
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · 漫画同人
292 Chs

Chapter 141

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[NEW FANFIC!: Starting As A Class 5 Mutant] 

[This fanfic is the one of three that will make into the poll, and the winner will be kept on being translated]



When the two youngsters met again, their excitement was palpable in their voices. However, due to the crowd around them, they refrained from embracing and simply held hands briefly.

"Obito, this guy who isn't cool at all, sure moves fast in this matter," Genma commented nonchalantly.

"Actually, I want to say that Rin has a beautiful smile," Ebisu blinked, "But Obito won't allow me to compliment Rin's smile."

"Keep it down, will you?" Genma glared at Ebisu, "Don't talk about this stuff every day. Apart from Kyomu, nobody can restrain Obito."

Ebisu promptly shut up, feeling deeply misunderstood. Is it wrong to appreciate beauty, especially the beauty of the opposite sex?

Ebisu thought the scene of Tsunade-sama and Kyomu leaning together to watch the moon at night was quite nice, much better than Rin and Obito being so openly affectionate.

"Are you the Rin that Kyomu often praises?" Tsunade called out from afar.

Rin and Obito immediately let go of each other's hands. Rin quickly ran to Tsunade, bowing deeply.


"You seem like a fine prospect," Tsunade said without much scrutiny, her compliment lacking sincerity, "Follow me from now on."

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama."

"You should call her 'sensei'." Kyomu interjected, earning a stern look from Tsunade.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sensei."

"Hmm," Tsunade nodded coolly, "You go catch up first. I need to check on the supplies."

After Tsunade left, Rin, having been separated for so long, joined Kyomu and the others.

"Goodness, I never thought I could become Tsunade-sama's disciple!" Rin's face was flushed with excitement, "She's my idol, the idol of all medical ninjas in the village."

Rin knew this wasn't just her own achievement but didn't explicitly thank Kyomu, believing it was better to keep gratitude in one's heart and show it through actions rather than words.

Obito, smiling, playfully punched Kyomu, "Kyomu, I've known since we were kids that you'd never let us down."

"Did you think you're the only one who knows that?" Kakashi glanced at Obito.

"Everyone knows," Obito said with a smile, not engaging in further argument with Kakashi, "Come on, let's go over there to chat."

As they walked together, the happiness of their early days returned. However, the military camp was hardly an ideal place for reminiscing, and Kyomu, burdened with responsibilities, couldn't spend much time with his friends.

Inside Tsunade's tent, she handed Kyomu a ledger listing various supplies, entrusting him with their management. Kyomu accepted without objection, earnestly absorbing knowledge beyond the ninja system.

Tsunade waited until Kyomu had processed everything before discussing the Creation Rebirth technique with him.

"To learn the Creation Rebirth technique, you must master two prerequisites," Tsunade said seriously, and Kyomu listened attentively, "The first is medical ninjutsu, the more proficient, the better. The second is the Yin Seal, which is quite complex. It's not easy to master.

Since you've already started learning medical ninjutsu, you and Rin will follow me for a more systematic study in the coming period. Once you've mastered it, I'll teach you the Yin Seal."

Kyomu nodded, and Tsunade called Rin in, seizing the time to give them both extra lessons.


Days passed uneventfully.

With Bunpuku needing to recuperate, the Sand Ninjas hadn't launched any new campaigns for two months.

Meanwhile, Chiyo had other plans, maintaining a semblance of peace. But secretly, she gathered a large number of explosive tags, evidently targeting Kyomu.

The calm on the Sand battlefield didn't mean other areas were quiet.

On the Cloud battlefield, the friction between Jiraiya's team and their opponents never ceased. Minato, upon whom Hiruzen had high hopes, also made a name for himself here.

Moreover, the Rasengan was finally developed by Minato, and as his teacher, Jiraiya naturally also mastered this skill.

Simultaneously, Orochimaru, who had disappeared for over two months, made a significant move.

He successfully attacked Killer B, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki of the Hidden Cloud Village, and unlocked the beast's seal in his abdomen.

Had Killer B been in a normal state, the beast's seal might have been resealed. However, due to the influence of the Five Elements Seal, Killer B's inner darkness was stirred. Once the beast's seal was unlocked again, he couldn't suppress his inner rage.

Killer B died, and the Eight-Tails became wild again, causing significant losses to the Hidden Cloud Village. (Not the rapper one, the one before him)

Fortunately, the Third Raikage acted promptly, recapturing the Eight-Tails and sealing it in the Amber Purifying Pot left by the Sage of Six Paths.

