
Naruto: Reborn With a System!

+ Kuro Shizumatta died. He was reborn in the Naruto World with a System. One very similar to the Gamer System. + ** Justification of errors: I write using a smartphone. English is not my first language and this is my first novel. ** Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Nutella_ · 漫画同人
57 Chs

Chuunin Exams

"It is time to start. I am Ibiki Morino, your proctor. And from this moment on, your worst nightmare." Ibiki spoke after getting everyone's attention.

Ibiki's scarred face and terrifying tone made many participants fearful.

Ibiki pointed to the end of the room. "First, the Otogakure candidates. Who said they could fight? Do you want to be expelled before you start!?"

Dosu stood up while rubbing his neck. "Sorry, we were a little anxious." He spoke in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Ibiki smiled for a moment before his face turned serious and he looked at all the Genin. "I will say it only once, so pay attention. There will be no fighting between the candidates. They will not attack each other without permission from their proctor and still authorized, the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited. " Ibiki narrowed his eyes and his tone became more serious. "Anyone who dares mess with me will be immediately disqualified. Got it?"

There was an atmosphere of seriousness in the air.

The Otogakure Genin touched his ear and looked at Kuro. "Yes, we understand."

Ibiki spoke again. "If there is nothing else, we will begin the first part of the Chuunin Exams. Those of you who have already submitted the applications come forward to take a number, and those who have not, do so now and you will also receive a number. The numbers will determine where they will sit. " He held up a square index card with the number 1 as he explained. "We will start the written test when everyone is seated."

"Eh? What? He said… written?" Naruto asked with confusion and nervousness.

One of the teachers smiled and held up a stack of papers.

"No! Let it not be written!" Naruto knelt down and wept comically.


The participants approached the teachers and grabbed the number, the exam sheet, pencil and eraser.

Others had to apply before they could receive those things.

One of those was the Rock Lee team.

"He must be who Gai-sensei spoke of." Neji commented while looking at Kuro.

Lee nodded. "His speed is surprising. It seems Sasuke wasn't lying when he said there was someone better than him among the rookies."

'Also more handsome.' Tenten thought with a smile as she handed in her request.


'Amazing… Very surprising… Haha' A certain Kusagakure participant licked her lips with her long tongue and laughed darkly as she looked at Kuro.




Once all the participants were seated, the teachers took their places as sentinels on the left and right walls.

Ibiki hit the blackboard with the chalk to get attention. "Everyone, look straight ahead. There are several rules that I have to warn you of. I will not answer any questions so pay attention from the beginning."

Ibiki ignored the confused faces and began to write on the board. "Now, rule number 1. The written part of the exam will be handled with a point reduction system. Unlike what some of you are used to, everyone will start with a perfect grade of 10 points. For each question that they answer incorrectly, 1 point will be reduced. So, if they fail in 3, their final grade will be 7. "

Ibiki was silent for a moment. "Rule number 2. The teams will pass or fail depending on the results of the 3 members."

"Eh?" There were exclamations of confusion among the participants after hearing that.

Sakura's forehead slammed against her desk for a moment before lifting it up. "What!? Wait a second! So we will be graded by team!?" She asked indignantly.

"Shut up! I have my reasons. Silence and listen." Ibiki yelled before speaking again. "Rule number 3. The sentries you see scattered throughout the room are there to carefully watch for any signs of cheating." Ibiki smiled, "For each incident they detect, the cheater will be deducted 2 points."

Confusion returned to the Genin faces.

Ibiki kept his smile. "I warn you, his eyesight is extremely sharp. And if you are caught 5 times, you will be disqualified before your exam is graded. Whoever is foolish enough to be caught cheating by the sentries does not deserve to be here." Ibiki's smile grew, "If you want to be considered a Shinobi, show us what an exceptional Shinobi is capable of."

Sakura frowned and lost herself in thought, 'Okay, take it easy. I know I'll do it right and Sasuke too. So even if Naruto scores 0, if we do very well we can pass. '

Ibiki interrupted her thoughts. "One more thing. If any candidate scores 0 and fails the exam, the entire team fails." Ibiki's voice deepened at the end.

"What!?" Sakura screamed angrily.

Sasuke's expression also became increasingly dark.

Naruto, on the other hand, was really shaking this time.

"The tenth question I will tell you 15 minutes before the exam comes to the end. You will have 1 hour in total." The clock read 3:30 pm and when the second hand reached 12, Ibiki yelled. "Begin!"

The participants quickly grabbed their pencils and read the questions.

However, most were shocked after reading the first question and after reading the others, the confusion turned into nervousness.

"The questions are too difficult, don't you think?" Ino whispered to Kuro, who was sitting on her left.

He nodded as he looked at the questions.

