
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

8Ashes8 · 漫画同人
117 Chs

Chapter 98

"Meow~ I'm so full!" 

"Ha...haha, it's good that our hero is full." Uehara Kazuhiro's mouth twitched, secretly regretting ordering more. 

This cat for sure is a glutton! Fortunately, not all cat eat's so much as this one, otherwise only the aristocratic ladies in Capital City, within Land of Fire, could afford to keep them. 

"Uehara-san, since the caravan has delivered the goods, we have other missions and cannot accompany you back to Konoha." Minato said. 

"I understand, thank you for your help on this trip. I really hope that I can have a team as strong as you to protect me next time I come to the Land of Grass." Uehara praised them sincerely. 

Although it costs a lot of money to treat guests to dinner, the strength of this team alone is worth the price. If it hadn't been for this team, they wouldn't have been able to reach the Land of Grass so easily. 

But then again, if he treats them a few more days, he probably won't make much money from this trip, so he is naturally happy that Minato and his team are leaving. 

They have already crossed most dangerous area on the route to the Land of Grass. The risk of being intercepted by Iwagakure ninjas is far lower on the trip back.

After all, what Iwagakure Village needs is not just money, but ninja-specific tools such as metal tools (which non-ninjas could use), ninja tools (Kunai, Shuriken, etc), and Explosive Tags. Such things cannot be achieved with just money during the war. 

On their way back, the Takeshi laid contentedly on the medical kit, with the faint scent of barbecue still lingering in his mouth. 

The meat that he didn't have to pay for is the most delicious as it makes his stomach feel full, but if Rin hadn't pulled him back, he wanted to eat another plate...

"Takeshi, you are really are a glutton. You ate four times more than me." Obito on route was standing in front of the formation, ready to run ahead if Takeshi pursued him, so he could feel at ease provoking this gluttonous cat. 

Before Takeshi could respond, Kakashi took the lead and struck him first: "Because you are weak, you just watched from behind and hardly made any move. However, he exerted a lot of effort with me and consumed a lot of chakra, so he ate more." 

"..." Obito fell into silence, unable to refute for a moment, and then his eyes couldn't help but feel teary. 

'Can I be blamed here? The opponent was using Earth Release, and my Fire Release Ninjutsu would've been useless.'

As for Taijutsu, it's well known, Iwagakure Ninja's Taijutsu is quite good, which they often use in conjunction with Earth Release and it is often difficult to deal with that combination... 

'Hmm, this needs to be considered? Where should I focus on developing?' He began to think, and the various advantages of being an Uchiha came to his mind, and then his eyes gradually brightened - yes, why did he forget that he still had the Sharingan, as enemies Earth Release and Taijutsu was strong, he could have used the Sharingan to perceive and learn their jutsu and techniques! 

The biggest advantage of the Sharingan the Eye of insight. Perceiving at high speed and learning jutsu and techniques are not an issue for Uchiha with Sharingan.

It's just that within the Clan those with high talents believe that the secret techniques passed down from their families and clan are far superior, while those with low talents cannot quickly learn the opponent's ninjutsu, and over time it becomes a relatively unused method. 

But at this time, Obito had different ideas from his clan members. His idea is that if he can't beat his opponent, then he can use his opponent's skills to deal with other enemies. As long as he accumulates enough techniques and jutsu's, he will become very powerful sooner or later. 

'Well, if I encounter a strong opponent in the future, I need to get into habit of using the Sharingan. ' Obito thought secretly. 

He has noticed what he has missed, but he has forgotten one thing, that is, his theoretical knowledge is really poor. 

Sharingan copying is not simply copy and pasting, but it is observing the opponent's hand seals and chakra movements in slow motion with extremely high detail, and then analyzing and mimicking that on self, and finally learning this ninjutsu. 

So it goes as follows in hierarchical manner:

First stage: Observe

Second stage: Analyze

Third stage: Mimic

Fourth stage: Learn

Simply put, the success rate of copying is actually related to the brain processing and Uchiha's understanding and comprehension of the theoretical knowledge required.

