
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · 漫画同人
58 Chs

Chapter 39

Gap - External Dimension.


In this dimension you can see Naruto and the Leader of the Hindu Faction and Top 1 of the strongest beings in the Supernatural World "Shiva" exchanging blows at Supersonic speeds that created consecutive Void Bursts in each clash.


The sonic explosions continued.

Shiva is actually surprised to witness for Himself an Angel no less who can be compared to Him and maintain in a Fight no less, Something that should be Impossible!, No matter even his race, This has never happened before,.. Someone who would keep up with him, which also made him notice that he got a little rusty over time when he noticed that he felt some tension in some of his muscles that he had not moved before in such a defensive and offensive way. Once, not even Indra ever gave him time.


Wow ...​

Shiva cursed the distraction while spitting out saliva with some blood to his surprise when the Angel's fist passed his guard and connected with his stomach.

Shiva quickly moved his head to the side, avoiding another blow from the Angel that did not even give him a break, but he missed the power that shone in his Abdomen where Naruto had not retracted his other hand, and he realized it when he felt the heat.

Shit ...​


A powerful explosion resounded, creating powerful gusts of wind that shook everything around them as some smoke rose.

Naruto disappeared from his Place even in The Inside of the Explosion through a flash.

Inside the smoke screen.

Shiva, who is surrounded by a golden Aura, cursed being distracted. He had noticed that this Angel seeks to eliminate any slightest opportunity that may arise from the beginning. This explosion was too powerful and could have left him badly injured if he had not reacted to it. time and would have covered himself with his own Aura.

Shiva jumped from his place quickly, emerging from the smoke screen that hid him, showing small scratches and cuts on his purple skin, but that was not Attention but The Angel who moves with Him and looks at Him, to A covered by his resistant toga.

Naruto and Shiva looked at each other calmly when The Hindu God decided to Attack with His Raised Fist but it was a feint that Naruto did not take by Sending 100 attacks in 1 that Shiva countered.


A powerful sonic slingshot resounded while the Three Eyes of Shiva moved at abnormal speeds, not trusting the Angel who apparently was born to fight. One blow can go to Him, while another goes from Another Place and Another follows from another side, A damn dangerous rival and at the same time, a little exciting, since these born warriors who are born with the gift of fighting and doing the unexpected in such an experienced way do not exist or the good one, never faced one and is now seeing how terrifying What they can be, since they do not have a unique Style, but rather they react in an Abnormal way that makes it difficult to adapt to fight against Them, He cannot Adapt to This Angel, not to his form, None!

Shiva's four arms came into action when his Enemy began to use his two hands.


Another sonic boom echoed out that was literally trying to throw them both back.

Shiva contemplated that at this rate they would surely have erased the entire Underworld and...

The God Dodged two fists that passed his own to his surprise, He is Using his three damn eyes and four arms, How... how is he able to get past his defense and...

Shiva sent one of his fists that passed Naruto's and connected...



Naruto backed away and took two steps back with Shiva frowning,... He... hit something strange...

Naruto internally snorted because the supposed strongest didn't use his slight shock for a second to attack but he didn't point it out.

Naruto: congratulations... - he commented simply, without giving the specific point for which he congratulated him but Shiva understood it more or less, it was for hitting him... "What a Strange Angel?"

Naruto brought his robe-covered hand to his face as his robe moved back, showing Shiva his face for the first time.

Shiva opened his eyes surprised and somewhat shocked, What ?!, He is prettier than even his Wives and any being that He had seen before, " What the hell ?", Could someone so exist... The God denied, He is a man.

Shiva looked at his cheek as white as porcelain that has cracks, why ? Not even a stain of blood from his blow but cracks like... "as if it were a shell?", "What?" "What the hell is He?" He can only see Light in the Angel and nothing else... He doesn't understand, aren't his powers enough to see more in this Angel?

Naruto picked up his toga a little, taking out his hand which he passed over his somewhat cracked cheek while he was grooming himself as if by magic, much to the curiosity and annoyance of Shiva, who then felt a small discomfort in his abdomen and looked down at him. I notice... he has a bloodline in Este,... but in what Moment...

Shiva turned to Naruto and saw him smile softly but his eyes... not his eyes... They are a pool of gold Strange and Powerful... What is he facing? Is he even an Angel?

