
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · 漫画同人
292 Chs

Chapter 100

[100 Chapter Achievement!!!]

[Thank you all for your support! I will do my best to continue bring you more fanfic for you to enjoy, and if you want to support me more directly you can join my p@treon, if not, then reviews and power stones are more than enough!]

Chiyo, in the realm of poison, could definitely be called the foremost expert in the ninja world.

Facing off against her, Tsunade spent over half a month to devise an antidote.

It wasn't that Tsunade deliberately delayed; rather, the variety and complementary nature of the poisons used by Chiyo in creating the poison mist required Tsunade to solve them one by one, naturally extending the time needed.

Meanwhile, after almost a month of calm, Kyomu looked forward to the day after tomorrow, when he would no longer suffer from the torment of his passive skill.

However, Kyomu couldn't help but worry about the uncertainty of his next passive skill refresh, which hardly allowed him to relax.

Additionally, the next day, intelligence ninjas reported that the Sand Village's ninja troops had set off again, this time with more ample war supplies, stronger forces, and including Rasa and the One Tail's jinchuriki among them.

Clearly, the Sand ninjas planned to hit the Leaf hard.

Orochimaru, not one to act rashly, immediately sought reinforcements from the village, but the order he received was to hold the line, indicating the village wouldn't send support anytime soon.

"This is troublesome," Orochimaru frowned, turning to Tsunade, who had just woken up looking refreshed, "Tsunade, what's your take?"

"We can't face them head-on; we need to be wary of the One Tail's Tailed Beast Ball." Tsunade appeared calm, but internally she was somewhat panicked, "And because of my physical condition, I can't participate in battle, so I can't be of much help."

Orochimaru knew that Tsunade had been psychologically affected since her loved ones died. Heartache needed heart medicine; medicinal herbs were useless.

"Can't you at least give some advice?"

"Let the Sand ninjas in, then divide and conquer. Once their battle line stretches too thin, surrounding them, disrupting them from behind, or cutting off their reinforcements will all be effective strategies."

Tsunade's methods were classic tactics for defeating a larger force with a smaller one, aligning with Orochimaru's thoughts.

"Then let's arrange that as soon as possible," Orochimaru decided, "Tsunade, if possible, I'd like you to set up a field hospital in the rear and secure our supply line, while I engage the Sand ninjas at the front."

After hesitating, Tsunade nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll go prepare. The rest is up to you."

As Tsunade stood to leave, somewhat distracted, she bumped into someone just outside the tent.

It was none other than Kyomu, whose passive skill made him nearly invisible.


Kyomu was sent reeling by Tsunade's powerful shove, ending up with a face full of dirt and a brief moment of dizziness.

"Aragami Kyomu!" Tsunade glared at him, "It's been almost a month, and your presence is still this weak.

Do you need me to check you over and treat you?"

"Lady Tsunade, I think that won't be necessary," Kyomu stepped back, shaking his head, "I have a feeling that my condition will improve by tomorrow."

"You'd better hope so, or else I might just give you another punch." After giving Kyomu, who was slightly taller than her chest, another look, Tsunade's tone was harsh, but her mood was stable.

Making way, Kyomu watched Tsunade leave before turning to enter the tent.

"Lord Orochimaru."

"Kyomu, I was just looking for you," Orochimaru smiled, beckoning him over, "Here are two tasks for you to consider."

Pointing at the map, "The Sand ninjas have a numerical advantage, so a head-on collision is unwise, especially since your forbidden jutsu can only be used one more time.

Therefore, Tsunade and I have decided to spread our forces, with each ninja squad stationed at key points and around the flanks of the Sand ninja's line.

The tasks I have for you involve serving as bait and conducting guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines. Which will you choose?"

"The second one," Kyomu naturally chose the simpler task.

Now wasn't like the first month; if his passive skills wasn't as powerful, it was wise to be cautious. There's no shame in that.

Perhaps a favorable passive skill tomorrow, or in the months to come, would allow him a chance to shine again.

