

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · 漫画同人
31 Chs

Super Perverted Sannin

In the middle of the Konoha market,

Naruto is in a deep search for Jiraiya.

Naruto Shouted "Hey Ero-Sannin! I got beaten because of you where the hell are you?!" and thought 'Tch, that Super pervert escaped again, let's say this news to Nii-san'

People Gossip "That demon boy is perverted, he is calling Konoha's Sannin as Ero-Sannin, how dare he"

People Gossip "For the fact he is the demon kid, he should be burned alive"

People Gossip "I have also told to Police force about that damn Demon kid, they said that Hokage is not allowed to touch that Damn kid"

People Gossip "What to do, it is our fate that we should stand on the same ground as that Demon boy, will heavens respond to my call?"

Naruto Devoid of the Villager's attitude and gossip, thought of his brother Kaito

Naruto rushed to the place where team 9 usually trained,

@ Senju Forest training place:

Kaito was practicing his Wood-style Jutsu's

As Naruto ran towards Kaito shouted "Nii-san, I found a pervert who could teach me"

Kaito "Is he wearing a red jacket?"

Naruto was confused "Yes, Yes how did you know?"

Kaito "Did he have some Weird Toads with him?"

Naruto was confused "Yes, Yes did you meet him"

Kaito "Not yet, but he is here for 30 minutes, look above the Tree over there"

Jiraiya fell from the tree in shock that he was spotted!

Naruto, Shira, and Yakumo were surprised!

Naruto "Hey Ero-Sannin you know how hard it is to find you"

Yakumo thought 'I took pride in my Genjutsu and people sensing skill, but you are always ahead of me Kaito, by a huge step'

Shira "I have a gut feeling that you are going to win the Chunin Exams Kaito"

Jiraiya "Why are you wasting your time in proposing a Hypothesis, Kaito will win for sure"

Kaito bowed down while standing "I pay respects to one of the three legendary Sannin, the Toad Sage, and the Wooer of Women Sir Jiraiya"

Jiraiya for instance got a picture in his mind "The picture of first time meeting with Minato, his favorite Disciple"

He developed a huge blush, it had been a long time since someone praised him how he wanted to.

Shira and Yakumo in unison "I pay my respects"

Naruto's brain was loading...

'This Pervert, does he even deserve this much respect?'

'He called himself Super Pervert'

'Should I tell Nii-san that he claimed himself to be a super pervert?'

'But he was shamelessly peeking at women's'

Kaito "Thank you for Watching over us Jiraiya-Sama"

Jiraiya "HA HA HA, brat you're good at sensing, where did you learn to sense, even Yamanaka would have lost with competing you"

Kaito "That is correct, I always challenged the Yamanaka clan for the Sensing competition and won a lot of prices from that clan"

Jiraiya "So, what were you practicing now"

Kaito "I am Establishing a connection with this tree and manipulating the tree's growth with Chakra, I am far behind in this jutsu, so I'm understanding the Wood style at its core"

Jiraiya "But there are hand signs to do the work"

Kaito "I wanted to do this jutsu instantly so that I could trap some of the snakes that are roaming around Konoha"

Jiraiya 'this brat, he is Minato's son, by looking at his facial features, we can confirm that, but looking deep into his eyes, their blue eyes that resemble Wits, Responsibility, and leadership, Minato your son has grown well, I will take care of your sons from now, let's do the role of God-Father properly'

Naruto "Ero-Sannin, when are you going to teach me"

Jiraiya 'This brat is that Woman's child, their attitude matches pretty well'

Jiraiya "Come along Kaito and Naruto"

Shira and Yakumo "What about us"

Jiraiya pointed to Kaito and Naruto "You two go to the nearby pond and wait I will come"

Naruto and Kaito "Hai"

Jiraiya "You guys, do you know what the meaning of the term Jinchuriki is?"

Shira "Kaito taught us many times"

Jiraiya "Good, it is a training related to that, hope you won't disturb us further"

Yakumo sighed "Alright"

Shira and Yakumo worked hard on their Physical resistance and training.

Yakumo was very weak when she was allotted to this team

Thanks to the help of Shira her love interest, she gradually got a ton of help for maintaining her stamina and regained her shape.

Naruto "Nii-san how did you become so strong?"

Kaito "I have a little brother, who is clumsy and unaware of his surroundings, so I should prepare for the greater good"

Naruto "So, you're only strong because of me?"

Kaito "Yeah, I will protect you and complete my role as your Nii-san"

Kaito's 'Naruto's childhood smile is a priceless one, once he becomes the Hokage, he will lose himself in work.'

Jiraiya "Kaito and Naruto, first go and stand on the surface of the water, by distributing chakra in your legs"

Kaito would stand in the water for an eternity if there was no disturbance from Naruto or Jiraiya.

Naruto struggled a lot, but he could stand for a few minutes.

Kaito came from the water,

Kaito "Sir Jiraiya with all due respect, I want you to teach me how to use the chakra that is sealed inside me"

Jiraiya smirked "Call me Master"

Kaito "You haven't taught me anything new yet, how I can call you 'master' when you didn't teach me anything?"

Naruto "Yes, nii-san he is a fraud, and, and he claimed himself a super pervert"

Kaito showed his anger "Naruto you should never falsely accuse anyone, we should respect the elders"

Naruto was down,

Kaito 'Damn this Sakuratic influence, is making Naruto rude and it is building the habit of falsely accusing others'

Jiraiya "I will teach you an A-rank jutsu now, will you accept me as master then"

Naruto "Wow, an A-rank jutsu!"

Kaito "Let's see how much strength it has"

Jiraiya spread his hand and concentrated chakra in his hands,

A visible ball of chakra emerged in his hand, he landed it in the tree

Jiraiya shouted proudly "Rasengan"

Naruto Dead-pan emotion "Nii-san already knows this technique"

Jiraiya's mouth was wide "WHA-What?"

Kaito concentrated his Chakra, and muttered "Big ball Rasengan" and destroyed three trees together in the minimum chakra used for it.

Jiraiya "Kaito where did you learn it from"

Kaito "I am not telling you"

Jiraiya "But you have to, for the safety of the leaf"

Kaito "Naruto, move away and stay at a safe distance"

Naruto "Alright, you're going to spar huh?"

Naruto moves away to the point where he can't hear a thing

Kaito "Father's house has a lot of scrolls including Rasengan, FTG, and a lot more... "

Jiraiya "Good, you learnt a Jutsu all by yourself, now let's have a spar"

Kaito "I have been waiting for this"