Naruto created two spears of Light in his Hands and Shiva quickly Summoned his Weapons in his four hands, he has already seen a lot... he cannot let his guard down even for a second, not with This Angel who should be Dead... One of His fists alone are enough to Eliminate the majority of beings in the Supernatural World but this Angel took it as if it were nothing and not only that, it hurt him and he missed it even with his three Eyes...

" Dead ...

Shiva listened with open eyes coming from his back and...


A powerful Explosion was generated, literally shaking the entire gap that is saturated with pure power that is even so Intense that it is visible to the Eyes.

Underworld - Grigory.

While Shiva and Naruto fight in an External breach in the Underworld, their "followers" are left fighting for themselves against their Enemies, above the destroyed Fallen Angels Faction and Ancient Grigory.


Multiple sonic booms echoed throughout the place as did dangerous currents of winds that literally split the earth in two.


Brahma and Hanuman met shoulder to shoulder and both Gods looked somewhat agitated and with their clothes dirty, although they did not present injuries but that does not mean that They expected any Opposition capable of Confronting Them more than The Angel who disappeared with Shiva but Apparently that Angel has followers just as monsters as Him and with varieties of Strange techniques that manage to repel Them no less.

Brahma didn't like that at all, He could practically see The vast power of His Enemies saturate The Air and be visible, something that only happens with truly powerful beings... but His Enemies... He had never heard of anything from They, nor that they were in the ranking of the top of the most powerful, that being what bothers him, he was in the dark about these monsters when he had become familiar with the strongest of the Top 10 for centuries, their races, powers and relatives but of these Enemies... he does not really know any of them except that they are part of the Angel Faction... when before said Faction was weak, really weak and did not have any Exponent, not even in the Top 10 of the strongest so which did not draw your attention to know about her but now literally monsters appear in this capable of eliminating Indra and no less compared to them, the strongest Gods and although one by one they could not, in a group they are more than a nuisance and enemies dangerous.

Hanuman: They are here... - The God mentioned seriously when he recovered some air and in a sonic explosion his Enemies appeared.

Lucifer broke his neck without presenting even the slightest wound on his body while he observes his enemies calmly, which makes him look more dangerous. Lucifer never acts serious or serious. Gabriel is at his side calmly, only with his somewhat dirty clothes and Michael is on his Other side... That one looks darker because of his Appearance and Armor that covers his face and there were also the two titanic Monsters behind the group.


Powerful gusts of wind shook the Dark Clouds themselves as Brahma and Hanuman shielded themselves from it before they were both surrounded by golden auras just like their Enemies by their own terrifying Auras and...


An Explosion followed as both groups disappeared.

Brahma appeared in Lucifer's Space Dodging the Attack of his ax and pending the Angel that was coming from behind him but he did not wait for a damn attack from above when he was just going to counterattack.



The God was thrown into the ground courtesy of Satan as the earth opened wider and tremors were generated by the powerful crash.

Hanuman cursed the abnormal speed of that Monstrously giant Monster, how it could move so...

The God did not finish contemplating while He engaged in a hand-to-hand fight against the disturbing Angel of Armor and the Other Monsters.



The clash of spear against spear could be heard until the God literally looked at a dark sphere at his side and could not curse...


Another gigantic explosion was generated, shaking everything.

Belial smiled wickedly still in his form and Joined his two Hands together before slowly opening them creating a highly compressed Dark Power Sphere.

Michael imitated him without any care to gather enough power to wipe out an entire human continent.


Rays came out of the compressed Spheres of both creators before they disappeared.

Gabriel noticed their movement just like Lucifer and both creating spears of Light sent them where they felt their Enemies who left said Attack range but did not expect to go to Another.


A gigantic explosion began to swallow everything around them, while in the sky, Morgana in the interior of her cube, looks in disbelief at how literally monsters this group are... not because of their appearance but because of their monstrous and brutal form. to fight, hell, those beings will still be alive?...

Morgana reinforced her cube in He Who Is Showing Some Cracks.

Underworld .

While in the destroyed faction of the Fallen Angels a powerful battle is fought by the Demons and Other races that live in The Underworld are aware of It, whether because it is Night when it should be day, The powerful tremors and winds that are reaching Them and their territories and The powerful magical signatures that Try to destabilize their senses of perception by being too powerful and large, "devils", They can even see from the Distance the saturation of pure power of different colors that they come.

The Maous had gathered wearing their battle suits and decided to go to the source while trying to get closer to the Place where they felt the powerful Magical signatures and see how to proceed with this, since if it continued it could literally destroy The Underworld Irremediably, The tremors are not a game, much less the winds, so they are going to see what they can do after having left certain important pillars in charge of protecting the Underworld, which is currently in a bit of Chaos for the same reason but they cannot be placed. to quell any march, nor respond to responses when This continues.

