
Naruto: Just a Background character

Waking up in the body of an untalented Genin, a Great Ninja war on the horizon, and a countdown to fulfill an impossible mission or else the being who sent him here will kill him, what's a background character like him must do? There was only one thing he could do, cheat. Thankfully, his broken system was repaired after a year of struggle. Follow his journey, from being the weakest Genin to the most fearsome existence. Advance Chapters: patreon.com/Calm_Storm _________________ 1. The MC won't be op immediately. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over the years. 2. There will be a lot of killing (not at the start, but once the MC gets stronger and the war starts.) 3. MC is a careful person who prioritizes his interests first. he won't show his full strength or put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. What to expect : 1. Smart MC 2. MC manipulates the plot and characters to his advantage 3. Timeline is 1 year before the Third Great Ninja War 3. Movies arcs and few original characters. 4. Daily update My Patreon: patreon.com/Calm_Storm ***** Note: Needless to say, for publishing more chapters. It would depend entirely on the interaction the story receives and the readers's enthusiasm for this book.

Calm_Storm · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Promotion Exam

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One day, Yami awoke to the sound of knocking on his door.

"Who is it?"

Curious about who would visit him so early and disturb his rest day, he headed toward the door.

Only a few people knew where he lived, but none of those who did would visit him.

"Could it be that those two crazy beasts finally managed to track me down?"

Yami hesitated to open the door, thinking that the Might family duo had found him and wanted to drag him to train with them.

Sighing, he opened the door, only to see an unexpected guest.

"What are you doing here?"

Kakashi stood in the doorway, looking as nonchalant as ever. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. "Minato-sensei sent me to fetch you. Your promotion test for chunin is today."

Yami blinked in surprise. "Today? Has it been a month already?"

Since he was engrossed in training, he had forgotten about the chunin promotion test. Besides, he wasn't planning to pass it anyway, so why bother attending?

Arriving late would have been his excuse to fail the test, but now, with Kakashi personally fetching him, he had no choice but to attend.

"Alright, give me a minute."

Kakashi gave a brief nod. "I'll wait for you outside. We need to be at the training grounds in an hour."

Yami quickly got dressed, ate a light breakfast, and gathered his gear. As he stepped outside, Kakashi was waiting patiently.

"Ready?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Yami replied, looking carefree with no sign of nervousness. 'There's no need to get nervous or think of a plan since I'm gonna abstain anyway.'

He had no intention of becoming a chunin. Aside from allowing him to take on higher-rank missions, there were no benefits. Only the dangers he would face would increase, which was something he didn't want. This wasn't a world where one had to constantly fight to get stronger. Here, as long as he was given time to train in peace, he would slowly accumulate enough strength to protect himself in the upcoming war.

After sorting his thoughts, he and Kakashi headed toward the training grounds together.

On the way, Yami called his status to check his one-month progress.

Name: Yami Asano

Age: 13

Chakra Capacity: 4700/5200 (Genin - High)

Spiritual Energy: 5800/6500 (Genin - High)

Strength: 46.7/500

Endurance: 49.2/500

Durability: 48.5/500

Agility: 65/500

Taijutsu: 60/500

Ninjutsu: 55/500

Genjutsu: 15/500

Bukijutsu: 37/500

Fuinjutsu: 22/500

Chakra Control: 76%

Spiritual Energy Control: 51%

Chakra Affinities:

Wind (nature transformation): 79%

Fire (nature transformation): 64%

Yin Release: (N/A) - You have no training with this element.

Kekkei Genkai: Soru-Soru no Mi

Special Abilities: [Invisibility - lvl3]

Looking at his growth over one month, Yami was quite proud. If it was before, It would have taken him at least 6 months of constant training to achieve similar results, but now he had done it in one month. Which confirmed that the system indeed raised his limited talent and growth. His talent was really trashy before.

But Yami didn't let himself be complacent just because he got a little stronger. He knew that with his current strength, he was still a cannon fodder. That was why he was going to give up the chunin exam and stay as Genin.

As for why bothered attending even though he was going to give up anyway was quite simple.

"It's the perfect chance to steal some Jutsu."

Besides him and Kakashi, there would definitely be other participants in the exam. And he would take this chance to memorize a few Jutsu hand signs and practice them after the exam was over.

"Stealing others' hard work really feels comfortable." With this thought, he continued his way with a little excitement.


There were no written tests, no scroll-grabbing competitions in the forest, and no exhibition matches in the arena. As relations between the five major nations grew increasingly tense, the Chunin Examination was kept simple. The only factor determining whether a Genin could be promoted to Chunin was strength. Chakra amount, ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu—as long as your comprehensive strength met the examiner's approval, you could be promoted. The same criteria applied to Jonin's exams.

