
A new life begins

Yes, my favorites girls in Naruto are : 1 Yugito - 2 Tayuya - 3 Sakura - 4 Temari

Amidst the chaos and the lingering echoes of the explosive clash, the ninjas of Konoha and Tayuya found refuge behind a makeshift earthen wall conjured by Kakashi. The detonation's violent force reverberated through the ground, causing it to quake, and a veil of dust lifted into the air. As the calm gradually returned, the dissipating cloud revealed Tayuya reopening her brown eyes, a signal that the battle had finally concluded, allowing her to revert to her normal appearance.

However, the gaze of the Konoha ninjas upon her carried a weight of suspicion, if not outright disdain, with the exception of Naruto, who offered congratulations for her assistance and praised the quality of the illusion she had woven against Kimimaro. The young woman with coral-pink hair felt a sense of unease; she had eluded her most formidable adversary, only to find herself potentially facing judgment and perhaps even torture within the confines of Konoha.

Kakashi, having concluded his examination of Kimimaro's remains, broke the silence that had settled among the young ninjas. "The Sound ninja is neutralized. His body has been reduced to a pulp by the explosion, making it impossible for him to return to life in such a state. We're done here. ALL of us need to return."

A slight shiver ran down Tayuya's spine as she lifted her eyes to Kakashi and noticed his penetrating gaze. "You too," he continued, his eyes fixed on her, "will come with us."

Kakashi was about to continue, but Tayuya extended her flute towards him, her head tilted to the side, avoiding his gaze. "I have nowhere else to go now. I won't resist," she said softly. Naruto observed the scene in silence. Kakashi took the flute in his hands and sealed it into a scroll, ensuring there were no potential traps from the Sound ninja. Tayuya continued to avert her eyes, and as the silence settled, Kakashi spoke again.

"You've caused a lot of harm to Konoha through your association with Orochimaru and your actions. However, you spared the life of the Sand ninja, and you assisted us during this battle," Kakashi stated. Tayuya straightened up timidly, betraying her emotions. "Your fate depends on you. Your life is not over; it all hinges on your cooperation. You possess valuable information about Orochimaru that we need. I don't like meddling in people's lives, but it's in your best interest to cooperate."

Tayuya remained silent and turned her eyes away, a sign that she was still lost in thought. Unable to contain his curiosity, Naruto asked Kakashi what would happen to Tayuya. Kiba informed him that she would go to prison. Naruto glanced at Tayuya, who still had her back turned and remained motionless. Finally, the group set out on the road to Konoha in a deathly silence, under the cover of night and the persistent rain.

The young woman led the way towards Konoha, now just five minutes away, and dawn was about to break. Kakashi had decided she would maintain this position to better monitor her every move. Tayuya walked mechanically, never once looking back. Naruto occasionally fixed his gaze on her. Kiba and Kakashi noticed, but what they didn't observe was that Naruto periodically glanced at the young woman's forearms. Despite the distance, since she had her back turned, he could admire them without her knowing.

However, Naruto wasn't truly focused on this. He observed mechanically because it was an instinct to look at this part of a woman's body, especially one as slender and beautiful as her. Yet, he was deeply troubled by the idea that she was coming to Konoha so easily. His plan had worked, although he hadn't believed in it much. What would they do to her once she arrived at the village? Would he ever see her again? Would she be released for good behavior? How will she behave? Would she be discreetly assassinated after delivering all her information? And, would she accept his feelings if he asked to be his girlfriend? Would she accept his strange fetish for women's hairy arms? All these questions tormented Naruto.

Despite it all, Naruto kept hope alive. Tayuya was willingly accompanying them to the village, and with her help, they might be able to find Sasuke.

Once they reached the village gate, the four ninjas and the dog came to a halt. The sun's rays began to appear behind the gate, casting numerous silhouettes waiting at the entrance. However, it was difficult to discern who they were as they were backlit, and the light became increasingly dazzling. Tayuya, still positioned in front, had to close one eye and shield her eyes with her arm to see what was happening in front of her. Naruto finally positioned himself beside her.

