
Naruto : Sasori Gaiden (What if Sasori survived ?) Akatsuki Gaiden

Deidara is chased while abducting gaara. Sasori fends off Sakura & Chiyo in a very close fight. But what if Sasori didn't hesitate, and survived ? What would happen to the ninja world afterwards ? Consequences : things take a sudden turn for the worse, and the story diverges dramatically. Akatsuki makes different moves. New Jashin worshippers ? New Itachi/Jiraiya/Orochimaru/Danzo developments. Naruto becomes a new person and starts using new jutsus. Official sponsor of this story : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7yYB5DC580&ab_channel=Riizki

Khataii · 漫画同人
21 Chs


"What is the meaning of life ? What is life anyway ?

Life is born... and life dies."

"If the fighting can be stopped, I'd like to stop it." Shisui once said.

"It's because you're exceptional, Itachi. I bet you've never tried to understand the feelings of someone who's not." Shisui once told him, while chasing a fugitive, in order to help understand the latter's mindset.

"Life. Saving lives. Avoiding the death of life. Watching the village from the shadows... is this all it amounted to ?" Itachi walks a little while longer, seemingly wandering.

"Shisui... Where did I go wrong ?"

Seemingly wandering feet, but only seemingly to him. He, who gave up everything - including his family - for the sake of his villageand his brother, is not aware his steps are taking him back to the Hidden Leaf. After all, if he's done so much for the village, and go as far as take extreme measures plus shoulder all the blame and keep tabs on a terrorist organization, it's only natural for him to seek solace. A moment of respite. But where ? He's an S tier missing nin. All his clan members died by his blades. The options he had were the mysterious masked man who helped him achieve that - which is not a conceivable or reasonable one - and Shisui, who died years ago to avoid conflict.

"I wonder what that Nine-tails brat would do in this situation... After meeting him twice, he'd probably go headfirst into things, screaming 'I'LL CHANGE THIS'. How idiotic. But it just might work. After all, what did we do ? We who think first, plan accordingly and act in the shadows ? I heard the first Hokage was pretty outgoing and open. Was there any point to this cruel facade? "

Itachi's thoughts are interrupted by sensing a familiar presence, pestering his contemplation once again.

[Mangekyo Sharingan]

"I thought I told you not to follow me."

"Not need to be hostile. I came to talk." Black Zetsu stays in the shadows of a tree branch above, revealing only his hollow eyes.

"Our leader trusts you. But even that might change if you go M.I.A for no reason, for too long. You, who are usually sharp, effective, and swift on carrying missions, are now dwelling over something."

"So what if I am ?"

"It's Sasuke isn't it ?"

"So what? You're an outsider, and Uchiha business is none of your concern."

"This is about the stone tablet."

"You... How does an outsider like you know about it ?" Itachi grows wary of the black presence. Now that it knows about something kept only to his clan, Zetsu is now on

In Zetsu's mind, ideas flare up in the thought that 'YOU are the outsider. YOU are the pawns for my mother's revival.' But he's going to keep those ideas to himself like he always did, and act from the shadows, just like the man standing before him.

"I know far more than you could imagine, Itachi. I believe you already know that tablet can be partially deciphered with the Sharingan."

"..." Itachi stays silent. Zetsu continues.

"And that more can be deciphered with the Mangekyo Sharingan."

"You've done your research well. What are you implying?"

"Orochimaru is going there. Think about it. He who seeks all knowledge and jutsu mastery, finding the ancient stone tablet. Now that he has the Sharingan, it became an inevitable destination for him. You'll get your revenge, and dispose of him for the Akatsuki in the process."

At this moment, Zetsu thinks that Orochimaru is far more likely to awaken the Rinnegan since he has been implanting Hashirama cells in himself for years, and has Sasuke's body; Indra and Ashura chakras. But he modified the stone tablet to lead the Uchiha clan into thinking it saves them, so Orochimaru might not be too keen to following that plan, that is why Itachi might be a good contingency plan.

"..." Itachi thinks about the idea. He knows Zetsu is up to something, but he can't let Orochimaru have his way with things. But Zetsu knows Itachi is no fool, and is very skeptical and analytic, so he throws in the straw that breaks the camel's back, the match in the power barrel :

"And he has been contacted by Danzo."

"What?" and his efforts finally get a reaction out of Itachi.

"I'm sure you know what that means, right ?"

Itachi knows Danzo is after the Hokage spot. And if he and Orochimaru are in contact, numerous things will degenerate to allow him the powerful spot. He knows how ruthless he is.

As Zetsu was waiting for Itachi's response, they're notified of an Akatsuki meeting.

"Are you going to join ?"

"No. I need some time to think things through." Itachi refuses again.

"Alright. I'll wait for your answer. Don't worry though, I'll find an excuse for your absence in the meeting."

Zetsu then disappears, presence and all. Then joins the meeting.

"Looks like everyone is here, including Hidan. Where is Itachi, Zetsu ?"

"He's still brooding over his loss. But no worries, he's still with us."

"... " Pain is silent, wondering whether there's more to things than vengeance.

"Itachi sulking for this long, now this is unheard of." Kisame declares.

"You've been his partner for a long while and still don't know him that well, huh ?" Sasori joins in.

"He did say that. And it's the truth, I'm afraid. Who knows what kind of guy he really is ?"

"Forget it. There is important things to announce." Pain digresses and adds .

"We have new members. Just like Hidan, they're Jashin followers, Narikyo and Ryume.""

"Oh? Welcome to the Akatsuki. Hm." Deidara greets the new members.

Narikyo stays silent and Ryume politely answers the welcomes.

"As of now, they'll be an exception and work in a Three man cell with Hidan."

"Roger. That's more fun than being clumped with Kakuzu." Hidan cheerfully answers.

"Just be glad you get to live longer, freak." Kakuzu retorts.

"We'll assign you a mission immediately, to gauge your abilities."

"Oh ? Some action ?" Hidan gets pumped.

"Head to the Hidden Leaf and attempt capturing the Nine-tails." Pain orders.

For some reason, a couple subtle laughs have been heard. Narikyo and Ryume pay no mind to them. Hidan however, gets riled up, feeling mocked.

"HEY! Why are you laughing ?"

"Oh no, nothing. You guys are strong, right ? Surely you won't complain about this. Hm." Deidara scoffs. Sasori is better at holding back his laughter.

"No need to get so disrespectful, now. They're pretty strong." Kisame grins.

"It's time to pick things up. Deidara, Sasori : You two head to the Hidden Cloud and search for the Eight-tails on your way and its vicinities." Pain calmly follows up.

"Roger" Sasori complies.

"That will be all for today. Dismissed."

The meeting ends, and the silhouettes dissapear one by one. After opening his eyes, Deidara is still amused.

"Did you hear that, Sasori master? Our leader is so ruthless, sending them on a suicide mission at the get-go, Hahaha."

"Well... Who knows what the future will bring ? If they're immortal like Hidan, then a suicide mission is fitting. Maybe interesting things will happen. In any case... get ready, Deidara. It's time to put to the test my greatest work of art yet."

"Art is an explosion. But this is pretty flashy too. Hm."

Simultaneously, in the Hidden Rain village... Pain, Konan and Tobi reopen their eyes.

"Well. I'll see if I'm going to stay here for a little while longer or head to Konoha."

"Konan, get things ready." Pain announces.

"Is that what I think it is?" Tobi asks.

"We're heading to The Hidden Cloud village, too."

Pain makes his move.