"The examiners for the Chunin exams are Special Jonins, and the examiners for the Jonin exams are Elite Jonins?" Yami thought, watching Kakashi start the Jonin examination in the center of the venue. "And you don't need to defeat the opponent; you just need to gain their recognition. No wonder even Obito, who hadn't awakened the Sharingan, could be promoted to Chunin."

He glanced around from the audience podium and looked at Kakashi and Minato in the center of the venue.

"Ready, Kakashi?" Minato asked, holding a kunai.

Kakashi nodded. "Ready, sensei."

Minato made the first move, vanishing in a blur. Kakashi barely had time to react, blocking a series of rapid strikes. Despite not using his signature technique, Minato was still a fast Ninja.

The two exchanged blows, their movements almost too fast for the untrained eye to follow.

Kakashi launched a flurry of shuriken to disturb Minato's momentum.

Minato dodged with ease and reappeared behind Kakashi, aiming a kunai at his back.

Anticipating the attack, Kakashi spun around and blocked with his own kunai, sparks flying as the blades clashed.

"You've improved, Kakashi," Minato said with a smile.

Kakashi didn't respond, focusing entirely on the battle. He knew Minato was holding back, but he was still barely able to keep up with him. He needed to prove his worth to successfully get promoted.

The fight continued, with Kakashi pushing himself to the limit. He used a variety of Jutsu, combining elemental attacks and precise taijutsu strikes.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A large fireball shot from his mouth, aiming directly at Minato Who used the Body Flicker Technique to teleport away, avoiding the flames effortlessly, and reappearing behind Kakashi.

Kakashi anticipated this and had already prepared a counterattack.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!"

A sturdy wall of earth erupted from the ground, blocking Minato's kunai strike. Using the wall as a distraction, Kakashi performed another set of hand signs.


"Kakashi during this period doesn't seem to be as 'lacking in chakra' as I remember." Yami thought as he watched Kakashi release several advanced Jutsu in succession on the examiner. Despite the exertion, he seemed to still have some chakra left.

Although Minato repeatedly said, "Almost" or "That was a close call," anyone who knew him knew that he could dodge even faster.

"I wonder if Kakashi has already started carving dog heads on the earth wall at this time." Since Minato hadn't made any serious attack, Kakashi didn't use strong defensive Jutsu, focusing on following his teacher's guidance to execute impressive offensive ninjutsu. This drew admiring glances and cheers from the audience.

"You have mastered so many advanced Jutsu. I am amazed at your growth." Although Kakashi's strength seemed a bit immature, Minato still believed in his student, just as he did during the Genin exam's bell-grabbing test.

"But now it's my turn to attack. Be careful, Kakashi." As he spoke, circles of blue chakra began gathering in Minato's hand, forming a round chakra ball.

"It's the Rasengan! An A-rank ninjutsu created by Jonin Namikaze!"

"It's incredible to gather so much chakra in one hand. This is the first time I've seen such a ninjutsu..."

The ninjas standing near Yami cheered even louder.

"It would be great if I also had the chakra to use the Rasengan." With his hands in his pockets, Yami stared intently at the center of the examination venue.

"Teacher, I have also developed a new technique. Check it out!" Not wanting to be outdone, Kakashi quickly formed three seals, and a shrill cry was heard as a mass of lightning chakra gathered in his hands.

" Chidori!"

"Is it finished?" Even with the naked eye, Minato could see that the Jutsu in Kakashi's hands was quite powerful, but he worried about its stability.

"Chidori and Rasengan fight..." Is this also considered a famous scene? Yami never thought that the earliest protagonists of these two ninjutsu battles were actually Kakashi and Minato.

Boom! The two chakra energies collided, causing a massive explosion and raising a large cloud of dust on the field.

"Blocked? Or did Minato stop?"

The audience strained to see what had happened. When the dust cleared, a large pit appeared in the center of the venue. At both ends of the pit stood Minato and Kakashi, with the latter already showing signs of exhaustion.

"Kakashi, you did a great job today."

This new technique was still not perfect. Kakashi couldn't address the current defects of Chidori Ninjutsu quickly. The speed of the ninjutsu's forward thrust exceeded the caster's dynamic vision and physical reaction, making it impossible to see the enemy's counterattack during the attack. It's simply a life-threatening ninjutsu.

If Minato hadn't coordinated with Kakashi's Chidori attack direction, causing the Rasengan and Chidori to collide on the ground, Kakashi might be lying in that pit now.

Although Minato wasn't satisfied with Chidori's completion, he still smiled at Kakashi. "Congratulations on passing, Kakashi!"

"Phew...thank you for your recognition, Sensei!" Even though he didn't show it, Kakashi's mind was filled with the joy of success. He finally did it—he became the youngest Jonin in Konoha Village.

'Father, no matter what, I will become a greater Ninja than you and never repeat your mistakes!'


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