
7. Time skip and Progress

"Hokage-Sama, I have your report on the boy, Nahen Sato." The Anbu in a frog mask spoke. Hiruzen was taken aback a bit as he wasn't expecting him to be back, as he expected him to be back much sooner.

Horuzen was silent for a while then voiced up as he sat back in his chair. "Report"

The Anbu infront of him then gave a complete report of everything, well mostly all there was to know about Nahen. From who his parents were what his usual schedule was and was taken aback by how the boy never really left his house.

After the entire report, the Anbu awaited a response from the Hokage which didn't come and after a while he raised his head and found the Hokage deep in thought.

"So it's him....thier child." 'It seems like the Satoshiýamane heritage is in good hands. I wonder what feats his going to accomplish.'

Hiruzen was lost deeper in his thoughts as memories and knowledge of the past comes rushing through his mind.

"Dismissed" The Sandaime's voice resounded once again in the office and the Anbu infront of him bowed once again and flickered out of the office into the shadows.

Hiruzen went into a shelf and poked out an old scroll that looked to be on the verge of crumbling into many shreds of paper and carefully opening it on his desk and spent a while reading what was written on it and fished out a scroll the size of a pen from it and stared at it for a while and put it back and then left to go back home.

Morning came the next day and Nahen woke up as early as the day before and went outside to do his newly acquired training schedule. After that he freshened up and left early with Mai to prepare a feast since today was the official grand opening of Sato no Haru.

Time quickly went by as a que formed a few minutes before they opened and this was a bit surprising since they had only been open a few hours just yesterday for the first time yet they already had a hoard of people waiting for their doors to open.

The aroma from inside quickly filled the streets as it escaped from a wide vent at the front of the restaurant and fed its deliciousness to the people in the que. It wasn't that surprising how they got this much publicity since a lot of the people who came by yesterday spread the word to their friends and they did the same. Accompanied by the small wife of genjutsu Mai mixed into the aroma it was tempting for someone to take a look inside and once they did, their own desire to taste the food immediately broke them out of the genjutsu. Mai discontinued the use of the genjutsu as it might cause problems for them if any of the already existing franchises caught wind of it.

Speaking of these already existing franchises, most of them had sent someone undercover to infiltrate Sato no Haru and order their best meal and see for themselves what all this hype was about since yesterday out of nowhere a new restaurant that just opened shop in a few hours became all everyone was talking about and decided to look into it today.

Most were stunned as to how delicious the food was and many tried to replicate the dishes by trying to decipher the ingredients and how they were prepared. Some even planted people to try and peek into how the food was being prepared but sadly the kitchen was separated and secluded enough to keep prying eyes out.

The day went by with Nahen and Mai having their hands full and busy serving a full house as the place was full with a que on the inside settling for to go orders. Many ninjas and academy students came in and left with contempt and satisfaction evident in them.

Later that night Nahen retired back to his room, freshened up and took a look at one of the books he got. The first one was a history book. It contained information from the establishment of the village and little information from the warring era and the tailed beast except for that they were sentient beings made of chakra and had tails ranging from one to nine raising their power respectfully and that the First Hokage collected all of them and gifted them throughout the other villages to promote peace and equality.

The first tailed beast was given to Sunagakure the hidden village of the land of wind. The second and eight tailed beasts were given to Kumogakure the hidden village of the land of lightning. The third and sixth tailed beasts were given to Kirigakure the hidden village of the land of water. The fourth and fifth tailed beats were given to Iwagakure the hidden village of the land of stone. The seventh tailed beast was given to Takigakure the hidden village of the land of waterfalls. Lastly the strongest of the tailed beast remained in konoha, the nine tailed demon fox.

Except none of this information was given in the book but was information Nahen knew prior from his previous life's memories about this world.

'Most likely the three tails was killed in the mist squabble. And all them presumably being in the possession of their respective villages.

Nahen continued reading and absorbing the I formation from the book. Whilst reading he was expecting to recieve an instant learn skill but that didn't happen and he had to soldier on and read to get the information within the book.


A month later....

Nahen's routine was simple enough for him not to get lost. He spent his early mornings training in his physical training schedule which was updated weekly in that he got two new stats and a skill from it.

At Sato no Haru, he had successfully taught Mai all of his recipes and kept on coming up with new recipes which were causing a stir within the village and even earned the a cover on 'Itoru boku' the Hidden leaf villages cook book cover and earned them an award for best upcoming restaurant. He had hired several people to work in the restaurant and was able to hire people he could trust thanks to a new skill he had recently acquired from scrutinizing everyone he came across examining if they had any ill will towards him.

He continued his training and his physical stats grew at a steady rate and he saw that soon the month was about to end and he'd soon begin his ninjutsu training. He'd first unlock his chakra and find out his chakra affinities.

'I wonder how chakra paper is going to react after I test my affinities since I possess all nature as well as none nature affinities?' But his question was about to be answered soon, as the month was about to be over.

Today Nahen woke up really early awaiting for the big day that was ahead. He was going to unlock hi chakra today and he was excited to finally spam one fireball jutsu after the after.

He made his way out to the back yard after putting on his training gear which was an item he got a week ago as a reward for following his training regimen. It consisted of a two piece black pants and sleeveless shirt that was connected at the waist by a thick hotukashi rope into a single unit with a weighted mash armour running underneath. Also with two leg and forearm warmers all in black. The outfit also came with a black face samurai like mask with intricate breathers that he also used to strengthen his breathing and lung capacity.

At first Nahen didn't use it and later realized that his breathing was steadier and he could hold his breath for longer and this greatly increased his lung capacity. At this point he could he last underwater without surfacing for an approximate 11 minutes. This way he can strengthen wind release jutsus by taking in more air thus naturally strengthen them as well as his fire release jutsus.

