
Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus)

Guy reincarnates as an Inuzuka with some wishes. That's all I got for now, first time author so bare with me. I do not own naruto or any other characters other than my OC.

Bigbaby · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Acquiring powers

After that declaration I decided to check for my gifts that I wished for. First I make sure the door was closed and getting comfortable on my bed I try to enter my minds scape. Since this is my first time attempting this I find it quit hard, I mean it's not as easy to clear your mind of all thoughts but I do manage after 30 minutes. Now that I'm in my mind I must say it's quit bland, I didn't know what to expect but this was not it."Now where's my stuff at" suddenly a scroll appears in front of my face and after it unrolls I begin to read.

"Hey it's me the being who sent you to this world. I just wanted to give you an explanation on how your gifts work and how to access them. First off all your personal wishes have been fulfilled, I decided to make your wolf a demon spirit like in that novel you read Tales of demons and gods. All you have to do is will him to appear before you and he will.

He will grow along side you but will be slightly weaker. Also he will have all your physical abilities like the claws, sonic howl, speed, strength, the works. So basically the powers of Muzaka and a lightning affinity. Not like the Goro Goro no mi but he does have lightning based attacks.

Once you leave this place all your powers such as the Haki and devil fruit will be active. However, attacks infused with nature energy can harm you in logia form. Also the logia form is powered through chakra, so no chakra no logia form. This applies to your little wife as well.

About your wife, same as your wolf but slightly weaker and don't complain either since you want to be a lazy bum and not find love the natural way. Oh and she does not have instant mastery but she is a genius in chakra control and is highly intelligent. Well that's about it, try to live well".

'Well can't really complain I did get most of what I wanted'. I return to the physical world and I feel the power. The power feels like I've had it all along, guess that's instant mastery at work but all it does is make it easy to use. I still have to come up with ways to utilize it.

Now let's try to summon my partner, I will it to appear and there's a current of electricity that fires from my chest and strike a short distance in front of me. It begins to take shape and now it stands before me.

"You look beautiful".