Sirzechs, Serafall, Fallbium and Ajuka flew against the powerful wind that tries to blow them back much to their surprise, as they had never dealt with such a powerful wind that would blow them back before.

Ajuka: Wait!... that's not Azazel?, Later... - The demon pointed to the known Fallen who can be seen on top of a Hill while staring in the direction where the winds come and This is his Faction.

Serafall: Azazel!... - The demon called him when they reached the Hill and walked towards the Fallen One while covering their faces from the powerful winds.

Azazel didn't turn around, in fact, he wasn't protecting himself from anything, he was just... looking into nothingness.

Sirzechs: Azazel?... - he asked seriously, reaching the Fallen Leader's side.

Fallbium frowned curiously, looking at the Fallen One.

"G...Grigory...no longer exists."

The demons present heard the Fallen Leader's whisper and opened their eyes surprised by his words, What did he just say? "Grigory", Wait... "The power"... Who is fighting?

Serafall: A... Azazel, what did you say... - The demon tried to ask again only to be Interrupted.

Azazel: Grigory does not exist... he looked with apprehension, pain and multiple strong emotions at the demon who shivered slightly under his gaze ... Gabriel led a Legion of Angels and...

Sirzechs: Wait... I interrupted him without understanding... , Gabriel? Like Gabriel the Seraphim?... you tell me that E...

Azazel: Not that Gabriel that you think... The real Gabriel, not the one that is compared to Serafall but, a real Monster that is now Free... denied ... not even you in your released form are a match... Not even the Four together! She... She played with Kokabiel, Penemue and myself included... she treated us like children centuries ago... As Michael told you before... Things are not as you think... Reality surpasses any belief or Written story... - He said Shocking the Demons with his words and more so to Serafall who does not believe that her "rival" is so powerful... she is strong yes, but against The four of them and in their Liberated forms.

Sirzechs [ What else is Heaven Hiding and why is Grigory Attacking?, I don't Understand ]... - The demon thought without Understanding what is happening and Azazel's Action... it is as if from Someone who had lost everything... Sirzechs denied, He still has to go to the source of those powers and see what he can do with it, Since it is more than a Threat to the entire Underworld and there is... there is a power... A unique Essence that he had not felt. for centuries... just waiting to be wrong.

Sirzechs: we have to move on, the questions and so on for later, we have to stop this or at this step everything will disappear... - he said watching how the winds literally ripped the Trees from the ground and lifted them into the air.

Ajuka and Fallbium nodded before Serafall asked Azazel to accompany them and tell them in The Path what happened... Which The Fallen Accepted... now... He... literally has nothing... no more Fallen , nothing... then why run and... Oh, true "Gabriel", She won't give him a pretty Death that's why he runs.

Even so, the 5 took flight and against the powerful winds they continued on their way, noticing how each time they got closer, the powerful Auras were more visible and gigantic, hell, they were so...

Azazel snorted, feeling his damn brother Lucifer, he is the only one who can possess an Aura literally of the devil, perverse and dark like no other.

Gap - External Dimension.

This dimension goes through great shocks that try to literally destroy the raw power that is being expelled.

Parts of the same dimension seem to crack as if they were breaking into pieces or cracking.


A sonic slingshot exploded as Naruto and Shiva retreated with The Last One being surrounded by Intense golden fire although one of the Wrists on his hand was missing.

Naruto looks calm with some cracks again on his cheek but inside them you can see an Intense Light barely being retained.

Naruto: sacrifice your hand for a blow?... - Mormuro while shaking his head before smiling when he sees something.

Shiva did not like the Angel's smile no matter how innocent he looked.

Naruto: I think I have something of yours... Kneel before Me and surrender and I will not Eliminate them... do not take my Words and we will continue with our fight although I will give the Order to my guardian of the gates of Heaven to Eliminate them... Although I think it would be best to say... I am going to Eliminate you and if I Eliminate your wives you will be able to see yourself with them in Limbo... or maybe, I may not let you see them... - He said calmly to Shiva who opened Abruptly his eyes widened when he understood what The Angel meant... his Wives were... Captured!

Several veins appeared on Shiva's face as anger began to fill him.

Shiva: Tu L...

Naruto smiled softly before raising his finger and wagging it in a No.

