
Naruto: Gravity Manipulation

Dai, an Otaku, died from an unfortunate event and reincarnated in the world of Naruto. Follow him on his journey where he purse to be the strongest. ———————————————————————————————————————————— I do not own the picture or any character other than from my own creation. If you want it to be taken down, so let me know.

Akashi1 · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 1 - A New World

In the dark tunnel, one could see nothing but blood and dead bodies. Some of them had their eyes wide open as they were unconvinced and felt unjust of what happened to them.

Among the pile of dead bodies, there was man struggling to hang onto his life. He gasped for an air with all his might, but only to be left with disappointment. Looking below him, he could see a bloody red rod coming out of his stomach.

' Wha what the fuck is going? Did the tunnel just explode?' Exclaimed the man in fear.

He was in extreme shock that he didn't even feel pain at first and believed this to be a dream. Hope was the only thing that kept him alive. However, this hope in reality became his worst enemy as it prolonged his torments. He could feel it. His time was up, his end was near.

'I don't want to die. I still have many things I need to do. I don't want die not knowing the one piece ending.' Cried the man as he clinged on this so called hope. People may think this is pathetic, but he couldn't care less. He loved to watch anime, especially One piece and Naruto

But as they say, reality was often disappointing because death soon enough grasped him.

Infinite Void,

"Interesting" A voice appeared that shook the void itself.

Nothingness. From the beginning, there was no concept of time and space. Nothing could survive here, weather they be living or non living. This was a place that acted as barrier that kept infinite multiverse separated.

Despite this, an anomaly appeared. And he who created everything, the Almighty, never foresaw a soul drifting in this endless void. This rose his interest as since the beginning of time, he knew everything as he was omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.

Therefore, to satisfy his interest, the being quickly warped the soul with his power to protect him.

"For you to survive in that harsh environment, I will give you some gifts. Good luck young man." The being waved his hand and opened up a portal, which reincarnated soul into one of the universe from the his memory.

Land of fire, hidden leaf village.

In a green lush mountain, there stood a handsome young man. Although the mountain was filled with vibrant trees, the young man known as Dai stood in an empty space that was filled with nothing but pieces of wood. If one looked from above, you would see spider web like crack all around Dai

'10 years, it's been 10 years since I came in this world. Specifically in the world of Naruto.' As the young man man thought, he sighed.

That's right, Dai has been living in hidden leaf village for 10 years. He woke up in this world at the age of 3, with no family. When he began to realise where he was, he trained every day after his body started developing.

'Just thinking of the incoming world threats such Madara, Kuguya and Jigen gives me a chill. Although these events are life threatening, I was luckily given special power and system that just lets my see my status.' Dai began to gain confidence as he thought this.

He didn't know who gave him this power and reincarnated him but he was thankful non the less.

'Status' thought Dai as he began to stare at the screen which was invisible to everyone.

[ Name: Dai Haruto]

[Age: 12]

[Chakra capacity: 1000/1000 (+Genin)]

[Strength: D]

[Speed: C]

[Dexterity: C]

[Constitution: C]

[Innate abilities]

[Gravity manipulation] - Advanced


[Attraction & Repulsion]

[Gravitational pressure]

[Gravitational sense]

[Gravity slash - raging tiger]

[Floor tilting]

"Looks like I got a long way before I become the strongest. But I can control one of the fundamental powers of the universe, Gravity."

He faced against a boulder that was size of a bus. Very quickly a heavy pressure descended out of nowhere and completely shattered the boulder in fragments. Upon its destruction, one could a web like cracks on the ground.

"With enough time, I will have unlimited power." Dai clenched his fist with excitement as he thought of this.

Soon, the sun began to set and he set out to his home, not orphanage. This is because he passed his graduation test and become a genin. And after that, you have to right to be independent.

Before Dai reached home, he stopped and fished out his wallet only to see it empty.

"I wanted to eat Ichiraku ramen" wailed Dai as he passed by the smell of delicious Ichiraku

After reaching home, Dai took a shower and made instant noodles. "At least it's better than nothing" Sulked Dai.

Quickly he munched on his so called dinner, then he decided to sleep early for tomorrow.

'Tomorrow is my first day as a genin. Let's see what team I will be put into.' He thought before he fell asleep.


Hi guys, I'm new to all this. I would like to finish this novel and along the way I would need know what's good and bad about this novel, which will motivate me and improve this novel. So feel free to give your honest review.

I will be uploading 4-5 chapter/week. The next will be uploaded on Monday as I want to take time to bulk up some chapter.