Obito's brain processing is not bad (first stage), but his theoretical knowledge(second stage)...

It's not that Takeshi is looking down on him by teasing him about it, but this guy has never passed the theory test. 

Although his idea is good, he still has a long way to go before he wants to become a "copy ninja". 

Fortunately for Obito, he was not proud enough to speak out his thoughts, so the Takeshi and Kakashi had no chance to attack him verbally further and deal more emotional damage. So he was immersed in his "genius idea" and dreams of success. 

The Land of Grass is not very big, and they no longer need to worry about the caravan route when they return. 

They only need to choose the closest path, so they quickly returned to the border area of the Land of Fire. There are relatively few conflicts between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass. 

And as there is no war going on at the moment, there are more residents along the border. However, this time the team did not need to stop for supplies, and they passed by without stopping at the border. 

After crossing the border, Takeshi had digested some of his dinner and got out of medical box and walked around on his own.

Now that he thought about it, he ate too much before, causing him to be lethargic. He didn't notice it when he was eating, but he felt a little uncomfortable afterwards. And because of that he couldn't exercise.

"Takeshi, you are finally willing to walk on the ground. Speaking of which, Sensei, how long do we have until we get there? Aren't we going back to the village? This road doesn't seem to be the way back to the village." Obito said standing upside down on a branch, although this does cause him to get exhausted quicker, he still enjoys it. 

"I initially wanted to go return to the village, but the Sandaime-sama said that a certain cat in the village was being quite mischievous scaring the children. And there happened to be something going on at the border, so before mission started, I stopped by Shikaku and his team." 

"Meow me?" Takeshi ran ahead in confusion and stared at Minato. A human-like expression appeared on the cat's face. 'It turns out that you are this is kind of person you are Minato... No, it turns out that Sarutobi Hiruzen is such kind of person! There's nothing good about a Hokage. They are all cut from the same cloth, you are all black on the inside, I've seen through you. '

"This is good. It's boring to be in the village." Kakashi's indifferent tone contained a bit of joy. In his opinion, the quiet life in the village was simply torture, especially taking care of eight dogs and taking them to the Inuzuka parlour every day. 

In a massage parlor, money is spent every day. He had spend a lot of money at home too, and he can make money while doing mission without spending any money. 

It is easy to tell which is better at a glance. From this perspective, Kakashi felt thankful towards the damn cat, though he would never say it out loud.

"It's a pity that I still want to learn more advanced Taijutsu. If I hadn't come out of village for mission, I might have already started." Obito sighed with some regret. 

Might Duy has been teaching Guy about Eight Inner Gates, and has started teaching it to Obito too, though he only knows the basic theoretical knowledge of the Eight Inner Gates, but Duy hasn't taught him how to open it yet, for now he can either learn to open the First Gate (Gate of Opening)by himself, or he can ask Duy or Guy for advice after returning to the village... 

"Meow~ If you can't learn, it's your fault!" The Takeshi slowly ran behind. Obito turned his head and saw the cold eyes, and couldn't help but feel a bit of chill all over his body. 

'Is this cat holding a grudge again? It's really difficult to get along with this damn cat. I don't know what I did to fall into his little book of targets. I only said few words to him and I wasn't wrong!' But that's okay.

Once this genius fully masters the use of the Sharingan and evolves from one magatama to three magatama, defeating a cat will not be that difficult, Obito was thinking about a wonderful future. 

"Sensei, are we approaching Shikaku-sama's base?" Rin suddenly said at this moment. 

"Rin, you know about this?" Minato was a little surprised. 

"A batch of supplies from the medical corp arrived here before, and I prepared them, so I suddenly felt that this location is about the same distance from the station I saw on the map." Rin explained with some hesitance. 

"That's good, I'll train you in the future. Maybe you have a lot of potential in other fields as well. Now...let's stop for a sometime and wait for them to come over to verify our identities." Minato raised his hand to signal everyone to stop. 

Security check, this process must be followed. Takeshi stopped and sniffed around, then stared at one of the directions. There is scent of a dog nearby!


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