Orochimaru nodded, adding a light chuckle, "I thought you'd choose the first task."

"Lord Orochimaru, you had already decided to be the bait yourself, hadn't you?"

"Ha, you saw through me," Orochimaru admitted, then handed over a package from the table, "These are antidote pills prepared by Tsunade, capable of neutralizing Chiyo's poisons. This is your squad's share.

Prepare well. We depart at 3 AM tomorrow, without delay."

"Understood, Lord Orochimaru."

"Remember to use the communication snakes to keep in touch with me. I need to be informed of the Sand ninjas' main force movements."

"I understand."

Kyomu left the tent, bumping into several other squad leaders on his way out.

Clearly, Orochimaru had tasked them individually, as the missions were not suited for a collective briefing.

Returning to his tent, Kyomu immediately began preparations, "Genma, gather the team for a meeting. I'll brief us on our specific tasks."

"Understood, Captain!"

Genma quickly departed, and soon, the tent was packed with the various squad leaders and team leaders under Aragami Kyomu's direct command.


After everyone dispersed, Kyomu lay in his tent, closing his eyes for a brief rest while awaiting the refresh of his monthly passive skill.

As the moment arrived, his passive skill refreshed punctually.

**Passive Skill: "Come At Me"** (T/N: Ho~ Mukatte Kuru no Ka?)

**Skill Description: During the skill's enhancement period, your taunting ability reaches its limit, making it easier to attract aggro. Depending on the number of people harboring resentment towards you, you receive various buffs.

- Less than 300 people: For every day the resentment lasts, permanently increase all physical attributes by 1%.

- Between 300 to 800 people: For every day the resentment lasts, permanently increase all physical attributes by 2%.

- Between 800 to 1300 people: For every day the resentment lasts, permanently increase all physical attributes by 3% and receive a Bloodlust buff.

- More than 1300 people: For every day the resentment lasts, permanently increase all physical attributes by 4% and receive both Bloodlust and Soul Drain buffs.

Note: With the Bloodlust buff, killing an enemy allows you to absorb their blood to supplement your innate deficiencies, with permanent effects.

With the Soul Drain buff, killing an enemy allows you to absorb their soul to supplement your innate spiritual deficiencies, with permanent effects.**

**Skill Duration: 30 days**

**Message: What kind of protagonist treatment is this (tactically leans back)? You're making me invincible, okay?**

Kyomu gasped, regretting not choosing the bait task. Even if he didn't kill many, the daily 4% increase in physical attributes promised by his passive skill meant a 3.2x improvement in 30 days, a terrifying pace of progress.

With the additional boosts from the Bloodlust and Soul Drain buffs, if used well, his physical foundation would be further solidified, elevating his talents to the top tier of the ninja world, even surpassing it!

Kyomu became restless, wondering if it was too late to change his task.

Considering seeking Orochimaru, he eventually decided against it.

"With only 68 ninjas in my squad, including myself and Deputy Commander Ren, that's just 70 people.

Attracting the hatred of more than 1300 people with so few could be a death sentence for all of us, not just me."

After some thought, a plan began to form in Kyomu's mind.

"It's just like walking a dog, something I'm good at!" Aragami Kyomu smirked coldly, "And when it comes to guerrilla warfare, naturally, I have a knack for it."


At 3 AM, the Leaf ninja camp was fully assembled, ready for departure.

In silent anticipation, they waited for the order to move out, each squad formed up in precise formations.

Orochimaru, standing at the forefront of the camp, glanced at the night sky before swinging his arm down decisively.


The ninja squads, each assigned a different task—be it stealth, sabotage, direct assault, or interception—darted out of the camp, heading towards their designated areas.

Kyomu's squad was among them, albeit with a slight deviation from the original plan.

"Ren, the map." Concealed from view, Kyomu called over Ren and his four squad leaders.

Spreading the map, he traced a crooked line across it.

"This is our planned route."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ren and the others looked alarmed, "Captain Kyomu, you're planning to..."

