
Naruto: Mastered Your Strategy?

Ren finds himself at the center of unexpected attention in Konoha. The more he distances himself from the kunoichi, the more they’re drawn to his mysterious aura. Armed with a system that grants him abilities from other powerful ninja, Ren faces an unexpected twist: the system's objectives push him toward building a harem, something he's entirely uninterested in.

Senatus · 漫画同人
30 Chs

Chapter 16: Troubles

Late at night.

When Anko arrived at the hospital, she found everyone already there.

Kurenai Yuhi, Uzuki Yugao, Asuma Sarutobi, Might Guy, and Ebisu were all standing around the small room, making it feel crowded.

On the hospital beds, lay Genma Shiranui, Kazuma, Aoba Yamashiro, and Gekkō Hayate, all of whom were already awake.

Seeing they were conscious, Anko spoke up, "How are you guys? Nothing too serious, right?"

"It's just some aftereffects from the genjutsu. The doctor said with some rest, they'll be fine," Guy responded from the side.

Genma glanced at Anko as she entered but quickly turned his gaze back to the window.

"This was embarrassing..." Aoba sighed, a bitter smile on his face.

Kazuma and Hayate remained silent, lying on their beds.

"It's my fault for not warning you guys about his abilities," Ebisu said awkwardly.

"At least everyone's okay," Anko said with a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry," she added sincerely, bowing her head.

Kazuma turned his head away silently, Hayate said nothing, and Genma continued staring out the window.

"Even more embarrassing," Aoba muttered to himself, self-deprecating.

"Anyway, let's put an end to this matter," Anko said firmly. "This started because of me. You shouldn't have stepped in on my behalf."

"This isn't your fault. We insisted on doing this," Genma finally spoke up.

"Don't try to act tough," Anko said helplessly, while Kurenai shot her a sharp glance, making her realize she had said too much and quickly quieted down.

"I heard the police force got involved?" Anko asked, changing the topic.

Kurenai sighed. "It wasn't just that. The police arrived, saw the four of them under a genjutsu, and thought an enemy had infiltrated the village. It even alerted the Hokage. You should've seen how the Police Force and ANBU were flying around on the rooftops."

Anko was shocked. "What?! So, what did the Hokage and the Police Force say in the end?"

"I told them I was experimenting with genjutsu and didn't control the strength properly," Aoba explained, pushing up his sunglasses. Among the group, he was the most skilled in genjutsu.

They had all agreed not to reveal the truth, a silent understanding between them.

"Binding Genjutsu and other minor techniques," Kurenai commented, her gaze sweeping over the four. She knew they weren't ordinary shinobi; in fact, they were considered elite among the chunin.

But even they had been defeated so easily...

"His mastery of genjutsu..." Kurenai suddenly recalled Ren's mocking words, calling himself a "genjutsu master." Her eyes turned cold as she lowered her head.

"It seems like you really messed with someone dangerous," Asuma said, not noticing Kurenai's shift in mood.

"After all, he was once mentioned alongside Shisui of the Body Flicker," Ebisu remarked.

They all had their experiences with geniuses. After all, one of their peers was Kakashi Hatake, who had become a Jōnin at the age of 12, achieving levels they had yet to reach even years later.

"Now that you mention it, I'd love to spar with him," Guy said enthusiastically, breaking the somewhat tense atmosphere as he pumped his fist.

"He's a genjutsu specialist, and a strong one at that. You'd be taken out in one move, Guy," Asuma laughed.

"That Ren guy said he's better at taijutsu," Ebisu added.


"And during a mission, I noticed his Water Release isn't weak either," Ebisu continued.


"Sounds like I have to challenge him someday!" Guy said with even more excitement.

"Challenge who?" A sudden voice rang out from the doorway, catching everyone off guard. They turned to see the Third Hokage standing there.

"Hokage-sama!" Everyone was shocked, and except for the injured four and Asuma, everyone stood up straight.

"What brings you here?" Anko asked.

"I came to see the culprits behind tonight's commotion," the Third Hokage said calmly.

Aoba's heart tightened, knowing he was about to take the blame.

"Hokage-sama, I sincerely apologize for disturbing you so late at night," Aoba bowed his head in apology. "It was all my fault."

"Yes, if things had escalated, we might have had to evacuate the villagers," the Third Hokage said, his tone calm, though the consequences he implied were serious.

"Hokage-sama, it's not just Aoba's fault. We're all responsible," Genma said quickly, with Kazuma and Hayate nodding in agreement.

Anko wanted to step up and take some blame, but after hearing about Aoba's fabricated story, she realized there was no need for her to say more. She felt conflicted inside.

The Third Hokage exhaled heavily. "At least you're willing to take responsibility. Do you understand the consequences of your actions?"

"We're willing to accept any punishment," Genma said immediately.

The Third Hokage's gaze swept over the four of them, while the others—Kurenai, Anko, Guy—stood quietly, filled with worry.

