
Naruto: Kage Of The Rain

A person with a weak body died and was reincarnated into the Naruto Shinobi world by the supreme being known as 'System' with abilities. This is my very first novel so support me . Unfortunately, the mc find himself in the hidden rain and decides to change the future of the village by becoming the Amekage ,Lord of the Rain. Follow him and his loved ones on their journey to become strong as they pave their own path through the battle-filled world of Naruto. This is the story of the one who rose up from the slums to become the 6th kage of the Shinobi world. Will they be hero or villains?-It will be upto you But anything he does is due to his own desire. After all he will be battle manic who dreams of becoming a legend ------------------------------------------------ I will follow the canon most of the time while some things may not be according to canon so take it as you will. I'm just a amateur writer who wants to write fanfictions. So if my writing is a bit bad, sorry.

Arthur_Leywin1 · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Warzone

His mind was white, nothing but white. His soul was moving through the infinite space at the speed of light, crossing dimensions and galaxies and finally entering a new body.

It was raining heavily that day. The sky was covered with dark clouds created a dark and gloomy atmosphere. All one could hear was the rumbling clouds and lightning along with the sound of the falling rain.

The weather was worse than usual as if something was coming, something big.

In a house in the slums of a village, a boy gradually opened his eyes to find himself in a wooden shack.

"What the... hell....."He said as he looked around with anxious eyes

He was filled with fear and confusion as he looked around, holding his head with both of his hands...

Who was he?

Where he was?

How did he get there?


He fell on the floor and rolled in pain as he experienced sharp pain in the head. He held his head tightly with his hands as if it would split open if he let go. Suddenly, memories started flowing into his mind one after another. After some time, he understood everything as he lied on the floor looking at his small hands.

"I see, so I have been reincarnated"

"Not Bad, Not Bad at all"

He was glad as he knew this was his second chance, the chance to shine.

He looked at his legs, they looked young but were strong. In his past life, his legs were weak, he wasn't able to walk with them.

He tried to stand, he thought it would be difficult, but it was easy. He was standing on his two feet, tears of joy erupted from his eyes.

You couldn't blame him for being emotional, it was a natural response. It was his first time standing on his own feet without anyone's help. Sure, he had tried standing on his feet in his past life but all his attempts failed one after the other.

He lost all hope to walk after a while, but now the chains which tied him to a chair in his past life were no more.

"Hahaha, I can stand, Seriously I can stand!"

He took a step forward, one after the other, he was walking. He felt a sense of pride that he had not felt in his past life, he had never been as proud as he was right at that moment.

'So this is how it feels to walk...it feels nice ' a small yet calm smile appeared as he looked at his new legs.

He composed his feelings as he walked and he picked up the broken mirror in the shack. He saw a cute kid with pale skin, raven hair and golden irises with cat-slit pupils.

"Hmm...I like it, it's kind of handsome but..."

It didn't take much time to realise that he was wearing worn clothes.

" Why the hell am wearing these rags, am I an orphan or something"

"Shoot, where did the idiot system even reincarnate me?"

He rushed and looked outside through the broken window only to see heavy rain falling on tall buildings along with a dark sky. It made him step back a bit.

His eyes widened as the hairs on his body rose. He couldn't believe his eyes as sweat dropped off his face.

"No way It can't be right, there is no way my luck is that bad"

He remembered this place and he knew it wasn't one of the five great villages but it was a fucking warzone.

He again experienced pain in his head but this time, the memories that flashed before his eyes weren't his but it was the memories of the previous owner of the body.

He found out that his new name was Ryo Kurogane and that his parents were shinobi who lost their lives at the very beginning of the second great ninja war. He also found that after the death of his parents, he was living alone for a month and several other things but the thing that shook him the most was the realisation of where he was.

"Fuck, my luck is awful"

His face became pale as he already knew the name of the village, he hoped it wasn't what it was.

But now it was confirmed, this is village was Amekagure [The Village Hidden in the rain]

'Seriously System, when you told me it was random, I never expected it to be the worst kind of random'

'Damn, Amekagure is a village located in the land of rain which is a small country between the 3 great nations of fire, earth and wind. As the name suggests the village experiences rainfall throughout the year.

Due to its geographic location between the 3 great nations, they use this village as their battlefield every great ninja war, it gets attacked constantly to the point it came to be known as "the land that is always crying"'

'And I am stuck in that damn village'

He sighed as he sits on the floor and put one of his hands on the face and began thinking.

" I really can't do anything about it, can I?"

He was reincarnated into the worst possible scenario. On top of that, he was six years old kid who lost the only family he had a month ago.

He was really f*cked up.

'The only soothing thing is that I know the future and I have to make sure that I don't change much of it to a point that I completely lose my advantage'

Even though he hated to be reborn in Naruto, he cannot deny that it was one of his favourite anime, he knew the naruto world as clear as day. If the information he had got leaked, it would turn the world upside down.

