
Naruto: Reincarnated as Naruto

A soul reincarnated in an alternative narutoverse as Naruto with a few wishes from God. Will he be the hero? will he be the villain? This is my first time writing a fan-fic so please don't mind my mistakes as are open for any suggestions.

ray_ray_8433 · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Chunin exams [3]

Next day at the Hokage tower there was a spikey ponytailed black haired man who is the Jonin commander of the Konoha village, Nara Shikaku was standing in front of the Hokage.

"What's the matter Hokage sama?" Shikaku asked in curiosity since it was very sudden to summon him and also with all the ANBU sent out and activating privacy and silencing seals.

"Look at this and give your opinion" saying that Hiruzen threw him a scroll about the information Naruto got to him.

"What a drag~" reading the scroll he rubbed his temples since he won't be sleeping well with this situation.

"What do you think of the situation?"

"Our only option is to brace for the impact head on, many teams from other villages have already arrived so we can't stop the exams and we can't reveal this information to anyone for now because we don't know what Orochimaru plans and if our actions make them suspicious they might change their plans and might catch us off guard. Our best chance is to find out more about their plan."

"*Sigh* Okay let's follow your plan we'll see what they have planned for us. You're dismissed"

"Hai Hokage sama" saying that Shikaku bowed and went out.

It's been 3 days since Team 7 was given the forms for chunin exams Naruto was getting ready for the exams. He finished his morning workout, took a bath, and wore some new clothes. For top he wore a chain mesh T-shirt a black full sleeved hoodie above it zipped to the top having an Uzumaki swirl at the back and also a finger less gloves with metal plates. For the bottom he wore a black cargo pants with his weapons pouch and shuriken holder and also black shinobi sandals. He made some breakfast and stored his katana 'Red Death' and placed it in his inventory. In a few minutes he arrived at the academy where Sasuke and Sakura are waiting for him.

"Come on we have to go to room 306" Naruto said while walking towards the academy.

"Hmph you don't have to remind me" Sasuke snorted and Sakura followed him.

"Be careful Naruto I'm stronger than you now" Sasuke smirked.

'If only you knew Sasuke' Naruto smirked internally.

When they arrived at the so called room '306' which is an illusion and there was a commotion. There were 2 older ninja blocking the way for many people, Lee was so weak that he was pleading to let them in, Naruto was internally laughing at their acting.

'That kid looks a lot like Gai kun' Minato didn't expect this.

'If only you knew' Naruto snorted.

"Please let us inside" Lee was 'panting' after receiving a punch to his face.

"You are mistaking us we don't want you guys to kill yourself, chunin exams are dangerous you might loose your life" one older shinobi commented.

"Let us inside please we just want to go inside" Tenten came in front and pleaded, just then the other shinobi went to punch her Naruto came with high speed, tackled him down and locked him to the ground.

'Never go for one of my girls' Naruto snarled in his thought.

Seeing his partner getting tackled down the other shinobi went to take a kunai but Sasuke interrupted him with a kunai in his neck from back.

"Don't move" Sasuke said with a confident smirk.

"You know it's not proper to hit a lady" Naruto whispered with a wicked smile.

Then the shinobi in Sasuke's arms slid and escaped and rushed to punch him, Sasuke also came at him with a kick, but both was stopped by Lee which startled both of then of Lee's strength. Neji came out of the crowd looking at the scene.

"I though we were keeping a low profile Lee" Neji asked.

"It can't be helped Neji" Lee stood up.

"Hmph you think that low level genjutsu can affect us, right Sakura?" Sasuke smirked.

"You are right Sasuke kun. Kai" after Sakura dispelled the genjutsu '306 changed into '206'. Seeing this Naruto rolled his eyes and released the shinobi.

"Sorry Izumo san, Kotetsu san my teammates are quite prideful and idiotic to dispell the genjutsu" Naruto said while giving his hand for Kotetsu to help him.

"What did you say Naruto" Sasuke gritted his teeth.

"It's a test" Naruto just put him down.

"How do you know brat?" Kotetsu inquired.

"A shinobi's strength is his secrecy and besides just transforming into your younger self didn't do any good" hearing Naruto both transformed back shocking everyone, Neji was frustrated that he couldn't see through a low level Genjutsu and promised to practice more.

"You are good brat" Izumo complimented.

"Nah everyone is just stupid" Naruto said in an innocent tone angering everyone around. He went past Tenten while winking at her without anyone knowing and she blushed.

"It's been a long time Naruto kun" Lee came in front of Naruto's team.

"You know him Naruto?" Sakura questioned Naruto since she didn;t know Lee.

