the shop still existed.

The buzzing started, followed by screams. Several unlucky patrons ran out, clutching their faces, with some already looking like swollen pigs.

Don't underestimate the wasps in the Naruto world. Their venom could make even wild boars howl in pain, let alone ordinary people.

Naruto played this one pretty hard.

Kazuki was quite impressed and was glad he ran fast.

"Help, it hurts."

"Save me, save me, don't sting me, please...!"

Wasps don't spare you because you beg. Once provoked, they treat anything moving as an enemy, stinging furiously.

No wonder Naruto was so unpopular as a child. Even without Danzo's deliberate leaks, his behavior made it hard for people to like him.

Even though he did it to attract attention, hoping people would notice him.

But his methods of attracting attention were hard to tolerate.

Throwing a wasp nest into a shop could be deadly.

"Hahaha, come catch me, idiots, big idiots."

Laughing all the way, Naruto disappeared, leaving chaos behind.

On a nearby rooftop, Kazuki set Izumi down and glanced in the direction Naruto had fled:

"It's really chaotic. That kid is quite bold."

"Very bold. The Hokage will have a headache."

Izumi stuck out her tongue.

"It has nothing to do with us. Let's go back. Our patrol is about to start."

The more headaches the Third Hokage had, the better. That way, he wouldn't focus on the Uchiha. An unnoticed and unimportant Uchiha clan was the safest.

A mischievous Naruto, combined with external pressures on the village... it felt quite satisfying.

But Naruto approaching them wasn't him deliberately getting close to a jinchūriki, right?

Hopefully not.

Otherwise, Kazuki would have to find even bigger troubles for the Third Hokage.

There were still many black marks and valuable pieces of information on Danzo. Kazuki didn't mind digging up one or two more.

Let the Third Hokage see the true terror of a transmigrator, especially one who liked to plot and scheme.

"What? Naruto threw a wasp nest into a breakfast shop?"

The Third Hokage jumped from his chair in shock. What kind of operation was this?

Where did that kid get a wasp nest?

The teacher, who had been chasing Naruto but failed to catch him, sweated profusely and answered reluctantly:

"Hokage-sama, Naruto came to the school early and deliberately scared other students. I wanted to scold him, but he jumped over the wall and ran, even throwing a nest he found in the woods into the breakfast shop."

"Many people are now hospitalized with severe injuries."

The Third Hokage: "...."

This kid must think I have a long life and not enough troubles, huh?