
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · 漫画同人
292 Chs

Chapter 189

While Kyomu was busy with large-scale construction, the Daimyo of the Five Great Nations and many smaller countries secretly gathered together.

Kyomu's speech upon leaving Konoha was akin to digging a grave for the Daimyo system of the shinobi world. It would be strange if they didn't gather to discuss how to eliminate him.

However, the Daimyo of the Land of Wind, the Land of Lightning, and the Land of Fire lacked confidence.

The Hidden Sand Village in the Land of Wind had been slaughtered by Kyomu, leaving only about three thousand ninjas, a severe loss that would take at least ten years to recover from.

The Hidden Cloud Village in the Land of Lightning, while not as severely affected as the Sand Village, had only about five thousand ninjas left, having lost more than half of its peak strength.

The Hidden Leaf Village in the Land of Fire, once the strongest village in the shinobi world, suffered significantly from Kyomu's departure and the near annihilation of the Sarutobi and Shimura clans, reducing their ninja numbers to about four thousand.

The Lands of Earth and Water, however, retained considerable strength, and their Daimyo spoke with much more authority.

"We can't give Kyomu and his group too much time. The longer we wait, the greater the threat to us," began the Daimyo of the Land of Earth. "The Land of Waterfalls is wedged between my country, the Land of Lightning, the Land of Fire, the Land of Grass, and the Land of Frost. Moreover, it is bordered by the sea to the east, allowing the Land of Water's ships to reach it.

I suggest that while Kyomu is still unsteady, we should combine our forces and launch a full-scale attack."

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth voiced the thoughts of all the Daimyo present. They wanted to act but needed to carefully negotiate how to combine their forces.

Kyomu's combat prowess was not to be underestimated, and no one wanted to be the vanguard, risking heavy casualties. The first wave would suffer the most, and even if they succeeded in eliminating Kyomu, the weakened force would become easy prey for the others.

Trust was scarce among the Daimyo of the Five Great Nations.

Silence ensued.

Aside from the opening remark by the Daimyo of the Land of Earth, the others remained silent.

Unable to wait any longer, the Daimyo of the Land of Earth spoke again, offering a commitment, "The Land of Earth will send 4000 ninjas, led by Tsuchikage Ōnoki, to directly threaten the entire western region of the Land of Waterfalls."

Glancing around, the Daimyo of the Land of Earth asked the Daimyo of the Land of Grass and the Land of Frost, "What about you? How many can you send?"

"The Hidden Grass Village in the Land of Grass has only about a thousand ninjas. We can send 300 ninjas and some war supplies."

"The Land of Frost can provide a bit more, but only 500 ninjas. We can't spare any more."

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth sneered and looked past them to the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning, "What about you? Can the Hidden Cloud Village still fight?"


The Daimyo of the Land of Lightning slammed the table. "Of course! The Land of Lightning has never been inferior to the Land of Earth!"

"How many can you send?" the Daimyo of the Land of Earth pressed.

"2000 ninjas and all necessary war supplies."

"Big talk, but only that many?" the Daimyo of the Land of Earth taunted. "Are you trying to conserve your strength to deal with us later?"

"Hmph, you're overthinking. I don't need to conserve strength to deal with you." The Daimyo of the Land of Lightning did not back down, but realistically stated, "That's all we can send. No more."

Although maintaining a tough front, the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning knew the Cloud Village had been significantly weakened during the Third Shinobi World War. His words were strong, but his actions were constrained.

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth understood this and chose not to escalate the argument. Instead, he turned to the others. "And you?"

"The Land of Wind can only provide supplies," stated the Daimyo of the Land of Wind bluntly. "The Hidden Sand Village has barely over two thousand ninjas left, not enough to handle Kyomu."

"You're in a miserable state. Maybe you should sit with the smaller nations," mocked the Daimyo of the Land of Water. "The Land of Wind can't even muster a task force. Even the Land of Grass and the Land of Frost are better off."

"This is all thanks to Kyomu from the Land of Fire," retorted the Daimyo of the Land of Wind. "So, what does the Daimyo of the Land of Fire have to say?"

The remaining Daimyo began to consider extracting concessions from the Land of Fire. They needed to tackle Kyomu, but not without securing some benefits first.

All eyes turned to the newly appointed Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

"If you won't help, the Land of Fire will handle Kyomu on its own."

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire stood firm, understanding the larger picture. Kyomu's actions posed a threat not just to the Land of Fire but to all Daimyo. The other nations would unite against him regardless of any promised benefits, but internal disputes over contributions slowed the process.

"The Land of Fire will take the lead in resources, but we need cooperation," suggested the Daimyo of the Land of Water. "The Leaf Village should be at the forefront since this is their internal conflict."

"Discussing responsibility now is pointless," countered the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. He wanted Kyomu gone but didn't want to bear the entire burden.

"Let's first tally our forces and then discuss the details."

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth wasn't pleased. "The Land of Wind provides only supplies. The Land of Fire has its agenda.

The Land of Lightning offers 2000 ninjas and supplies, and the smaller nations together might contribute 2000 more.

The Land of Water and my country can each provide 4000 to 5000 ninjas.

But combined, we're still looking at only 15,000 against Kyomu's 2000. Everyone knows Kyomu's battlefield prowess.

We can't be certain of victory, and heavy losses would leave us vulnerable to Kyomu's expansion."