"Exactly!" Kyomu slammed his fist onto the map, "With so many Sand ninjas deployed, their defenses must be weakened internally. If we're going to strike, let's make it big and raid their lair."

Ren and the others exchanged hesitant glances.

"Captain Kyomu, if we've thought of this, the Sand ninjas surely have defenses prepared..."

"I'm aware," Kyomu nodded, "My plan is to first draw out their rear-guard ninjas, engage in a minor battle, then retreat, creating a decoy.

Afterwards, we'll lead them on a chase, then strike at their weakest point, piercing their heart directly."

After studying the map and deliberating, Ren and the others tentatively agreed.

"Captain Kyomu, your plan is sound, but once we enter the Land of Wind, our supply lines and local civilians will become ticking time bombs. If we're not careful...

We might never leave the Land of Wind."

"That's not an issue," Kyomu assured, "I've thought of a solution. So now, I command!"

Everyone listened intently, expecting a serious command.

"Everyone, catch frogs!"


Ren and the others thought they had misheard. A mission to catch frogs was unheard of, let alone considered as part of their strategy.

"Follow the order, the more, the better!" Kyomu dismissed their confusion, refusing to explain, and simply waved them off to catch frogs.

From 3:30 AM until sunrise, the 70 Leaf ninjas, including Kyomu, caught frogs everywhere—along the hills, in ditches, and by streams—without doing any actual ninja work.

"Don't catch any toads!" Kyomu reiterated, "We can't have them mixed in, or we're all doomed."

After more effort, Ren spotted the Sand ninja troops, forcing Kyomu to pause his unusual task, carrying bags of frogs as they disappeared into the dense forest.

Once safe, Kyomu ordered a campfire for cooking, while he took charge of his own small stove with various sized bags.


Kyomu swatted away Genma's hand, "Go away."

"Captain Kyomu, just one frog leg, I just want to taste, I won't eat much."

Ren and the other squad leaders also gathered around, enticed by the aroma.

But the confusion over their frog-catching mission deepened.

Was Captain Kyomu improving their meals?

It didn't seem likely, given his strict prohibition on even touching the frogs.

"Don't even think about tasting it. If you smell it too much, it's still not good," Kyomu shooed them away, "Disperse, all of you."

Once Ren, Genma, and the others backed off, Kyomu issued another command.

"The next battle order," Kyomu said seriously, and everyone listened intently, realizing it wouldn't be about catching frogs this time.

"I order Ren to lead squads one and three to scout the Sand ninja's rear defenses. We need a clear understanding of their deployment.

Squads two and four will be on standby for support. If discovered by Sand ninjas, lead them to the predetermined location according to our earlier strategy."

Finally, a proper battle order was given.

"Understood, Captain Kyomu!"

Everyone left to execute their orders, leaving Kyomu alone, still grilling frog legs. He even created shadow clones to help, despite the effort draining his chakra and energy.

As the sun set, Kyomu finished his task, and Ren and the others returned, their expressions filled with guilt and panic.

"Captain Kyomu, we're sorry, we were..."

"It's okay, no need for self-blame," Kyomu packed up the grilled frog legs, "Let's go, take me to them."

Ren and the others were stunned, "Captain Kyomu, the Sand ninja team that surrounded us had at least three squads, outnumbering us by..."

"We're not going to fight them; I have a plan."

Kyomu intended to draw their hatred, not wasting his passive skill.

As long as he attracted their hatred and survived, it was okay.

After all, hatred only dissipates with death or the fulfillment of revenge.

"Let's go!"

Kyomu led the way, with Ren quickly guiding them.

In less than ten minutes, Kyomu and his team appeared before the encircling Sand ninjas.

"It's Aragami Kyomu!"

"Kill him!"

"My brother died because of him!"

"So did my lover!"

"Kill him for revenge!"

Before Kyomu could even speak, the approaching Sand ninjas' hatred was almost at its peak, their eyes red as they charged forward.

(End of Chapter)