Subsequently, the Cloud battlefield became tumultuous. Not only did the forces consolidate, but A and B were urgently recalled to the Hidden Cloud Village.

Clearly, Killer B was to become the next Eight-Tails Jinchuriki.

Thus, the Cloud battlefield entered a brief period of calm, providing the Leaf Village, fighting on two fronts, with a rare breather.

However, this peaceful interlude was short-lived. The Rock and Mist Villages, as if coordinated, opened new fronts, plunging the Leaf Village into a precarious situation of fighting on four fronts.

In the Hokage's office of the Leaf Village.

"Sarutobi, make a decision," Homura urged urgently.

Hiruzen remained silent, deep in thought and smoking. After a while, he finally spoke up.

"Where's Orochimaru now?"

"He has safely left the Land of Lightning and is likely already within our territory," reported.

"That's good," Sarutobi nodded, "What's the situation on the Sand battlefield?"

"It's stable for now. The Sand doesn't seem to be planning anything; they've been quiet," Koharu reviewed the intelligence reports, "But the relationship between Tsunade and Kyomu is hard to explain. Tsunade seems to prefer a behind-the-scenes role, pushing Kyomu to the forefront.

In the past two months, Kyomu has been in charge of the actual management of supplies, with Tsunade only responsible for signing off."

Sarutobi's expression darkened, "Tsunade... she's dissatisfied with me."

Danzo interjected, "Sarutobi, now's not the time to worry about that. We're fighting on four fronts, and both the village and the country are facing a crisis. I think...

It's time for me, an old man, to head to the front lines."

Sarutobi looked at Danzo, reluctantly, but lacking better options.

Compared to Kyomu, he trusted Danzo more. Moreover, from the situation on the Sand battlefield, Sarutobi felt his previous concerns were unfounded.

Kyomu had ambitions, and Tsunade was even aiding him!

Biting his lip, Sarutobi agreed to Danzo's request.

"Danzo, it's time for you to lead the Root to the front lines."

As Danzo's face lit up with anticipation, having waited nearly a year for this moment, Sarutobi's next words dampened his spirits.

"I have plans for the commanders on the other two fronts. Your main task is to stir up the inherent contradictions between the Rock and Cloud ninjas. If they clash, it would be a great boon for us, significantly reducing the pressure on our frontline troops."

Danzo wanted to refuse, preferring to be in the limelight rather than continue playing the role of an 'unknown hero' from the shadows.

But after reconsidering, Danzo agreed, "Rest assured, Sarutobi, I'll make sure the Rock and Cloud ninjas start making trouble."

Fearing refusal might lead Sarutobi to restrict his movements within the village again, Danzo acquiesced.

Sarutobi breathed a sigh of relief and began discussing the command of the other two battlefields with the three Hokage advisors.

"How about Minato leading our forces on the Rock battlefield? What do you think?"

"I have no objections, but what about the Mist battlefield?" Homura looked at Sarutobi, also concerned about Kyomu.

"Let Tsunade handle it," Sarutobi decided, "Orochimaru will continue to command our forces on the Sand battlefield."

"And what about Kyomu?"

"Let him stay on the Sand battlefield," Sarutobi's eyes sparkled, "It's enough for him to remain the chief of his squad. He's still too young to be a commander."

"Let's settle it then," Homura nodded, "If not for Tsunade being too... we wouldn't have to be so passive."

"We could let Kyomu continue leading his First Ninja Squad," Danzo didn't want Kyomu to continue rising.

Being a weapon was fine, but why aspire to be the one wielding it?

"We could integrate Kyomu and his First Ninja Squad into my Root, sending them into the shadows to execute S-rank battlefield missions."

Danzo's suggestion was clear: if they couldn't hide the sharp blade that was Kyomu or stop his growing fame due to the war, they might as well shift him into the shadows.

This way, Kyomu would remain a sharp blade but, due to the identity of Root or ANBU ninja, the village would have a reason not to publicly disclose his information.

Even if most ninjas could guess it was Kyomu based on techniques and performances, the official rule that ANBU ninjas' identities must not be easily disclosed would naturally suppress his fame until retirement.

Thus, Kyomu's fame would naturally be contained. People are forgetful, especially those hidden in the shadows, who can be quickly forgotten.