'Hmm...From the previous guy's memories, it seems that it has only been 5 months since the second war has started and of course, this will last for about about 20 years which is such a drag but I can't do anything about that'

'If I am correct, Hanzo is still the leader and Black Zetsu hasn't made his move, in a few years it will all start, I have to work swiftly and clearly' he thought as he stood up and walked towards a drawer and took out few scrolls and books.

"But, first I need to awaken chakra and become a shinobi and that will be my number 1 priority for now"

'Becoming a ninja, I can at least assure my safety right now, the war is at heat and the crime rate is skyrocketing, I can't take any chances, I don't want to die by some random robber's hands '

'Besides I want to became a strong ninja and earn respect and fame'

'This life I will get everything that I couldn't get in my past life and live my life to the fullest'

"I will become strong, no matter what it takes"

He looked into scrolls that were left by parents before they died. They contained valuable info about how to awaken chakra, ninjutsu and other techniques.

Among the scrolls, he found few books with money and several photos, one photograph that stood out to him was a photo of a beautiful lady with raven hair with ruby-like eyes holding a baby along with a wild guy with orange hair with golden eyes. He felt that they were familiar yet unfamiliar to him.

"So they were my new parents, it's quite a pity that they died" He spoke in a low voice with a sorrow face as he traced his hands over the photo.

They were chunin who lived in the amekagure and were killed in action when the war broke out. He remembers from the previous guy memories, he cried and begged them not to go but his father said with tears in his eyes.

"Ryo, we are shinobi... we have to follow orders..... Orders are absolute for a shinobi..., we are going on a dangerous mission so even if we don't come back... Become strong and Stay healthy... and Please Live on"

It was his last words as they disappeared. Later, he found out the mission they went on failed and they were killed in action. Ryo felt pain, the pain the previous guy felt when he saw their corpses.

He continued reading the scrolls trying to get rid of the bad taste in his mouth.

Even though he wasn't Japanese, he was able to read and write it as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

He studied the scrolls for a few hrs and wrote down the main points, techniques, concepts on an another scroll for easy reference. By the time he was done, it had already been dark.

He ate some food which he stored and decided to explore the city the next day.

After dinner, he took out the scroll which covered the part which dealt with awakening chakra.

"Hm...I need to feel chakra, huh, I think that wouldn't be a problem"

After a few hrs of study, he understood the concepts. He sat in lotus position(Indian) and concentrated, he was a person who lived in a world without chakra so his soul was quite sensitive to it and the first talent, he chose made it even easier.

From the time he arrived at the world, he felt as if his senses were at a different level and the answer to the high senses was his first talent, Arcane Sense.

He could already feel chakra in the atmosphere and the only thing he needed to do to awaken chakra was controlling it and spreading throughout his body through the veins.

He took a deep breath, he could see a spot in the centre of his body glowing blue. He knew that this ball of concentrated chakra was called the chakra core.

" It is not much, I haven't seen the amount of chakra that ninja has but my chakra doesn't seem much"

"Base amount of chakra one has is determined by birth, if you have good genes, you will have more chakra but in my case, my parents were civilian ninjas so in terms of chakra I am clearly lacking against those he geniuses who have high chakra from birth"

Sensing chakra is the easy part of the process, the next part involved with spreading chakra throughout his body through the veins, which is difficult.

In this world, everyone is born with chakra but what makes a difference between a shinobi and normal people is the ability to circulate chakra throughout their bodies.

Circulating chakra throughout their bodies enhances a person's physique as well as mental capabilities.

With his senses, he could see the chakra leaving his core spreading but he failed as the chakra returned the same spot. He tried for hours and finally chakra spread and formed veins.

That was when something happened, when his chakra reached all parts of his body. Suddenly, his heartbeat raised, blood pressure spiked, muscles tightened, veins popped out and his head screamed in agony. The pain was beyond words, not a sound came from his mouth as his eyes turned white and he fell on the floor unconscious.

The moment the chakra spread to the last part of his body, his Arcane sense showed its true potential. It didn't just make him sensitive to chakra and heightened his senses, it gave the ultimate chakra sensing ability.

It was as if he used large scale observation haki, he sensed everything around him. He felt his area of vision expanding, across his shack, outside through the streets, until it reached every corner of the city.

He sensed every person, bird and creature in the city and could see everything, their chakra, location, thoughts and emotions.

At that moment, he scanned the entire city and all of its existence.

This was Arcane Sense, The Senses of the Gods.

Too much information rushed into his mind, a lot more than a human body could ever take, he was lucky to have survived without his head exploding like fireworks.

He heard a voice as he was about to faint

{A\N - I will be using [..] for Guide}

[Rebooting Guide]

[Acquiring data]

[Fixing Problems]

[Initiating Guide...]






Hello Author here, This is my very first novel so make sure to support me guys for future updates.

I want to develop the mc slowly and steadily so this chapter is Ryuto discovering his surroundings and his interactions with them.

English is not my first language so you can me suggestions to improve.

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