However, although he answered affirmatively, the questions did not pose a problem for Kuro.

But, he understood that it would be for most Genin.

The questions were problems based on uncertain principles that required a complete mechanical energy analysis, something very advanced for an average Genin.

After answering the first question, Kuro read the second.

'Line B in the diagram indicates the trajectory of a Shuriken thrown at enemy C by ninja A, sitting on top of a 7 meter tall tree. Describe and formulate the required trajectory if C were placed at points D, E and F. Also describe the maximum range of the Shuriken and explain how you arrived at that answer. '

After thinking for a moment, Kuro started to write the answer.

'As expected of Kuro!' Ino thought when she saw him answer the questions.

She already realized that the test was designed to force participants to cheat. That's why she was so surprised to see Kuro do it on his own.

Ino looked at her target, another one of the people who didn't need to cheat.

She formed the specific hand seal, heading towards Sakura.

When Kuro noticed this, he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye but didn't stop writing.

'Mind Body Switch Technique!' Ino thought after concentrating.

When her body went limp, Kuro looked at the translucent screen.

[New Skill [Mind Body Switch Technique] learned!]

He smirked inwardly and peeked at the other cheating petitioners.

His attention went to Gaara, who was moving his sand.

He created an eye made of sand after closing his.

[New Skill [Third Eye] learned!]

This was a very useful technique for gathering information.

It consists of creating an eye of sand and connecting it with the optic nerve, which allows the user to see everything that is in the field of vision of the third eye.

It would be very amazing if he could use the Mystic Eyes and the Third Eye at the same time.

Kuro also learned the use of chakra threads after seeing Kankuro.

The other participants cheated using their eye powers, mirrors on the ceiling, by sounds, insects or receiving responses from a canine.




Many participants were caught cheating 5 times and were disqualified along with their teammates.

With 15 minutes to go, Ibiki spoke, "Okay, listen up. This is the tenth and final question."

The participants, especially Naruto, turned their full attention to Ibiki.

His tone deepened, "But, before that, there are one or two more rules you should know."

At that moment, Kankuro, who went to the bathroom with his puppet disguised as a teacher, returned.

"Ah?" He was taken aback by the tense atmosphere in the room.

Ibiki smiled, "You were just in time. I hope you found your trip to the bathroom very enlightening."

Kankuro tensed. 'He managed to see through the disguise! He already discovered us... '

"Well? Have a seat." Ibiki spoke.

Kakuro hesitated for a moment before moving, dropping a tiny scroll as he passed Temari.

When he sat down, Ibiki continued. "These rules are only for question 10. Listen carefully… and try not to get too scared." He glanced at the participants.

Many of them were sweating and their hands were shaking.

The psychological pressure they have felt so far was immense and they knew it would not end anytime soon.

"So listen up. Rule number 1. Each of you can choose whether or not to participate in the 10th question."

The Genin were shocked after hearing Ibiki.

"Ah!? And what is the challenge!?" Temari frowned. "Let's say we decided not to participate, what would happen then!?"

Ibiki smiled, "If they decide not to answer question 10, regardless of the answers to the other 9, they will get 0. In other words, they fail." His smile grew. "And that means, of course, that his team fails as well."

The murmurs and complaints quickly made themselves heard when Ibiki said that.


"Who would take the option of failing!?"


"What nonsense!"

"Of course we will participate!"

Ibiki closed his eyes and spoke in a grave tone, "Not so fast. I'm not done."

The participants calmed down and listened, but were still worried that there would be more rules.

Ibiki's tone remained just as grave. "If you choose to answer the question, but answer it incorrectly, not only will you fail..." Ibiki suddenly opened his eyes. "...They will lose the opportunity to retake the Chuunin exams forever!"

Silence reigned in the room for a moment as the nervousness of the participants increased.

Kiba stood up and pointed at Ibiki. "That's not fair man! It's ridiculous! What kind of stupid rule is that!? There are a lot of people here who have participated in the exam before!" Akamaru barked when Kiba finished speaking.

Ibiki giggled lightly before turning into a full-blown laugh. "Hahaha… Let's just say you guys have… Bad luck." His tone became more and more serious at the end. "I didn't make the rules before, but now I do. However, like I said, if you don't want to risk it, you don't have to." He smiled as he said that.

"Ah?" Kiba exclaimed, confused.

"If you don't think you're confident, I recommend you don't. You can try again next year. Hahaha!" Ibiki laughed sadistically upon seeing the faces of the participants.


A/N I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 100.

If someone guesses it, I'll post another chapter! And if not, well, too, because already have it there.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

If you find any errors, let me know!

Tell me in the comments any suggestions!

Thank you for reading!

Nutella_creators' thoughts