"How are you all feeling?" the Hokage suddenly asked.

The group was momentarily stunned before Aoba hurriedly responded, "We're fine, just some lingering effects from the genjutsu."

The Third Hokage frowned. "You call this fine? How dare you experiment with genjutsu on your comrades!"


"Fortunately, no serious harm was done. But what if there had been irreversible damage? Could you bear that responsibility?"

Aoba lowered his head, silently enduring the Hokage's scolding, but felt grateful that the Hokage only held him accountable for the genjutsu incident.

The Third Hokage continued to reprimand the four harshly, while the others listened in silence, not daring to speak up.

"Hokage-sama, I accept any punishment," Aoba finally said.

"Rest and recover for now. There will be consequences later," the Third Hokage said coolly.


"Good night, Hokage-sama."

After the Hokage left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Luckily, the Hokage was lenient," Guy laughed.

"Yeah, otherwise we might've ended up in prison for a while," Ebisu added.

"Alright, let's call it a night. Since there's nothing serious, we can all head home," Genma said, speaking up from his bed.

Kurenai shrugged and was the first to leave the room.

"We'll come see you tomorrow," Guy said, smiling.

Anko hesitated, guilt gnawing at her. She wondered if she should stay behind to help.

"We're not paralyzed or anything. Cough, cough, we'll be fine," Hayate reassured Yugao, who also looked reluctant to leave.

Asuma and Ebisu said a few more words of encouragement before leaving the room.

"I'll come back tomorrow," Anko said before departing as well.

At the hospital entrance, everyone waved goodbye to one another.

Asuma glanced at Kurenai, wanting to say something but hesitating.

"Is there something you want to say?" Kurenai hadn't left yet and noticed Asuma's expression.

"Uh... do you want to take a walk?" Asuma asked, perking up when he finally spoke.

"Now?" Kurenai didn't look at him, instead gazing at the distant night sky.

It was late at night, and the village had long since quieted down. Only the lights of the hospital remained lit.

"Is this really the right time?"

Kurenai turned to look at him, her red eyes calm and steady.

Asuma stiffened, forcing an awkward smile.

"With everything that's happened to our friends, is this really what you're thinking about right now?" Kurenai said coldly before turning and walking away.

Asuma stood there, watching her leave, opening his mouth to speak but unable to find the words.

He couldn't figure out what he had done to upset her.

As Kurenai rounded the corner, she noticed someone waiting for her.

It was Anko.

"Didn't Asuma have anything to say to you?" Anko asked.

"He did. He asked if I wanted to take a walk," Kurenai paused briefly before continuing on her way.

Anko walked beside her as they strolled through the quiet streets, just the two of them.

"Why did you turn him down?" Anko asked.

"It's late, and I want to get some sleep," Kurenai responded.

Anko chuckled softly.

"From childhood to now, from innocent feelings to adulthood, we've taken countless walks together," Kurenai continued.

"His intentions are all too clear to me. Honestly, I wasn't really against it..."

"Maybe we've been apart too long, and I just need some time to adjust."

Kurenai sighed as she said this, offering herself a reason.

Anko glanced at Kurenai's complicated expression and sighed as well.

Kurenai looked at her, puzzled. "Why are you sighing?"

"Asuma... poor guy," Anko said softly.

"What are you talking about?" Kurenai rolled her eyes.

"Well, no matter what decision you make or what you do, I always have to stand by your side, right?" Anko gave Kurenai a helpless smile.

"So, all I can do is feel sorry for Asuma."

"That's nonsense," Kurenai replied, not in the mood.

"Yeah, it is nonsense." Anko shrugged, her gaze drifting forward, and she didn't say anything more.

Kurenai glanced at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "What are you planning to do about this?"

"This situation...?" Anko murmured, her eyes flickering as she thought.

"Just leave it be. In the end, we were the ones who lost, and it seems like we were in the wrong to begin with."

"But I do feel bad for Genma and the others."

Kurenai nodded. "It's good that you feel this way, but Ren might not see it that way."

"What else could he want? He already beat us, and nothing escalated on his end," Anko said, pouting.

"If a group of people suddenly caused you trouble, would you let it go so easily?" Kurenai countered.

"He... doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge, does he?" Anko hesitated.

"What, do you think he's some kind of good guy?" Kurenai scoffed.

Anko grew frustrated. "So what should we do? We can't beat him, and we can't report it to the village. If he brings up what happened to Genma and the others, it'll only get worse."

Kurenai spread her hands. "That's why I'm asking, what are you going to do?"

"Ugh, this is so frustrating!" Anko groaned, ruffling her hair in exasperation.

"Why didn't I stop Genma and the others from the start?"

"And why were Genma and the rest so impulsive?"

Hearing her complaints, Kurenai couldn't help but roll her eyes.

So ungrateful.


LINK: patreon.com/SenatusPopulus

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