"Speak for yourself. You haven't committed everything either," remarked the Daimyo of the Land of Wind. "We've barely enough ninjas left to contribute. How can we trust that you won't turn on us afterward?"

"We could sign a non-aggression pact," offered the Daimyo of the Land of Water.

"Who believes that? Without strength to back it, it's just paper," scoffed the Daimyo of the Land of Wind. "None of us would trust it."

Silence fell again, with new proposals emerging but no consensus reached. Each country wanted to protect its own interests while minimizing losses.

The deadlock continued as long as Kyomu didn't further escalate his threat or expand aggressively. The Daimyo's infighting would drag on indefinitely.


A month later.

Kyomu stood confidently in front of the newly constructed Dragon Shadow Building.

Using Tsunade's gambling skills in reverse, the two billion ryo gap was quickly filled. This tactic couldn't be used again, but it sufficed for now.

With the funding secured, Kyomu mobilized over 2000 ninjas under his command, as well as the original Takigakure ninjas, residents, and the entire population of the Land of Waterfalls.

Numerous landmark buildings were completed by the end of the month, including the Dragon Shadow Building, a hospital, a school, residential areas, a park, and training grounds, giving the place a grand appearance.

This was only a part of the extensive infrastructure project. Fortifications, ports, factories, mines, and transportation networks were still under construction.

Though the initial goals weren't fully met, Kyomu wasn't displeased. He quietly used ten gold coins to extend the Homeland Guardian passive skill for another month.

"Everyone, a brand-new Takigakure has appeared before you, and behind us, a new capital is under construction. I have fulfilled my promise to you."

Applause thundered from the crowd. After a few seconds, Kyomu raised his hand for silence.

"Now, with new beginnings, we will bid farewell to the past." Kyomu gestured behind him, and the ninja removed the red cloth covering the building's sign.

"From now on, this place is officially renamed Dragon's Hidden Village!" Kyomu announced with a smile, pointing to himself. "And I am the First Dragon Shadow. Let us move forward to even greater glory!" (Ryukage, doesn't sound bad)

"Dragon Shadow-sama!"

"Dragon Shadow-sama!"

"Dragon Shadow-sama!"

Kyomu gestured for quiet and continued, "Additionally, the former Daimyo of the Land of Waterfalls holds us in high regard and has agreed to rename the country to the Land of Dragons.

Furthermore, due to health reasons, the Dragon Daimyo has appointed me as the Chief Minister of the Land of Dragons, to manage all affairs."

More applause followed. Many knew the real situation but chose to stay silent.

Kyomu nodded and raised his hand again.

"There is one more thing to announce." He pointed to the flag flying atop the Dragon Shadow Building. "This image of a five-clawed white dragon is now the spiritual totem of the Land of Dragons, Dragon's Hidden Village, and all its people and ninjas.

Its origin is my partner, now the national guardian beast of the Land of Dragons, the only dragon from Ryūchi Cave, Ichikishimahime!"

With a roar, Ichikishimahime reverted to her true form, her tiny feet kicking off the ground as she soared into the sky, her dragon roar echoing.




Hovering above, Ichikishimahime blinked her enormous dragon eyes, her roars growing louder.

In a mystical sense, she felt a path to further evolution, knowing it came with a binding. From now on, her fate was tied to that of the Land of Dragons and Dragon's Hidden Village.

This was a risk, but also a necessity for Ichikishimahime's progress. Without this bond, the shinobi world lacked the resources and path to support her further transformation.

"As long as I'm within the Land of Dragons, I can gather natural energy more easily. My weather manipulation ability, once limited to three uses, can now be used seven times without fatigue."

Thinking this, Ichikishimahime spiraled higher into the sky.

Soon, dark clouds gathered, thunder and lightning flashing as Ichikishimahime maneuvered, driving the rain clouds away.

This was pre-arranged.

"Everyone, our guardian beast Ichikishimahime can control the weather. With her, we will have good weather and bountiful harvests!"

"Long live Ichikishimahime-sama!"

"Long live Dragon Shadow-sama!"

The excited shouts carried far, lasting nearly a minute before Kyomu calmed the crowd.

"I promise you, within five years, the Land of Dragons will become a leading nation among the smaller countries, and within ten years, we will challenge the Great Nations!

War, suffering, chaos, and poverty will be things of the past. We will only grow stronger!"

Cheers erupted again, and Kyomu waited for the crowd to settle before continuing.

"With a totem, we now have a unique symbol for the Land of Dragons and Dragon's Hidden Village. From this symbol, we derive the Will of the Dragon!"

Kyomu's speech resonated, and the crowd listened intently.

Tsunade's eyes sparkled, recognizing that parts of the Will of the Dragon contained the essence of the Will of Fire, but with new ideas focused on serving and sacrificing for the people.

It was impactful.

Kyomu had anticipated this, infusing his ideas with a touch of revolutionary spirit.

The old order of the shinobi world needed a transformation.

His inauguration speech concluded, Kyomu prepared to distribute roles and rewards. But first, he donned the ceremonial robe embroidered with a five-clawed white dragon and the Dragon Shadow hat with dragon motifs.

With a flourish, Kyomu wore the Dragon Shadow ceremonial robe and hat.

Below, the ninjas put on their headbands with dragon motifs.

"Now, I will appoint your roles!"

The distribution of rewards officially began!

(End of Chapter)