"Yeah we knew each other for nearly a year, we sparred together sometimes. He's Rock Lee and his teammates Higarashi Tenten and 'stuck up the ass' Hyuga Neji they are one year senior than us."

"You're Haruno Sakura right? Please accept my love I will protect you forever" Lee came in front of Sakura and proposed in a dramatic way but was rejected straight to the face and hung his head, his teammates came to console him. Team 7 went past them while Naruto mentally communicating with Tenten as she compliments his dress and some slight flirting on both sides.

While Team 7 was going to the exam room suddenly they were stopped by Lee, he jumped down giving a dramatic entrance. He challenged Sasuke for the love of Sakura and sent weird heart attacks from his eyes, which Sakura dodged with a weird way. Naruto was laughing with a tear in his eye. Sasuke went to fight Lee with his overconfidence and just like canon he got his ass kicked and was saved by Sakura from falling.

Gai was scolding Lee for trying to use primary lotus on Sasuke, seeing them Naruto knew the horror is coming and was horrified.

"EVERYONE TURN AWAY!!!!" Naruto warned but it was too late as Gai and Lee were hugging each other and crying in a beach surrounding of evening sunset.

"Gai sensei"


"Gai sensei"


Sasuke and Sakura were horrified of this sight, they both tried to dispell it thinking it is some kind of genjutsu but to no avail. It is the first time in their lives that they want gouge their eyes out, Naruto who has a lot of experience at this scene just sighed. Minato and Kushina were trying their hardest to not puke seeing this scene.

'These creatures never change *sigh*' Kurama can only sigh.

'Urgh I wish I am blind' Naruto can only curse himself. He tried to sneak away from the couple but it couldn't be helped he was caught.


"Yo Gai san, yeah unfortunately it is him" Naruto sighed.

"Um how do you know our sensei" Sakura asked.


"Gai san it's time for us to go now exams are about to start" Naruto gave an excuse and escaped from the jumpsuit duo while getting Gai's 'Nice guy' pose. When they came in front of room '306' Kakashi was waiting there for them.

"All three of you arrived. If any one of you have not arrived I would've kicked the rest out of here myself, since you all came you can finally permitted to enter" Kakashi smiled.

"But sensei you told us it is our choice to enter or not" Sakura asked like the idiot she was.

"Chunin exams are taken as a three man team, absence of one of the members will be elimination of whole team." Kakashi explained.

"Well let's not waste anymore time you guys are already late, thanks to certain some one" When Kakashi said that Sasuke and Sakura threw glances at Naruto.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that I-" Naruto was interrupted by Kakashi.

"Yeah we know you were coming around seeing a black cat"

"No, actually I slept in" Naruto said without any shame.




"*sigh* anyway let's go inside" Naruto motioned his teammates to follow him and went inside the class, Sasuke and Sakura followed him.

Entering into the class team 7 saw many shinobi looking at them like they were prey, Naruto didn't like that one bit. Tension were rising in the room everyone can see the pressure in the room.

"Oh you can enter through the door with your massive forehead Sakura" Ino came walking towards them followed by Shikamaru and Choji.

"What did you say Ino-pig?" Sakura retorted with a tick mark in her forehead, she felt a death glare on her back. Ino mentally calmed Naruto down with some dirty talk, when Sakura turned around he only saw Naruto grinning so she shrugged it off.

"You guys also came for chunin exams huh?" Shikamaru lazily asked and Choji was munching on his chips.

"Yeah we did, I thought you guys would be sleeping and eating rather than taking these exams" Naruto was really curious.

"What a drag~ my mom said she will kick my ass if I don't become a chunin, plus I don't want to take this exam another time ahh~" Shikamaru said with a yawn like a lazy ass he was and Naruto smirked thinking how Shikamaru was kicked out of his bed by his mom.

"Hahaha what happened to you face Sasuke? you look like you got your ass kicked" Kiba came in joining the conversation with Akamaru on his head.

"Shut up Nothing happened" Sasuke turned his head to avoid embarrassment.

"Haha whatever you say"

"What did you say?" Sasuke was clutching his fist.

"P-please d-don't fight h-here Kiba kun" Hinata entered and Shino followed her. Seeing Hinata Naruto winked at her, she blushed and went to Ino and both started gossiping.

"Hey you 9, you must be the rookies, fresh out of the academy right? I'll give a small advice, quiet down. Look around yourself" Kabuto came in with his smug expression.

"Who the hell are you" Kiba argued.

"I'm Kabuto, your senpai" said it with a smile. Naruto was giving a wicked smirk seeing Kabuto without anyone knowing.