He then got to it and started his warm up exercises. A whooping 30 minutes later he started doing his lower body exercise which was squats. All his physical training was increased from the initial 50 to 150 and his run had increased to a 5km run which was a complete run along the inner boundary of the village.

At first it was hard and Nahen almost gave up a but he kept at it and finished his lap. After that his legs had turned into jelly and his lungs were on fire. His breathing was rugged and he couldn't even move as he lay there on the ground helplessly.

Luckily for him a green spandex bowl cut man was passing by while walking on his hands and helped take him to the hospital. He was impressed by the boys endurance and relentlessness in his training and how he never slacked off in his training and saw him make rounds around the village and push himself every time, more than he had the previous time around.

While taking the boy to the hospital he noticed how the boy's condition was getting better by the passing time. He then went to see him later after he was discharged and offered to train him and gave him a speach about how the human body was delicate like a bud and if prolonged to harsh environments it either adapts and flourishes or its growth is stunned. And like that the human body I'd the same and if too much pressure is exerted onto it without enough recuperation then it will wither away and suffer a backlash which hinders its growth. But Guy knew that he didn't have much to worry about when it came to that as everyday his new student would comeback having faced gruesome training the day before and be ready for the day after.

Right now he was on his way running along the village finishing up his run ready to meet up with guy. Due to the training he had undergone with Guy his body was much more physically stronger and more capable that the training schedule that the system had given him turned out to be a warm up for his real, harder training with Guy.

His training with Guy included 500 push ups and sit ups that would always turn into a competition between the two and Guy would always take it even a step further and shoulder a boulder for extra added weight.

He soon made it to training six where he found his teacher and greeted him with a grin on his face.

"Hello Guy sensei"

"Ahh...Nahen my youthful student...haha. Ready for today's fill on youth from the spring of youth" He said while jumping up on his feet and waving a huge thumbs up infront of Nahen and a blinding smile behind it.

"Yes Guy sensei"

"I can feel the spring of youth flowing through you. Today's workout will be lighter than usual, you're going to unlock you chakra today and you need to be in top shape and ready for it. So today we're going to....." He set off a new training just for today and they set off to show off their youthfulness.

Guy was proud of his new student and was amazed by the monstrous training that he put himself through and was proud of his accomplishments as he was just a mere 4 year old but his training put even some genin and even chunin to shame as he relentlessly through himself in training and sleep it off and be ready for more tomorrow.

Guy smiled as he looked over his shoulder to the side where Nahen was preoccupied with some push ups which he did single handedly. At this sight he remembered a conversation he had with with the Hokage when he was returning back from a mission.


"....that's the whole report of the mission lord Hokage." Guy concluded as he bowed infront of the Sandaime.

"Good job. The situation at the borders is a bit shaky and this will be helpful. You're dismissed and Guy stay behind" He said as he waved his hand off and pulled Guy back.

"I hear you have a new student. Nahen Sato is it. Its unlike you to pick up a student." The Sandaime asked as he took a puff of smoke from his pipe and looked at the jonin infront of him.

"Yes Lord Hokage, his a special one. His youth shines brightly and it needed guidance to bream like a pillar giving off light" He said while pumping up his chest proud of his chest.

"Guy I have something to ask of you. This isn't a mission but a request. What I'm about to tell you isn't information available to the populace and not many people k ow of this." He looked over to heck for Guy's confirmation to keep this quiet to which Guy nodded.

"The boy you're training is one of the last remaining survivers of a once mighty clan, the Satoshiýamane clan" He paused and looked over to Guy.

"I haven't heard of such a clan in the village" Guy worked around his mind and finally spoke.

"Of course you haven't, the Satoshiýamane or the Sato clan was a very special clan that was wiped out from the face during the warring states. This clan possessed infamous abilities that haven't been seen in this world eversince. They almost brought the entire shinobi world to it knees. It took the combine might of both the Uchiha and the Senju clans to take them down and still it costed them a lot of casualties. A few escaped and were Hunted down by other clans while a few joined the newly formed konoha. The last known survivers were the boys parents and him, and now sadly his the last known surviver of his clan." The Sandaime the paused at this and took another puff of his pipe and looked over to Guy again to see if he understood the situation.

Guy nodded at this to show his response but his face showed some hesitancy.

Hiruzen picked up on this and continued. "The remaining members changed part of their name and became clanless to save themselves. Their heritage was lost but over time they regained their prowess. On a recent mission two of these clansmen held off an entire battalion of Iwa shinobi, wave after wave elite jonin and jonin alike and saved a lot of leaf shinobi after their identities were leaked as konoha shinobi. And those two were Nahen's parents. Rumor spread that it was an internal blunder that lead to the leaking of their identities and possibly orchestrated to forcefully harvest their bloodline."

"What I need of you is to make sure these rumors don't faze the boy. Be his teacher but again be his friend, make love the village and teach to be stronger so he can defend himself. You can also attest that he is ahead of anyone his age and he needs to groom his strength the right way." 'It'd be more beneficial for the village to have him on our side than the other one.'

"Yes, understood lord Hokage" Guy bowed and they talked for a while and then he was dismissed.

––––––Flashback End––––––

A certain amount of time had gone by and Nahen and Guy had finished their training. Guy had promised to come over and be present when his chakra was being unlocked. Nahen said his goodbyes to his sensei and went home to get some things went to Sato no Haru get Mai and they were ready.



(A/N) Sorry I'm tryna look for good stories to read I've come across some and some well.....

if yall have any recommendations note down in the comments.

if yall have any for this story also drop down in the comments...you know what it do....

it goes down in th dm, it go down.🐐

And also I've been listening to this song non stop and if you're an Amapiano fan I recommend it ⬇️

T&T muziq- Shela