The young woman with coral-pink hair turned her head slightly to see who was approaching but redirected her gaze forward as if she didn't care about him. No one spoke for a moment until a silhouette in the midst of hundreds of others stepped forward. Tayuya began to discern a woman, seemingly young and blonde, dressed in green, heading towards her. Could it be the famous Tsunade? Indeed, the Hokage introduced herself and immediately ordered her to follow four ninjas, including Ibiki Morino, for interrogation. The four ninjas and Tsunade were surprised to see her submit so easily.

Naruto watched Tayuya move away from him without uttering a single word since the end of the battle. Tsunade approached Naruto, and the blond ninja, with his usual clumsiness, ran towards Tayuya, shouting her name, irritating everyone present. Now everyone knew the name of their enemy. The interrogation and torture section ninjas froze and turned towards the newcomer. Tayuya did the same, eyes fixed on him, offering a vacant gaze devoid of emotion.

"Tayuya... um, I wanted to tell you... because maybe we'll never see each other again... I... I'm glad you switched sides. Now, you have to tell them everything you know about Orochimaru, and I'll come to visit you every day in prison... there, I won't let you down... you'll never be alone again, and..." Tayuya looked at him without saying anything, without even blinking, but these few words made the young woman's heart beat faster and faster.

However, Naruto was cut off in his sentence by Ibiki, who pointed out that she was their enemy and wouldn't receive any special treatment. Tayuya and Naruto stared at each other without saying a word. Naruto turned his eyes away, but not Tayuya. Ibiki pulled the arm of the former sound ninja to signal her to move forward. Before turning, Tayuya directed a single, soft "thank you" towards Naruto. He was so surprised to hear her speak like that. She continued to move away, and just before disappearing around a distant corner, she stopped for a second to wave and smile at him before vanishing into the buildings. Naruto remained rooted in place.

"Naruto," a voice called behind him, and it was Tsunade, approaching him again. "We lost Sasuke, and I'm sorry for that, but all hope is not lost. Thanks to the girl from the Village of Sound that you brought, all is not lost."

Naruto still gazed at the building where Tayuya disappeared and asked, his back still turned to Tsunade, fists clenched, "And the others, Choji, Neji, Shikamaru, did they make it?"

Tsunade let out a long sigh before responding to the young ninja's question, "The mission was a total failure, yet we can't complain. All the ninjas sent on the mission returned alive, some in serious condition, but their lives are no longer in danger." Naruto looked up at the sky, relieved, before Tsunade continued, "And thanks to the idea of bringing this girl here, it will be easier for us to find Sasuke and thwart Orochimaru's plans. Naruto, the village owes you for this."

"What will happen to that girl from the Sound?" Naruto asked, "I'd like her not to be tortured, if I can at least ask you that."

"Naruto, you... I understand. Rest assured, I've asked the interrogation team not to torture her if she cooperates. We'll delve into her memories, extract every detail about Orochimaru, and also examine her current intentions toward the village. If she's not hostile, she'll go to prison, and you'll be able to visit her during visiting hours."

It was then that Sakura arrived and called out to Naruto. The blond, relieved that his friends were alive and hopeful that Tayuya might redeem herself, couldn't ignore the fact that the mission was still a failure, and he had failed the promise he made to Sakura before his departure. What could he possibly say to her?


The day passed, and nothing special happened for most people. However, certain individuals were on edge. For example, Shikamaru was waiting with Temari outside the operating room (apparently, the Suna ninjas weren't eager to return to Suna just yet). Naruto arrived in the corridor, blushing at the sight of Temari. She greeted him. The door opened, and Shizune announced the success of the operation on Neji's injuries, declaring him out of danger. Shikamaru sighed and left, leaving Naruto and Temari alone in the hallway. Silence fell until Temari suggested grabbing a bowl of noodles with him; she knew it was his favorite plate. Naruto agreed since it was already lunchtime, and Temari wanted to eat before leaving. However, she felt that she owed Naruto some explanations.

"So, what's new?" she asked him while walking through the hospital corridors toward the exit.

