
Naruto: Journey of the strongest teacher

Reincarnated too early in Naruto Ishizu will do anything to get the power he needs to find the girl he loves. Even if it means to change Canon and become Naruto's teacher.

Broxhitman1998 · 漫画同人
154 Chs

The Power of Fuinjutsu

General POV

"Fuinjutsu? You think those seals can do anything again Jack?"

Ishizu rolled his eyes having no time to praise his art to someone who wouldn't understand it anyways. She had a bad experience due to their fight.

'Show, don't tell' was the motto here.

Ishizu couldn't see into the future to know he would be in such a situation but one of his characteristics stuck with him.


The moment Ishizu's soul split into 4 parts he didn't use his free time to study Chi. Chi was the energy that was used here so one could say Ishizu studies Chi but not to use it.

He focused on his specialty that neve… eh, almost never failed him. In a battle where your opponent is stronger and you have no way of de-escalating the situation the right thing to do was to create chaos.

And Ishizu just had the right idea.

"Give me your blood," Ishizu commented to Tigress who stared at him as if he was stupid.


"I said: Give me some of your blood. Take a knife or your claw and drop some of it on this paper. I need it; now."

Ishizu presented her with a talisman with a strange symbol on it. Tigress had some suspicion but ultimately complied dropping a few drops on the seal.

"Chi is life energy and blood is needed to sustain the body. Blood = Life so Blood = Chi."

Next, Ishizu took another talisman which differed only slightly from the first, and dropped his own blood on it.

"On our world Chakra is life so the same thing applies."

Tigress watched from the side and for some reason, she felt a feeling she thought she forgot about it.

Looking at those things made her shiver, and her heart began racing for no apparent reason.

"You have amazing instincts. Even if you have no clue about Fuinjutsu, just by looking at the seal you recognize the danger that comes with it," Ishizu grinned as he smeared the blood in specific manners on the tag.

"What will you do?" finally Tigress asked the important question that was on her tongue.

"If your opponent is a cheating monster and you have no way to run you'll do anything in your power to weaken him to your level," Ishizu began to explain.

"Our opponent is a human that most likely came from my world going by his rambling about the Senju. Typical Uchiha behavior from the past. He has stayed here for so long that his body changed to use Chi but he was born with a chakra network. It doesn't disappear."

Ishizu's eyes had a fire burning as he slammed both seals together. This was his favorite activity and he had the most fun while doing it.

"This will hurt. Oh, this will hurt like hell; for you at least and all those that use Chi for more than just living."

Tigress's eyes widened when she heard his last words.

"To sum it up: I will temporarily cut the connection between the body and Chi of everyone in a small radius. The more you have, the more severe it gets. My chakra is the conductor to initiate the process. So without further ado let's get the party started and peg our OP Mary Sue a bit down."

The two seals glowed and chaos ensued.

Everyone in a 500-meter radius felt a giant soundless explosion before a force wave hit them.

They immediately clutched their chest around their heart as if they just experienced a heart attack before falling to their knees.

Jack was the only one that screamed in a shrill, painful tone as his connection to his minions he had control over was forcefully cut and his own Chi was locked inside him; refusing to obey his order.

Instead of Chi cursing through his body he felt another energy he long since had abandoned to course through its old and rotten pathway.

An energy he sealed away saying it was weaker than Chi.

His chakra network sprang to life and gave him back his energy only for someone to kick him right in the face causing him to smash into a rock.

The victory of getting first blood was crushed when Jack flung the smoke away and glared at his next victim.

Gone was the heterochromia and blood red Mangekyō Sharingan piercing through Ishizu's soul.

The latter smiled as he confirmed his suspicions of this human.

"So I was right. To think an Uchiha would somehow enter the land of Kung Fu Panda and later end up in its Spirit World. Jack isn't a name for an Uchiha so would you do the honor and tell me the name of the man I will pummel to the ground?" Ishizu asked with a cheerful voice yet his mind and body carefully observed the opponent.

"Jack. A name some animal gave me after I came here since they couldn't pronounce my true name," Jack licked the blood away from his lip.

"Though I have to express my amazement of how you were able to survive my blast. Still, I don't need to lower myself to give some insignificant weakling my old name. It died and you will die just like the rest. This time I will make sure you stay dead. I won't need Chi to kill some Senju scum," he roared.

The earth underneath Jack trembled as black bones materialize around him creating a half-body Susanoo.

A long black katana formed in his right hand and instantly tried to bisect Ishizu. The ex Konoha Shinobi dodged to the right while feeling his chakra pulsing through his pathways.

'Guess the Chi disruption lowered the chakra restrictions. Ah, it feels good to be strong again.'

"Die mortal!"

Another black katana appeared in Jack's left hand and they began swinging at Ishizu.

Rinnegan glaring, Ishizu pointed both of his palms at the Susanoo.

"Piss off, Almighty Push!"

The gravity attack collided with the katanas stopping them from reaching their target.

"Ajaja, and here I thought this would be like walking through a park after cutting off the wings of a bird. Instead, I get some random overpowered Uchiha from what I presume is even before Madara who somehow didn't destroy the world with his power," muttered Ishizu while shaking his head.

"Oy, Jack, answer me this simple question while we fight. How the hell didn't you defeat the Senju with all this power? Also, what's with the look? I have seen, fought, and lived with Uchihas throughout my life. Hell, I had an Uchiha as a student and none of them look as ridiculous as you. The standard Uchiha package is black hair and black eyes that can turn to the Sharingan yet here I see a mutant before me. What next, your hair changes to pink as a power-up? Do you really need to compensate to look important?"

In truth, Ishizu didn't think he would be honored to receive an answer yet the attacks stopped and Jack's eyes stared passed Ishizu. Oh boy, would he really do an evil guy monologue backstory?

He slowly reached behind his back to rip out a bit of his silver hair. The hand holding the hair trembled before his fingers ignited and burned the piece of hair.

"I should have ruled the Uchiha!" Jack screamed like some child who was denied playing with his favorite toy.

'Yes, he does the evil monologue.'

"I have done as the stone table demanded! I obtained the Mangekyō by killing my sister and family. I should have marched alone to the Senju and decimated each and everyone that stood in front of me…"

Here Jack stopped for a moment and Ishizu just blinked twice waiting patiently for his enemy to collect himself.

Yeah, sure, he could seize the moment to attack and maybe injure or even kill Jack, but Ishizu was just sick of knowing the future thanks to his foreknowledge and so having an opponent tell him his backstory was reason enough to listen and understand who the man called Jack was.

"Infinity Tsukoyomi my ass," Jack spat in disgust earning an amused smile from Ishizu.

"Whoever wrote this part was drunk and delusional. As long as we live there will never be peace. I would have used my power to exterminate the Senju and rule the world but then..,"

"Out of nowhere, a portal opened and I found myself in a world unknown to me. With talking animals as some summons but with no chakra."

Ishizu listened closely to how Jack was raised by some of the inhabitants and his rise to power.

It was a cool story one could write a story about, but seeing his opponent swinging his katanas, Ishizu came to the conclusion that the history lesson was over.

"You will not defeat me!" screamed Jack and guess what… he didn't have the MS.

Jack, our Mary Sue, had the EMS.

How did Ishizu know this? Well, a full-grown standing Susanno glanced down at the small Ishizu. Well, he did mention he had a sister.

The Furious Five watched as in Ishizu's hand a gigantic spiral sphere formed.

"Eat this: Windstyle: Rasenshuriken!"

The flying projectile flew towards the Suzanne only to be absorbed like a black hole. Two more of them flew at Jack only for them to have no effect.

"Hahaha! Tremble before my power, Sasaki! It has been a long time since I used this to decimate Senjus. The special ability of my Susanoo, Black Hole!"

Scene change

Although only 30 minutes passed, it felt like an eternity.

'Fuck, fuck fuuuuck! What kind of ridiculous Mary Sue is this guy? Sage Mode, Rinnegan, S-rank Ninjutus… nothing works. Argh!'

Now some would feel doubt inside their hearts when standing in front of, what the author would say was a Madara equivalent. Not only that but his Susanno rendered Ninjutsu useless.

Some of the spectators trembled before the might of Jack yet some turned their heads to see that their savior's face never showed signs of fear.

The same was in his mind where not even a thought of failure made its way through his consciousness. The reason was simple.

"Fuck you, Jack! Even after I sealed off your main power you still make it hard to kill you. EMS with a Ninjutsu nullifying ability? What else? Can you throw meteors from the sky too? Or maybe summon a harem of sexy Uchiha women? Well, that last part… No, don't tell me. I have had enough of his bullshit. It. Ends. Now!"

The angry look on Ishizu's never left his face as he ripped open his shirt revealing his bulging pectoral muscles.

In an instant, Ishizu bit into both of his thumbs drawing blood and pressing them into his chest.

"Reveal thyself!"

Slowly in a swirly manner, a black spiral seal formed in Ishizu's chest covering most of his upper body and without hesitation, Ishizu grabbed right inside his chest.

To some, it may have looked disgusting to just casually grab inside one's body but to those spectating, it looked as if Ishizu grabbed inside a black bubbly hole.

Grabbing something from inside, Ishizu pulled and out of Ishizu's chest came a long big ass Zweihänder. Its handle shimmered red like blood and the blade itself polished until one could see their reflection in it.

"Originally, this was my trump card in case Edo Madara would prove to be a factor I couldn't control. Who knows what an Uchiha like him could do with unlimited chakra? So… with my amazing genius and the help of a handful of Uzumaki, I present you with my first Fuinjutsu weapon.

Its name…

The cliffhanger hurts but the story continues. Will the weapon be able to defeat Jack?

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts