
Naruto: Hokage's Legacy

if you see this on fanfiction.net don't worry I'm the same person. this is an AU. In this story there will be some changes some with personality or some with strength or popularity. just another day as Naruto Uzumaki but this time something is different. he meets the ghost of the previous hokage! with his dream of being the strongest how will he take advantage of this? Warning!: at first you might not like Naruto's new personality but he changes later on

KakuzuCantolopes · 漫画同人
105 Chs

Graduation and Trick

Naruto was sitting in his class and he had arrived early because today was graduation day! He was surrounded by the 3 Kage, normally they wouldn't come to school but because today was special they decided to come.

Iruka was giving the instructions on how the exams would work. "One of the proctors will call your name. Once it is called, come into the exam room and you will perform the following jutsu. Transformation, Substitution, and Clone. After performing the jutsu we will tell you if you passed or not."

You could feel the excitement in the school, everyone was excited, even Sasuke. Naruto was now in the middle of the ranks so he was expected to pass but many thought he would never pass any genin test.

Everyone lined up on the wall outside the classroom ready to do the test. Not long after coming outside one of the judges called the first name, "Will Shikamaru Nara please come in!" Shikamaru, who was half asleep, woke up and went inside. Only a minute or so after Shikmaru came back outside with a shiny headband on.

"Nice job Shikamaru!" said Naruto who was happy for his friend. "Thanks, Naruto, hope you pass," he said walking out. "Will Sasuke Uchiha please come in!" all the girls squealed like pigs after hearing his name.

Not even 30 seconds of going in there he was already out of the building with a Konoha headband on. "Oh I knew MY Sasuke would never fail!" screamed Ino. "What do you mean? He is MY Sasuke, Ino-pig!" "Shut up billboard brow!" they then got into an argument yelling at each other.

Lots of other people got called, now there were only ten or so left. "Will Naruto Uzumaki come in." the judge said making sure to exclude the 'please' Naruto recognized it but ignored it, he was just some unknown chunin who would never become anything more.

Naruto walked in after being called. Once in he could see all the judges, except Iruka, were glaring at him with hateful eyes but Naruto doesn't care. Iruka spoke up, "Naruto, could you show us the transformation jutsu, please."

Naruto put both his hands together and charged his chakra up then used the jutsu. A puff of smoke came up impairing their vision. Once the judges vision came back they saw a perfect replication of Iruka in front of them. If he wasn't beside them they would have believed Naruto was Iruka!

"Most impressive Naruto, now onto the Substitution jutsu. I will throw this kunai at you and you must dodge using the substitution jutsu." Iruka then threw the kunai at Naruto, the kunai was very slow so it wasn't difficult to track it.

Without the use of hand signs, Naruto switched places with an eraser in the room. All of the judges were once again surprised, most academy students needed the use of hand signs. "Once again impressive Naruto but now the hard one, the clone jutsu. Make as many accurate clones you can." Naruto put his hands together and suddenly more than thirty clones came out!

They were not exact but were still very worthy of a passing grade. "Well, Naruto counts me impressed, here you go," Iruka said, handing him a headband. Mizuki beside him was extremely pissed, 'it's fine my plans are not done, maybe I can just change them, yeah!'

Once outside he waited for Hinata, they had been going to get ramen more lately and he began to enjoy her company a lot. Minato had considered telling Naruto to ask her out but decided against it. As it turned out Hinata was the last one out.

They were going to talk on the way home but before they left Mizuki came in front of Naruto. "Hey Naruto, because of your excellent performance we have decided you can participate in the secret test!" Mizuki said.

Naruto knew it was all bullshit, if there was a secret test there was no way they would give it to a 'demon' like him but he decided to listen anyway. "Wow! What's the test!" Naruto said being fake excited. "The test is to steal the Scroll of Seals."

Naruto was about to walk away until Tobirama intervened. "Don't leave! We can use this, in that scroll, there is the multi-shadow clone jutsu. We can use that to justify how you learned it, but you might want to tell Hiruzen first." Naruto understood and nodded. "Okay, I will do it as fast as possible!" he said ditching Hinata and heading to the Hokage tower.

In Hiruzen's office, the 3rd Hokage was relaxing and thinking of teams to put together. 'I think if I put Naruto and Sasuke on the same team it will help them both. Naruto wants to catch up to Sasuke which will make Sasuke have to work harder to stay ahead, yes this is what-'

His thoughts were interrupted by Naruto coming in. "Oh hello, Naruto, what's going on?" Naruto then described what Mizuki had told him and what he planned to do. While this was happening the Hokage were all disappointed in Hiruzen, especially Minato.

"Please Hokage, let me fight him myself plus I can see if I could learn any jutsu from it!" Naruto was trying to hint that he would learn the Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu. "If that's what you want I will let you fight him BUT I will have a jounin on standby."

Naruto nodded, Hiruzen then handed Naruto the scroll, and Naruto left. Naruto then went into the forest to wait for Mizuki, he would use his chakra blades but he didn't need them for somebody as weak as Mizuki.

About an hour later Mizuki showed up. "Good job Naruto, you got the scroll. NOW GIVE IT!" Mizuki said as he threw a giant shuriken at Naruto who acted like he could barely dodge. "Ha, not bad demon brat!"

"This scroll seems cool, I think I'll keep it!" Naruto said in a joking tone. "ha, a demon fox like you has no right to have that! You know why they call you that! It is because you have the demon nine-tailed fox inside you! It must suck to be a fox!"

Mizuki expected shock from Naruto but instead got laughter. "You think I don't know?" Naruto seriously couldn't hold his laughter back! Now Mizuki was shocked, how did he know! While Mizuki was shocked Naruto was thinking.

'I could use wind jutsu to take him out? Or maybe taijutsu! Nah, let's go with the shadow clones.' Naruto then created one-hundred shadow clones, "Now see how I deal with traitors of Konoha!" all the clones jumped at Mizuki as the real Naruto only watched.

After a few moments, Mizuki was in a state no person should ever be in. He didn't take traitors nicely. Once the fight was over the jounin jumped out, it was nobody Naruto recognized so he walked away, he needed sleep tomorrow he would get his team and jounin sensei.


Remember Naruto's personality is changing because of Tobirama's rules of a shinobi and stuff. also, Kyuubi enhanced Naruto (vs Neji) vs 1st gate Lee (vs Gaara) who wins and why?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Pleas leave a reveiw

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