Even if some remember Kyomu, it would only be a few, not the majority.

"Agreed, but not the Root, the ANBU," Sarutobi decided, "I'll draft the order now. The rest of you, go prepare."


In the Sand battlefield, within the Leaf Village camp.

Tsunade held the newly received order in her hands, visibly upset.

"Take a look, Kyomu."

"Is this another transfer for me?" Kyomu guessed correctly, at least partially.

After reading the order, his expression gradually darkened.

Once, twice, but not a third time, did they really think Kyomu was a pushover?

"Has Hiruzen not heard that there are times when the king's orders are not followed outside?"

Times have changed, old man!

"I won't comply," Kyomu decisively shook his head, "Tsunade, you don't need to intervene. I'll speak to the Third Hokage myself."

"Kyomu, you..."

"Tsunade, it's not what I want, but what my squad members and all the comrades on this battlefield want."

Ignoring Tsunade's conflicted expression, Kyomu left the tent.


With a loud shout, in less than five minutes, the assembly area was bustling with people, silent except for the sound of footsteps.

This was the authority of Aragami Kyomu, and his current confidence.

Three months ago, Kyomu wouldn't have made such a public display, but now, who was afraid of whom?

Did they think he would just comply, overlooking the bigger picture? He had been waiting for this day!

"Everyone, the latest order from the Hokage," Kyomu said expressionlessly, displaying the order, "For some reason, I, Aragami Kyomu, and my direct command, the First Ninja Squad, have been assigned to the ANBU.

Although I'm reluctant to leave everyone, I've decided... to say goodbye here."

"How could that be?"

"Is this order a fake?"

"Kyomu has worked hard and deserves to continue leading us. What does being transferred to the ANBU mean?"

"Clearly, Kyomu is more effective on the frontline, isn't he?"

"Right, now that the Sand battlefield is calm, we could follow Kyomu to a new battlefield, leaving this place to those with less war experience."

The murmurs from below were incessant, prompting Kyomu to smile slightly.

"Quiet, please." Kyomu gestured for silence, "Although there are many uncredibilities, I still..."

"Kyomu, we disagree!" Genma, already furious, raised his hand and shouted, "At the very least, I disagree!"

"Me too, I disagree!"

"We will follow Kyomu!"

"This is a wrong order. Perhaps the Hokage was misled!"

"Right, it's possible that the Sand or Cloud ninjas, fearing Kyomu, resorted to this clumsy tactic!"

While direct dissent couldn't be openly voiced, the people's roundabout way of speaking meant Aragami Kyomu had to play along.

"I also think there's a problem," Kyomu continued, "Perhaps I should verify the authenticity of this order again?"

"We support Kyomu in confirming the authenticity of the order!"

"We will always follow Kyomu!"

"The frontline can't be without Kyomu!"

"If it still doesn't work... we can collectively inquire!"

With a smirk, Kyomu again gestured for silence, "I, too, wish to continue leading you to victory after victory. So... wait for me. I will confirm with the Hokage if this order is correct.

If it is true, I will comply. If someone is spreading false orders to disrupt our morale, then... death to them!"

Stepping down from the assembly platform, Kyomu re-entered the tent. However, the Leaf Village ninjas on the assembly ground didn't disperse.

They were waiting for a definitive message and standing in support of Kyomu. This wasn't a coup but resistance.

Because right is right and cannot become wrong. They truly respected and supported Kyomu, unwilling to watch him face unfair treatment again.

"Hokage, I would love to join the ANBU, but the 3,121 comrades on the Sand battlefield don't want me to leave. Are these orders falsely issued, or is this really your intention?

Now, I and 3,121 comrades are waiting on the assembly ground for your reply. It's crucial. If delayed, I'm not sure I can keep them calm.

Though I'm at peace, their resentment is truly deep."

Kyomu sent this handwritten message to Hiruzen via a messenger snake.


Hiruzen flipped the table, "Aragami Kyomu, you've grown too bold!"

But then, he sat back down, quickly weighing the pros and cons.

He wanted to slap himself, but after calming down, Hiruzen issued another order reluctantly.

Tsunade to be the commander of the Sand battlefield, Kyomu as her deputy, and Orochimaru to return to the village to lead a new troop to the Mist battlefield.

Seeing the new appointment, Kyomu felt relieved and confidently stepped onto his assembly platform.

Yes, this was his platform, not Hiruzen's or anyone else.

(End of Chapter)