
Naruto: Journey of the strongest teacher

Reincarnated too early in Naruto Ishizu will do anything to get the power he needs to find the girl he loves. Even if it means to change Canon and become Naruto's teacher.

Broxhitman1998 · 漫画同人
154 Chs

But a Giant Leap for Mankind

General POV

Yamai Otsutsuki didn't expect to find such a good vessel. These descendants of Kaguya held their bloodline as pure as they could.

Incest between Otsutsuki members wasn't frowned upon or known. Instead, it was encouraged to protect their purity. Lesser beings and all that propaganda.

She believed such ideals until she witnessed abilities such as the Sharingan. This let her rethink about the prude decisions of her clan, but right now she grinned as her Kāma found the perfect host.

"Yamai, get your Kāma off her this instant!" Ishizu shouted as he entered his mind, only to find her projecting slowly disappearing.

"Sorry can't do. This was an unconscious reaction since my body was destroyed ages ago. My Kāma now searched for a new host and it found one in Yuka. Feel free to try to take it off."

Why did he have to be dragged into another problem? First Jack and now this. Just let him go and reanimated Kaguya and then… then he can have all the other problems!

"Oh, wow, this thing looks cool. What does it do?" Yuka asked in an innocent voice, not realizing just how dangerous that tiny thing is.

"Not entirely sure."

Which was true. Ishizu had little knowledge about it outside of being named Kama and some way to reanimate Otsutsuki.

"Now, you wanted to go down to the elemental nations, so show me how to do it and I'll let you come."

If she had the seal, I couldn't let her stay here. Too much of a wild card, so better keep her close.

Her eyes lit up, happy that I said the truth about taking her with me. She ran towards me and hugged me again.

She didn't have much social contact.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

I grabbed her before she could again jump on my back.

"Wait just a second. I need to rest. I have just passed through a dimension portal, got attacked by my Otsutsuki puppets, and ran through an unknown part of the moon. A few hours ago, I had to battle a cheating monster and didn't take a break at all. Give me a few minutes to collect my thoughts and we can go."

Yuka Otsutsuki was only 10 years old, but she was much smarter than she showed. When she saw the small mark on her hand and the reaction Ishizu-nii showed, she knew meant trouble.

Yet this trouble got him to accept her to come with him. With her Byakugan, Yuka could see the microscopic pyramid-shaped barb attaching to her skin, muscles, and bones.

What surprised her was the familiar feeling of Otsutsuki chakra pouring out of it. Whatever this was had to do with an Otsutsuki.

While taking a break, Yuka observed her new brother. He was different, yet similar to Toneri. Ishizu-nii was older, though not as old as grandpa but also calm and collected.

He would talk to her, but while Toneri frowned when he spoke to her since she was from the main family, her new brother either didn't know or simply didn't care.

Ishizu-nii was also strong. That she could tell. Grandpa was also strong, but if a fight broke out between the two, she was certain Ishizu-nii would win.

She didn't want her Grandpa to fight since he and Toneri were her only family alive, but she would kill herself if she had to destroy her eyes.

Her eyes were the only thing she could see in the world how it truly was. Without them, she wouldn't function as a living being.

That's why she hoped that Ishizu-nii helped her to escape from there.

Time skip

Ishizu stretched himself. 1 hour had passed, and he was back to his full strength.

'Now, let's get off his moon and stop the damm war.'

"I am ready, Yuka. Lead me to the passage so we can leave this place," Ishizu called, and with a blue Yuka jumped on Ishizu's back and clutched her arms around his neck.

"Grandpa is still looking for us. How are we going to escape him?"

"Like any ninja should know. By creating a distraction, Kage Bushin no Jutsu."

Ishizu honestly forgot about the Shadow Clones since he just used Wood One's due to their durability, but for a quick scan of the area, he could use those.

Ishizu POV

It took 10 minutes of running around and avoiding the puppets flying through the sky in search of us. While Yuka knew about a way out, she could only speak of what she heard from when she was young. She never has seen the transportation seal down to the planet.

I guess I should have seen it coming, but the old man knew what Yuka thought, so he waited at the end.