Naruto: I will not release them... I will not speak anymore... Choose... the next thing that comes out of your mouth will decide their fate... - He told him everything calmly without any type of Arrogance or Bad Intention, even Shiva could tell that in an almost innocent way... and I could believe him if it weren't that he has his wives at his mercy and asks for their surrender even though he feels that it is moving away. The Angel is strong, he admits it but he doesn't look tired or anything, nor does he seem As if his power was shaking or he wanted to stop his fight... So why does he ask him to surrender? You don't understand... or does he just want to finish off the Invaders of Heaven instead of keeping them in a cell or something like that?

Shiva gritted his teeth in Anger. Did Vishnu lose ? He could not complete his task and left his Wives and small Legion at the mercy of the Enemy. How strong is the Angel Faction? They should be Intimidated by their single presence or knowing that They set their eyes on Them but no... they don't and now, Do They Fight?

Shiva looked at the Angel in front of Him before Trying to feel his Wives and to his growing horror and Fear, he cannot feel them... his connection with Her and...

Naruto: mmm... Interesting shape of his Soul, right?... - He mentioned when Shiva saw the translucent form of Parvati appear in the arms of that... Angel before disappearing which made him grit his teeth and Naruto downplay its importance.

Naruto: good... Now I will destroy you...

Shiva: Wait !... - he shouted, clenching his teeth next to his Jaw tightly, nothing went as He planned but no... he cannot put his Wives in danger, perhaps, he could have tried to go for them or hit them. to the Angel, do something... Fight until you win or be defeated and The winner dictates the next course of action but... no... I don't know I could trust this Angel, He has damaged everything he knows and could have believed that he is an Angel... if he told him that he will eliminate his wives, he could possibly do it before he arrives at their side, since not having his connection with them, he cannot appear at their side and take them away, searching for them without his Connection will take a while and he doesn't believe that This Angel will give him time to do it, they could well continue with their fight while their Wives are Murdered and...

Naruto: I don't have your time... decide... - He ordered calmly while stretching out his neck.

Shiva closed his three Eyes for a moment, he was only a little short of opening the other two and fighting his Maximum but... he believes that is not going to happen... he could but he knew what would follow... perhaps, he should have gone with everything at the beginning and not Try to Adapt to This Angel damn Annoying and difficult to read and follow.

Naruto raised an eyebrow when he saw how The Hindu Leader began to bow while the dimension they were in began to disappear and they found themselves in The Beginning Place.

The stormy winds quickly disappeared and the Fight that was still going on in El Cielo stopped when both of them were sensed and quickly became the Center of Attention.

Brahma and Hanuman opened their eyes wide in Disbelief when they saw Shiva... Bowing on His Knees before The... Angel, " It cannot be ."

That was what the quartet of Demons and Azazel saw when they arrived at the Place, they witnessed with shocked and shocked glances the recognizable God Shiva kneeling in submission in front of Naruto.

Naruto smiled as his eyes glowed a powerful gold.

Naruto: good boy... - he said still with his smile, while everyone could literally see a Gigantic and Imposing Titan of pure Light behind Naruto.

Lucifer [ The supreme art of war is to defeat the Enemy without fighting, Although we fight a little ]... - the demon thought amusedly looking at her Imposing Big Brother who has subdued the " Supposedly strongest God ."

In some place.

In Some unknown Place where nothing could be seen but complete Darkness, a powerful and Imposing voice was heard.

"The Supernatural and human World Were not prepared for Him... An Authentic Monster in sheep's clothing ...











Well, The Heart is a Beautiful weakness.

Neither Naruto nor Shiva went to their Maximum as they saw, although Naruto showed himself superior due to his Born Fighting form.

Yes, Shiva is Intelligent and felt that he could not be trusted with Naruto and from the Escalar fight, his Wives of centuries could die, and he confirmed it when he did not feel his connection with Them... I don't think that no matter how much God he is, he would simply throw to his Lovers of centuries for literally nothing, Something that He Himself started but did not expect the reaction from the Other side.

Most powerful Gods do not actually expect there to be an enemy stronger than them, they have been the most powerful for centuries, etc... there is a bit of rust in Shiva for not having a rival and for someone to emerge who can hold his own against He... will have doubts, curiosity, surprise among others.

As I explained, I don't consider the Gods Etc. weak... they just didn't expect a reaction other than Naruto's and they didn't expect him to be so strong either... it took in part the personality of true Gods and that of the Anime to make them.

Lucifer not injured... "Veteran", that answers everything.