"Oh well, Sasuke left, and we captured a ninja from the Sound, but I guess you already know that," Naruto replied. Temari, looking straight ahead, responded, "Yes, I know all that."

"And did you know that I fought that girl, lost, and she spared my life? We still don't understand why she did that. And you, do you happen to know why?" Naruto looked at the floor with his hands in his pockets. "She spared me too. I think she is a lost girl and not as bad as we thought."

"There are rumors that you've fallen in love with that girl," Temari teased Naruto, deliberately exaggerating the rumors to steer the conversation in a particular direction. Naruto was about to get annoyed at Temari for making fun of him, but she immediately reassured him, "She's very beautiful, and if she decided to spare us, it's probably because she didn't want to upset you."

"Oh, you think so?" Naruto asked the Sand Village blonde. "Feminine intuition, but it makes it the fourth girl you've supposedly fallen in love with. It's starting to add up, and it's not very cool, you know?" Temari teased him further. "Hey, it's not my fault, I can't help it, and, uh, no, I mean, I'm not in love with her!" Naruto retorted.

"Yugito, Sakura, this girl Tayuya from the Sound, and of course, ME," Temari continued to tease. "If you came to mock me again, it wasn't necessary!" Naruto replied. "I'm sorry. Do you still have feelings for me today?" Temari asked, concerned. "Yes, a lot, and you hurt me a lot," Naruto admitted.

In a secluded corner of the hallway, away from prying eyes, Temari hugs him tightly. "What are you doing? I don't want you to make me suffer anymore!" Naruto questioned. "This hug is sincere; I know you used to like it when I hugged you," Temari said while hugging him tighter. Naruto silently enjoyed the moment, and they stayed like that for a good five minutes until the sounds of people began to echo in the hallways. Without speaking, they decided to end their embrace and continue walking towards the exit.

Once outside, Temari spoke again, "I want to apologize, Naruto." Naruto averted his gaze, as if he still held some resentment.

"Yes, it's true. If I agreed to be your girlfriend, it was just to gather information about Konoha before the attack. But I have nothing to reproach you for; you were really decent with me, and I regret making you suffer," Temari continued. "I really believed in it, and it hurt me a lot," Naruto replied.

-T: "I know, and I will always be sorry, but know that I never had any bad moments with you,".

- N: "At the same time, it only lasted three weeks, and a significant part of the time, I was training with the Pervy Sage. We never slept together, and we only had two kisses and a few hugs, that's it!".

- T: "Believe me or not, but I enjoyed those moments even if they were fake. I didn't have to pretend too much because you're cute and kind."

- N: "Yeah, well, you still don't want me in the end..."

- T: "And what do you want now? Or who? Sakura? Yugito? Me? Or... Tayuya?"

- N: "What?!"

- T: "Forget about the blondes. Yugito and I come from different villages; it's too complicated, I'm sorry to tell you that."

- N: "I asked you to stop making fun of me..."

- T: "But I'm not making fun of you; I'm sincere! Sakura is a bit dumb, sorry, but it's true. But you might have a chance with the Sound girl; I can sense it."

- N: "Are you sure?"

- T: "I knew she appealed to you. Well, I'll help you with that girl if you want. I hope it's enough to make up for my mistakes."

Naruto and Temari finally arrived at Ichiraku Ramen. They talked extensively over a bowl of noodles, one for Temari and more than a dozen for Naruto. Sometime, Naruto looked Temari's hairy forearms... and his cock grew with each look … It was sure.

When the rest of the Sand Siblings arrived near the restaurant to fetch their sister, a sign that it was time for her to return home, Temari said, "Do as I told you, and it should work with that girl," before leaving. Naruto bid farewell to the Sand ninjas, and Gaara gave him a brief nod, contemplating Naruto's power to change people—even the Sound girl had switched sides.


Once she turned the corner of the street, Tayuya, without thinking, stopped for a moment to look at Naruto in the distance. She waved to him and smiled. After that, a ninja pushed her to signal her to move forward. Once hidden in the buildings, Tayuya wondered why she had smiled at him, why she had changed so much in a day and a night! But she was so desperate that she instinctively decided to show him a sign of openness. Fearing that if she remained impassive, he might not want to visit her in prison, and that would be catastrophic for her morale, especially since she had already experienced loneliness in Orochimaru's prisons.

Once in the corner of the street, away from prying eyes, Tayuya received a kick in the back, causing her to fall to the ground. During the journey, she was handcuffed. Unable to protect herself from the increasingly strong kicks, especially in the face, Tayuya let out a few cries of pain but said nothing. She knew very well why they were doing this and only hoped that it would stop. Ibiki, who hadn't hit her but hadn't stopped them from doing it—apparently, it was a common practice for the treatment of prisoners, even those who cooperated—decided they should stop hitting her. After all, Tayuya was used to taking blows, which had shaped her bad character. Nevertheless, she still received a few more kicks while being ordered to get up and move forward. She struggled to stand up and received another blow from a binder to the face. Ibiki became angry and demanded that it stop.

She continued along the street, turned into another, under the gaze and jeers of the village residents. She received stones and insults but still did not respond, looking straight ahead. She was taken to the interrogation building, where a superior ninja informed her of the rights she had— not the right to remain silent, but the right to consult a doctor, the right to write a message to a loved one, the right to be assisted by a lawyer. Tayuya initially thought it was a joke. Was this really how they treated prisoners here? Even the prisoners here have rights, and she wasn't going to complain about that. After a moment of hesitation, she decided to be assisted by a court-appointed lawyer—might as well make use of that right. The rest didn't appeal to her much.

As required by the ninja code, she was entitled to speak alone with her lawyer. Her lawyer explained the procedure to her and strongly advised her to cooperate. If everything went well, at best, she would face prison and gradually be integrated into the village based on her conduct. Tayuya, who remained silent and impassive, began to find inner peace at the prospect of redeeming herself and finally feeling useful. The lawyer outlined the elements of the trial and the procedure to his client: "You are accused of being an accomplice in the attack on Konoha. An accomplice in the assassination of the Third Hokage. Accused of murdering a Konoha ninja. Attempted murder of several high-ranking ninjas." With each charge, Tayuya felt a huge knot in her stomach. "However," continued her lawyer, "You spared the life of a ninja, you also spared the life of a ninja from an allied village. You even took her to a ninja inn; without that, she would probably have lost her life. You helped the Konoha ninjas defeat one of our Sound Village enemies. Finally, you willingly came to Konoha without significant complications. For all these reasons, there are mitigating circumstances, so you will not have to undergo torture, especially since the Fifth Hokage insisted not to torture you." Though reassured, Tayuya asked what would happen to her from now on. "Regarding the procedure, I assume we agree that you will cooperate with us, right?" asked the lawyer. "Yes," replied the former Sound Village ninja. "Pleased to hear you say that. In that case, your procedure will be simplified and will proceed in this order: after our meeting, you will be taken to a room where you will be asked questions about your childhood, your personality, information about Orochimaru, your current intentions toward the village, and your plans for reintegration into the village if you inspire confidence. Then, you will be taken to the mind-reading room to see if what you said during the previous session is in line with your thoughts. They will draw conclusions from that, and then you will be sent to the torture chamber." Tayuya turned her head as if to question what he was saying, but the lawyer reassured her, "I'm joking, you won't go to the torture chamber, I assure you. It was just to see if you were listening; you seemed to be dreaming or somewhere else." "Don't worry, I've heard everything," replied the young woman, but she was exasperated, as if a joke about torture would make her laugh. Clearly, he wasn't the one going through all of this. "Please continue," she added. "After that, you will be taken to prison, but everything depends on the conclusions of the procedure, the judgment, and your behavior in prison; it will affect the duration of your incarceration." The end of the interview was approaching, and the lawyer was pleased to have such a cooperative client, even if she was very reserved. Tayuya was a little relieved to finally have a glimmer of hope. "Don't worry; you'll have to hold on for a while, but one day, you'll also find your place here," the lawyer concluded before getting up.