"Can't we make a deal without the end result being a fight? I have had it to this point with all those unnecessary fights," I pointed over my head to show my annoyance.

Why must everything be resolved by fighting? Most of the time, the result is death and death breeds hate, and hate breeds war, and war breeds death.

An endless vicious cycle that can't be broken until one stands out.

I was not delusional to think I could end it. Oh, hell no! The moment I achieved my goal, I would find a way to travel dimensions and never stay in one place to form too many attachments.

All my hopes were on Naruto and his generation to stop it. This war would be the one thing to unite the nations, bringing them closer to negotiating peace. With Naruto and the rest, there shouldn't be that many deaths.

But just like I thought, the old man in front of me wasn't one to think about my words.

"Not a chance. You kidnapped Yuka like a barbarian and want to escape. And you have the balls to ask me to move? First, I will kill you and then I will dig her eyes out so another incident such as this won't happen."

O… k. This man needs a beating like right now. Telling a girl in front of her AND me that he would dig her eyes out was a mark in my book for a beating.

"You Hamura descendants are truly crazy. If I remember correctly, that giant Tenseigan is self-sustaining due to Hamura's eyes. There is no need to dig out the eyes of children and put them in there. It's the equivalent of dropping a water drop into an ocean."

"You have no idea what you are taking!"

I clenched my fists. I had no time to play with an insane man who didn't see past his own shadow.

He was just an old man who could control puppets. So I would take his only ability, rendering him useless.

My Rinnegan flared up, and I entered his brain to cut the connection with his Jutsu and use it for myself.

"What the?"

The expression he made was quite nice to see. And then all the puppets flying around him turned their weapons against him.

"I give you this one chance out of consideration for Yuka. Surrender, old man. If you do, I will spare your life and you can live your last years peacefully while Yuka enjoys her well-earned vacation."

To my annoyance, he snarled. He actually snarled at me. Even in such a situation.

"I'd rather die trying than surrender to someone like you. It is my duty and if I fall, another shall take my place."

I rolled my eyes. A fanatic belief. Normally I would just kill him and get over it, but doing that in front of a child isn't the best idea.

"There are 4 presences on this moon and all 4 are here. If by 'taking your place' you mean the boy who is failing horrendously at hiding, then I am sure he will do his job wonderfully."

On my clue, a young Otsutsuki boy emerged from his hiding spot. A memory confirmed this to be a young Toneri Otsutsuki, aka. Moon boy who got defeated by Naruto.

"Toneri, I told you to stay at home!" the old man shouted at him.

Toneri didn't answer but turned towards me, or rather Yuka who stood behind me.

"Yuka, why would you want to leave?" he asked, and I stepped aside to let them have a chat.

While the conversation between the two happened, I didn't listen but focused more on the old man whom I didn't want to use in this situation to make some stupid move.

"Yuka, if he wants to visit he can just come down too," I called out before waving my finger.

"And you don't even try it, Oldtimer. I will make extra sure to let you live, but not with some reminder to listen to my words, or next time you'll lose a leg."

"You stupid Shinobi have no idea what you will do. Her eyes will keep the moon and your planet safe. Give her to me and I will spare your life so you can go and continue your wars."

I knew that sooner or later, even my patience had a limit, and this was it. It wasn't Madara or Obito or anyone else I knew who brought me to this point. No, it was some no-name background character that wasn't even mentioned in the anime who made my blood boil.

"Shut up! I have had it with crazy people spouting shit from their disgusting mouths. I give no fucks whatsoever what you think about me or what I will do. I told you that your beliefs are dumb like you are. Rot away on this lifeless moon your people created over something unnecessary."

Yuka and Tomeri exchanged glances and nodded when I grabbed Yuka by her clothes and jumped into the teleportation array.

Off we went. At last, to the Elemental Nations.

With that ends the travel and we are back. I enjoyed writing the last outburst from Ishizu because he was too calm in the last chapters. Everyone has a boiling point where he explodes, so I gave him one.

I never managed to get a decent name for Ishizu's Rinnegan, so it stays nameless.

The next arc is the final one: The 4th Shinobi War

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts